[nsure] is a nodejs class that allows deep testing, modification chains and model generation of objects
The goal here was to have a simple, yet highly flexible cheking system for variables
This project is still in very early development, hence anything is subject to change!
- installing
npm install nsure
- a simple example
this is a series of checks and modifications to make sure (nsure ;) ) that a string is a valid email
var nsure = require('nsure');
var nsureRules_user_email = {
defaultTo: function() {
return '[email protected]';
checks: [ 'type', 'stringMaxLength', 'replace_trim', 'email' ],
type: {
expected: 'string',
onFail: [ 'returnError' ],
error: {
code: 'email.format',
msg: '[email] needs to be valid, >6 chars and <80 chars.'
stringMaxLength: {
max: 80,
onFail: [ 'returnError' ],
error: {
code: 'email.format',
msg: '[email] needs to be valid, >6 chars and <80 chars.'
replace_trim: {
query: /^[\s]+|[\s]+$/g,
replacement: ''
email: {
onFail: [ 'returnError' ],
error: {
code: 'email.format',
msg: '[email] needs to be valid, >6 chars and <80 chars.'
var emailCheck = new nsure(nsureRules_user_email);
emailCheck('bla @blub');
- helpers for shortening your checks
var helpDemoRuleSet = {
'attributesToCheck': {
'gender': Nsure.helpers.inListNsure(['m', 'f']),
'height': Nsure.helpers.numberNsure(100, 290, 180),
'tld': Nsure.helpers.stringNsure(4, '.com'),
'url': Nsure.helpers.urlNsure(400, 'http://google.com'),
'email': Nsure.helpers.emailNsure(),
'protocols': Nsure.helpers.arrayOfNsure(['string', ['http', 'ftp', 'https' ], ['http'])
onUnruledAttributes: [ 'deleteAttribute' ],
onError: 'returnErrorMsg'
var testObject = {
var testEnsure = new Nsure(helpDemoRuleSet);
console.log('single attribute check ---');
var result = testEnsure.check(testObject, [ 'gender' ]);
console.log('full attribute check ---');
var result = testEnsure.check(testObject);
- getting a model from a more complex check
Here a complex object is defined, then a ruleset is defined and a nsure generated for it. the object is passed through and the result is modified appropriately. Also, whenever a nsure is instanced using a ruleset, it will generate a model based on that set of rules, which is available via .model
var rules = {
attributesToCheck: {
level: {
checks: ['type', 'numberRange'],
type: {
expected: 'number',
onFail: [ 'toInt' ],
fallback: function(input, options, fullInput, fullRules) { console.log('Error detected in "level"! "level" must be a number!'); return fullInput.level; }
numberRange: {
min: 1,
max: 13,
onFail: [ 'toBorder' ]
a: {
checks: [ 'type', 'numberRange' ],
type: {
expected: 'number',
onFail: [ 'toInt' ],
fallback: 0
numberRange: {
min: 2,
max: 1000,
onFail: [ 'toBorder' ]
b: {
checks: [ 'type', 'stringMaxLength' ],
type: {
expected: 'string',
onFail: [ 'toFallback' ],
fallback: ''
stringMaxLength: {
max: 8,
onFail: [ 'cut' ]
d: {
checks: [ 'mongoId' ],
mongoId: {
onFail: [ 'toFallback' ],
fallback: new ObjectID()
f: {
checks: [ 'regEx' ],
regEx: {
method: 'test',
//method: 'execute',
//executeReturn: 0,
expression: '^[0-9a-fA-F]{24}$',
flags: 'gi',
onFail: [ 'returnError' ],
error: {
code: 'test.f',
msg: '[f] should be a String of 24 chars.'
timestamp: {
checks: [ 'type' ],
type: {
expected: 'number',
onFail: [ 'toInt' ],
toInt: {
onFail: [ 'returnError' ],
error: {
code: 'timestamp',
msg: 'timestamp must be a number.'
fallback: function(val) {
var error = new aError('timestamp', 'timestamp must be a number.', val);
return error;
o: {
checks: [ 'type', 'subNsure' ],
type: {
expected: 'object',
onFail: [ 'returnError' ],
error: {
code: 'noObject',
msg: 'o must be a object.'
subNsure: {
attributesToCheck: {
o_a: {
checks: [ 'type' ],
type: {
expected: 'number',
onFail: [ 'returnError' ],
error: {
code: 'noNumber',
msg: 'o.o_a must be a number.'
o_c: {
checks: [ 'type', 'subNsure' ],
type: {
expected: 'object',
onFail: [ 'returnError' ],
error: {
code: 'noObject',
msg: 'o.o_c must be a object.'
subNsure: {
attributesToCheck: {
o_c_1: {
checks: [ 'type' ],
type: {
expected: 'number',
onFail: [ 'returnError' ],
error: {
code: 'noNumber',
msg: 'o.o_c.o_c_1 must be a number.'
onUnruledAttributes: [ 'deleteAttribute' ],
onError: 'returnErrorMsg'
onUnruledAttributes: [ 'deleteAttribute' ],
onError: 'returnErrorMsg'
var testEnsure = new nsureField(rules);
var result = testEnsure.check(testObject);
console.log('---=====---'); */
var a = 1;
- get everything
var a = 1;
v 0.2.27
Toni Wagner