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- 3D Interactable Plots for Multiple parameters:
- Results:
This is little bit large file
From the expert, the time to diagnosis of cancer takes a lot of time as it includes new studies/papers, which makes this a time-consuming and exhaustive process. With machine learning, we can fast-track the majority of scenarios and help the expert get updated details.
I have used below classical machine learning algorithms for the problem.
1: Naive Bayes
2: K Nearest Neighbors
3: Logistic Regression
4: Support Vector Machine (SVM)
5: Random Forest Classifier
6: StackedClassifier (Ensemble)
7: MaxVoting Classifier (Ensemble)
As you might know, these algorithms have their limitation and advantages, I have tried to incorporate the best use of them by remediating the problems. Like
The curse of dimensionality has been addressed by Response Coding.
Class imbalance can be tuned with stratified splits and using the Class weight parameter whenever exploitable.
Compute intensive Hyper-Tuning with parallelism when needed.
At last, the beautiful interface & ton of integration of streamlit used.
1: Download package.
2: Give executable rights to and run it.
- Change values in if you find it necessary.
- For model generation, please run the Notebook to export data models. I have added here for (lightweight) streamlit runtime.
Once complete run, check host's 8080 (default) port.