v8.6.3 - Patch Release
This is a patch release containing fixes for known issues, there are no breaking changes, or new features in this release.
- #108 Deleting a content / media node throws an error - we introduced a bug
☹️ when we added some basic caching to improve import times, that means content deletes throw an error because parent nodes are no longer set - #103 @leekelleher fixed some our spellings 👍
- Run ReportDebugging only in debug mode (report debugging, does a full export when doing an import, 99% of the time you don't want this, and you really don't want it when the site is running in release mode)
- Path Improvements - various little fixes to help with edge case installation, where the uSync folder is outside of the main site folders and in a folder that has a long name and windows is shortening that name in the environment path variables.
Get uSync
uSync is best installed via NuGet, as part of a calorie-controlled installation. you can also download it as a Umbraco package via the Umbraco BackOffice or the our.umbraco.com website.
Sync DataTypes, DocumentTypes, MediaTypes, Languages, Macros, Templates & MemberTypes
PM> install-package uSync -version 8.6.3
Content Edition
Add Content, Media, Domains, Dictionary Types and Content Templates
PM> install-package uSync.ContentEdition -version 8.6.3
more info at https://jumoo.co.uk/uSync