Client NoSql database written in a .net standard 2.0 library
It will work with .net Framework 4.6.1, Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.iOS, and .net core.
This NoSql database is based on Lex.DB
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Add the ClientNoSql nuget package to your app
To start off create an instance of the client no sql
var db = new ClientNoSqlDB.DbInstance("testing")
Map the classes in your DB and initialize it. Make sure you map your primary key.
db.Map<Person>().Automap(i => i.Id);
You can save items in the db like this
db.Save(new Person() { FirstName = "Ken", Id = 1, LastName = "Tucker" },
new Person() { FirstName = "Tony", Id = 2, LastName = "Stark" },
new Person() { FirstName = "John", Id = 3, LastName = "Papa" },
new Person() { FirstName = "Delete", Id = 4, LastName = "Me" });
Load a single item
var item = db.LoadByKey<Person>(4);
Load all the items
list = db.LoadAll<Person>().ToList();
Delete an item