(a.k.a LandSlide, BengBengBeng)
This is a three-in-one platform designed for the NASA 2017 Space App Challenge, Taipei
. For video and text introduction of our project, please visit the 2017 NASA Space App Challenge Page.
We use python Flask framework to setup the frontpage webservice and use Node and React to take care of the upload service and wager service (in submodule static/landslide_victory
and landslide_bid
respectively). Backend is implemented with Ruby on Rails.
Develop on your own environment
First, clone the project
$ git clone --recursive -j8 https://github.com/Kai-FengChen/LandSlide_BengBengBeng.git
$ git clone https://github.com/Kai-FengChen/LandSlide_BengBengBeng.git
$ cd LandSlide_BengBengBeng
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
Please note that you have to setup an SSH key for your github in order to clone the submodule successfully. See here for help.
Then, install all the prerequisites listed in requirements.txt
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Also, for reference, the project is developed with python 3. We recommend to use pyenv-virtualenv to create a clean python environment before installing all the packages. See here and here
Then, you have to install requirements for each submodule.
$ cd static/landslide_victory
$ npm install
$ cd ../../landslide_bid
$ npm install
$ cd ../landslide_backend
$ python hello.py
Upload Page:
$ cd static/landslide_victory
$ npm run start
Wager Page:
$ cd landslide_bid
$ npm run client
Backend and Database:
$ cd landslide_backend
$ bundle
$ rails db:migrate
$ rails s
├── README.md #This File
├── hello.py # MainPage
├── requirements.txt # Python dependencies
├── landslide_bid # Submodule for Wager Page
├── landslide_backend # Submodule for Backend and Database
└── static
├── CSS
├── JS
├── data # All the open-data
└── landslide_victory # Submodule for Upload Page
└── templates
└── sample.html # frontpage