Experimental implementation of regex; construct NFA/DFA from regex.
Construct NFA/DFA for the regex (a|b)*
import regex
a = regex.NFA.char('a') # construct NFA of regex 'a'
b = regex.NFA.char('b') # construct NFA of regex 'b'
union = a.union(b) # construct NFA of regex 'a|b'
closure = union.closure() # construct NFA of regex '(a|b)*' (kleene closure)
Digraph G {
node [shape=circle]
rankdir = LR
0 [shape=plaintext, label="start"]
3 [shape=doublecircle]
0 -> 6
1 -> 2 [label = " ε"]
2 -> 3 [label = " ε"]
4 -> 5 [label = " ε"]
6 -> 3 [label = " ε"]
2 -> 4 [label = " ε"]
7 -> 1 [label = " b"]
6 -> 4 [label = " ε"]
8 -> 2 [label = " ε"]
4 -> 7 [label = " ε"]
5 -> 8 [label = " a"]
dfa = regex.subset_construction(nfa)
Digraph G {
node [shape=circle]
rankdir = LR
0 [shape=plaintext, label="start"]
3 [shape=doublecircle]
2 [shape=doublecircle]
1 [shape=doublecircle]
0 -> 1
1 -> 2 [label = " a"]
3 -> 3 [label = " b"]
3 -> 2 [label = " a"]
2 -> 2 [label = " a"]
2 -> 3 [label = " b"]
1 -> 3 [label = " b"]
min_dfa = regex.dfa_minimize(dfa)
Digraph G {
node [shape=circle]
rankdir = LR
0 [shape=plaintext, label="start"]
1 [shape=doublecircle]
0 -> 1
1 -> 1 [label = " b"]
1 -> 1 [label = " a"]
Minimal DFA:
Utility function is provided to simplify the construction of NFA, escape ('\') and extensions ('[]^?') not supported, use carefully:
# Build NFA from regex
nfa = regex.parse('(a|b)*')
Known issue: abc*
will faultily parsed as (abc)*
Main reference: Engineering: A Compiler 2nd Edition