Detects project contributors and add it into
Add credits for people that help you ship code is important, but it is a task easy to forget. This tool makes it easy to integrate as part of your release process, so your contributors are always up to date ✨.
$ npm install git-authors-cli --global
$ git-authors-cli --help
Print all contributors and add it into package.json
$ git-authors-cli [options]
--cwd Specify the path for running the command (defaults to process.cwd())
--save Write contributors into package.json if it exists (defaults to true)
--print Show information from the terminal (defaults to true)
--ignore-pattern Skip authors if their name or email match pattern (allow multiple)
$ git-authors-cli # Get contributors for the current path project.
$ git-authors-cli ~/Projects/metascraper # Get contributors for a specific path project.
$ git-authors-cli --ignore-pattern # Ignore github public surrogate emails.
git-authors-cli © Kiko Beats, released under the MIT License.
Authored and maintained by Kiko Beats with help from contributors. · GitHub Kiko Beats · X @Kikobeats