Reply to contact form submissions directly from the Wagtail admin
pip install wagtail-contact-reply
# ....
'wagtail_contact_reply', # Must be before wagtail.contrib.forms
# ...
I'm always open to PR's to improve this code and I'm not too picky about how it gets done. If you can make a contribution, I invite you to open a pull request (or an issue).
Things I want to do with this package but may or may not get the time to do...
- Save replies to each contact submission
- View replies from each contact submission
- Allow BCC emails
- Optionally email all other admins
- Add a hook after the reply email is sent
- Create default settings to fallback on
- Add JavaScript form validation (ie. If the form is trying to be submitted but is missing a required field, show an alert box above the button)
- A few standard tests for at least some coverage
- Add an autoresponding feature (worth discussing!)
- Add a checkmark if the form submission has a direct reply
- Kalob Taulien
- Your name soon?