Developed during Ethereum Developer Bootcamp. Link to Whitepaper
Clone this repo
Install the project
yarn add all
To compile the contract, just go
truffle compile --network mumbai
In a new terminal start a local blockchain using
truffle develop
To test:
truffle test --network develop
Now to deploy the NFT contract on the Ropsten Testnet.
First, make sure you get some ropsten testnet Ether. You can get some here:
Next, set up a ropsten provider. You can get one from or from
It should look like:
Next, configure network providers in truffle-config.js.
You must add your own 12 word account seed phrase by creating a .secret file in the base folder.
If everything is configured properly, you can now deploy. In your terminal, run the deploy command
truffle migrate --reset --network rinkeby
After testing please remove the .json files from src/contracts/ before each newer contract deployment.