makes zsh with nvm fast and more convenient
- Make
faster by loading only if.nvmrc
file found or called explicitly - Automatically calls
nvm use
is present. - If node vesion in
is not installed it will automatically callnvm install <node_version>
- Can be configured to load nvm before certain commands are executed on the shell (such as editors and IDEs)
WARNING: Do not install using npm. Use methods mentioned below.
Make sure you remove or comment out the following lines from your .zshrc file
# export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
# [ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm
# [ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" # This loads nvm bash_completion
curl -o- | zsh
then open new terminal or use
source ~/.zshrc
Clone the repo in $HOME
git clone $HOME/.znvm
source in .zshrc
echo "source $HOME/.znvm/" >> ~/.zshrc
then open new terminal or use
source ~/.zshrc
open $HOME/.znvm/ in an editor
gedit $HOME/.znvm/
Add/remove items from the ZNVM_PREEXEC ARRAY
# Add/remove items from the array given below
ZNVM_PREEXEC=("subl" "atom" "code")
# WARNING: Dont remove the ZNVM_PREEXEC variable
# leave ZNVM_PREEXEC=() to disable this feature
nothing to do here its very natural ;)
- if you wish to use nvm just call it, wait for it to load and then start using it
- if you switch to a dir that has .nvmrc, nvm will automatically load and use node version specified in .nvmrc
- if node version specified in .nvmrc is not installed it will be automatically installed and used
- if you have configured ZNVM_PREEXEC then nvm will be loaded before command executes