Simple python project using multiple VM machines to create a microservices for basic app.
- General Info
- Technologies Used
- Features
- Step-by-step Instructions
- Project Status
- Room for Improvement
- Fairly simple take on microservices running on multiple machines.
- Main purpose is to learn more and familiarize one self with the possibilities of infrastructure as code.
- Git
- Vagrant
- Virtual Box, Vmware or other
- Ansible
- Docker
- Docker Compose
- Docker Swarm
List the ready features here:
- Infrastructure as code ready to deploy
- Automated software instalation
- Containerization
- Orchestration
Download the project to your local machine and open it in VSCode, PowerShell or some other IDE. Open a terminal in VSCode
Start by running the following commands
"Vagrant init"
to initialise the provisioning of virtual machines.
"Vagrant up"
to start your machines
Vagrant ssh main
to access the main host. If it asks for password, password=Vagrant
Go into your vagrant folder and do
sudo cp host /etc/hosts
to copy over the the information contained in your local host file to your machine. Try to ping your machine
ping server1
you should be able to get a response.
While still in "main" machine do
while creating ssh key leave it without the password. Once the key is created you will need to copy it to other 3 servers.
ssh-copy-id server1 && ssh-copy-id server2 && ssh-copy-id server3
this will copy over the public key from main. Once copied, test that you have ssh access to servers.
ssh vagrant@server1
it should connect to it without asking for password.
Now we can install and test our ansible capabilites
sudo apt install ansible
change directory to ansible
cd ansible
ansible servers -i thehosts -m command -a hostname
You should get a response that it found "main" and get all 3 responses from servers
If all of the tests passed, let's now have some fun and explore the power of ansible.
ansible servers -i thehosts -m command -a 'sudo apt-get -y install python-simplejson
Which will install python and json on all our servers allowing us to have more capabilities on those machines.
Ok so, let's run our ansible playbook and install docker on all 3 servers. Running the following command on your "main" will do just that.
ansible-playbook -i thehosts -K playbook1.yaml
After we can run a quick script to make sure docker was properly installed. Ssh into all servers and run
docker run hello-world
Next we can fork this project to get docker swarm on our system. You will need to adjust couple of things to make it work, mainly the host inventory file and add a manager and worker node to it. Also required is to change eth0 interface in swarm.yaml to eth1
Now we can go to one of the servers and verify that the cluster is created.
With all that done we can now run
docker-stack deploy -- compose-file docker compose yaml myapp
Once the service is compiled you can check it's status
docker service ps myapp_web
Next, let's now scale our application which is the main goal of this exercise. Run
docker service scale myapp_web=10
this will scale our app to 10 containers spread over all 3 servers. And you can easily scale this up to 1000+ provided that your machines can hadle the load.
Now go open another PowerShell, Terminal etc.. and ssh into main,
cd /vagrant/ansible
and test that your services are actually running in multiple containers. You can run curl server1:5000 or any other server and you can see that every time you run that command you will likely get a response from a container with different id.
You can adapt this project to run any other app by editing Dockerfile with your variation, make changes to requirements.txt, and docker-compose.yaml You can then use the Dockerfile to build the image and host it on Dockerhub or similar service.
Project is: mostly done.
Room for improvement:
- Add monitoring by implementing Grafana, Prometheous or similar.