First up, this is just for fun. I'm building an MVC framework in Python as a challenge with a good friend, @coding_bear / Stubear666. He is similarly building one in C#. At the end we have to try and build something with them :)
- This is just for fun
- It's purpose isn't for any sort of production use, it will have security flaws and all sorts of badness
- I'm learning Python as I go. I chose Python over Node.js so that I could (hopefully) really increase my Python knowledge during this. But, given it's not my primary language I probably won't be using it to it's full effect. I figured it's the best sort of time / project to learn though...
- I have never made a framework of any sort from scratch. Therefore many decisions will probably be horrendous. Not that I didn't already, but this has already made me massively appreciate how seemingly 'simplistic' frameworks like Express and Flask are doing such a great job under the hood. There are so many pieces that come together to make these frameworks