Organize and execute scripts, retrieve status, execute actions, automatic executions, etc.
Run .\Scripts\CreateInstaller.ps1
- The Script will be created based on the version contained on .\Grimoire\Grimoire.csproj
- Dotnet Core 3.1 required.
- InnoSetup 6 Required (if not installed on default path the script will ask for the executable path).
- The setup file will be created only if the unit tests pass.
- The setup file will be generated on .\Release\GrimoireSetup_****.exe
Run .\Scripts\RunTests.ps1
Version - 1.2.0
- Added Input interpolation.
- [Bug fix] Typo corrections.
- Updated documentation.
- [Bug fix] Error on timeout - handled correctly on result errors list.
- [Bug fix] Multiple interpolation keys on the same line now don't break.
- [Bug fix] Script keys - Now keys are verified only on script save, avoiding file access error.
- Added new unit tests for Vault feature.
- Added unit tests check on the installer generator script.
- Added 'run setup' option at end of installer generator script.
- Added Secret Vault Feature.
- Added Pin to secure Vault.
- Added Script interpolation: {{Key}} replaced by value stored on Vault.
- Added Group Visualization on Script List.
- Added Configuration to toggle Group Visualization on Script List.
- Updated choose file buttons.
- Added timeout on script.
- Added double click on the list to run script.
- Added error handling.
- fix warning - error shift bug.
- fix log bug.
- fixed installer CEF dependencies bug.
- New Blazor + Chromely interface.
- New script to generate installer.
- New Light theme.