v8.4.1 - log less, smile more
Release Notes
This is a patch release for uSync 8.4.x it contains some simple fixes to reduce some info logging and a fix for the docTypeGrid editor:
- Commit 1972c1e adds a secondary alias for the docTypeGrid Editor, which will help uSync detect DocTypeGrids when you have customized the editor's config.
- Commit b8a502a Removes an Info log call, that could just put unessecerry information in the log file while syncing between servers
- Commit a44137a adds a GetSets() call to the HandlerFactory,
Get uSync
uSync is best installed via NuGet, as part of a calorie-controlled installation. you can also download it as a Umbraco package via the Umbraco BackOffice or the our.umbraco.com website.
Sync DataTypes, DocumentTypes, MediaTypes, Languages, Macros, Templates & MemberTypes
PM> install-package uSync
Content Edition
Add Content, Media, Domains, Dictionary Types and Content Templates
PM> install-package uSync.ContentEdition
more info at https://jumoo.co.uk/uSync