Wikipedia API (Generated using OpenAPI Generators)
This API provides cacheable and straightforward access to Wikimedia content and data, in machine-readable formats.
- Limit your clients to no more than 200 requests/s to this API. Each API endpoint's documentation may detail more specific usage limits.
- Set a unique
header that allows us to contact you quickly. Email addresses or URLs of contact pages work well.
By using this API, you agree to Wikimedia's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Unless otherwise specified in the endpoint documentation below, content accessed via this API is licensed under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 and GFDL licenses, and you irrevocably agree to release modifications or additions made through this API under these licenses. See for background and details.
Please consult each endpoint's documentation for details on:
- Licensing information for the specific type of content and data served via the endpoint.
- Stability markers to inform you about development status and change policy, according to our API version policy.
- Endpoint specific usage limits.
This Dart package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 1.0.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.DartClientCodegen For more information, please visit
Dart 2.12 or later
Run the following to install:
$ flutter pub add wikipedia_api
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import 'package:wikipedia_api/api.dart';
final api_instance = CitationApi();
final format = format_example; // String | The format to use for the resulting citation data
final query = query_example; // String | URL of an article, DOI, PMCID or PMID in the URL-encoded format. Note that on the Swagger-UI doc page you don't need to URI-encode the parameter manually, it will be done by the docs engine.
final acceptLanguage = acceptLanguage_example; // String | For some articles the result depends on the `Accept-Language` header, so provide it if localized content is required.
try {
final result = api_instance.getCitation(format, query, acceptLanguage);
} catch (e) {
print('Exception when calling CitationApi->getCitation: $e\n');
All URIs are relative to /api/rest_v1
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
CitationApi | getCitation | GET /data/citation/{format}/{query} | Get citation data given an article identifier. |
FeedApi | aggregatedFeed | GET /feed/featured/{yyyy}/{mm}/{dd} | Aggregated featured content |
FeedApi | feedAnnouncementsGet | GET /feed/announcements | Current announcements to display |
FeedApi | onThisDay | GET /feed/onthisday/{type}/{mm}/{dd} | Events on this day |
MathApi | mediaMathCheckTypePost | POST /media/math/check/{type} | Check and normalize a TeX formula. |
MathApi | mediaMathFormulaHashGet | GET /media/math/formula/{hash} | Get a previously-stored formula |
MathApi | mediaMathRenderFormatHashGet | GET /media/math/render/{format}/{hash} | Get rendered formula in the given format. |
MobileApi | dataCssMobileTypeGet | GET /data/css/mobile/{type} | Get CSS for mobile apps. |
MobileApi | dataI18nTypeGet | GET /data/i18n/{type} | Get internationalization info |
MobileApi | dataJavascriptMobileTypeGet | GET /data/javascript/mobile/{type} | Get JavaScript for mobileapps |
MobileApi | getSections | GET /page/mobile-sections/{title} | Get mobile-optimized HTML sections for a title. |
MobileApi | getSectionsLead | GET /page/mobile-sections-lead/{title} | Get mobile-optimized HTML lead section and metadata for a title. |
MobileApi | getSectionsLeadWithRevision | GET /page/mobile-sections-lead/{title}/{revision} | Get mobile-optimized HTML lead section and metadata for a title. |
MobileApi | getSectionsRemaining | GET /page/mobile-sections-remaining/{title} | Get non-lead mobile-optimized HTML sections for a title. |
MobileApi | getSectionsRemainingWithRevision | GET /page/mobile-sections-remaining/{title}/{revision} | Get non-lead mobile-optimized HTML sections for a title. |
MobileApi | getSectionsWithRevision | GET /page/mobile-sections/{title}/{revision} | Get mobile-optimized HTML sections for a title. |
OfflineApi | pageMobileHtmlOfflineResourcesTitleGet | GET /page/mobile-html-offline-resources/{title} | Get styles and scripts for offline consumption of mobile-html-formatted pages |
OfflineApi | pageMobileHtmlOfflineResourcesTitleRevisionGet | GET /page/mobile-html-offline-resources/{title}/{revision} | Get styles and scripts for offline consumption of mobile-html-formatted pages |
PageContentApi | getContentMediaList | GET /page/media-list/{title} | Get list of media files used on a page. |
PageContentApi | getContentMobileHtml | GET /page/mobile-html/{title} | Get page content HTML optimized for mobile consumption. |
PageContentApi | getContentWithRevisionMediaList | GET /page/media-list/{title}/{revision} | Get list of media files used on a page. |
PageContentApi | getContentWithRevisionMobileHtml | GET /page/mobile-html/{title}/{revision} | Get page content HTML optimized for mobile consumption. |
PageContentApi | getFormatRevision | GET /page/html/{title}/{revision} | Get HTML for a specific title/revision & optionally timeuuid. |
PageContentApi | getRelatedPages | GET /page/related/{title} | Get pages related to the given title |
PageContentApi | pageDataParsoidTitleRevisionTidGet | GET /page/data-parsoid/{title}/{revision}/{tid} | Get data-parsoid metadata for a specific title/revision/tid. |
PageContentApi | pageGet | GET /page/ | List page-related API entry points. |
PageContentApi | pageHtmlTitleGet | GET /page/html/{title} | Get latest HTML for a title. |
PageContentApi | pageLintTitleGet | GET /page/lint/{title} | Get the linter errors for a specific title/revision. |
PageContentApi | pageLintTitleRevisionGet | GET /page/lint/{title}/{revision} | Get the linter errors for a specific title/revision. |
PageContentApi | pageMobileHtmlOfflineResourcesTitleGet | GET /page/mobile-html-offline-resources/{title} | Get styles and scripts for offline consumption of mobile-html-formatted pages |
PageContentApi | pageMobileHtmlOfflineResourcesTitleRevisionGet | GET /page/mobile-html-offline-resources/{title}/{revision} | Get styles and scripts for offline consumption of mobile-html-formatted pages |
PageContentApi | pagePdfTitleFormatGet | GET /page/pdf/{title}/{format} | Get a page as PDF |
PageContentApi | pagePdfTitleFormatTypeGet | GET /page/pdf/{title}/{format}/{type} | Get a page as PDF |
PageContentApi | pagePdfTitleGet | GET /page/pdf/{title} | Get a page as PDF |
PageContentApi | pageRandomFormatGet | GET /page/random/{format} | Get content for a random page |
PageContentApi | pageSegmentsTitleGet | GET /page/segments/{title} | Fetches a segmented page to be used in machine translation |
PageContentApi | pageSegmentsTitleRevisionGet | GET /page/segments/{title}/{revision} | Fetches a segmented page to be used in machine translation |
PageContentApi | pageSummaryTitleGet | GET /page/summary/{title} | Get basic metadata and simplified article introduction. |
PageContentApi | pageTitleTitleGet | GET /page/title/{title} | Get revision metadata for a title. |
PageContentApi | pageTitleTitleRevisionGet | GET /page/title/{title}/{revision} | Get revision metadata for a title. |
ReadingListsApi | dataListsBatchPost | POST /data/lists/batch | Create multiple new lists for the current user. |
ReadingListsApi | dataListsChangesSinceDateGet | GET /data/lists/changes/since/{date} | Get recent changes to the lists |
ReadingListsApi | dataListsGet | GET /data/lists/ | Get all lists of the current user. |
ReadingListsApi | dataListsIdDelete | DELETE /data/lists/{id} | Delete a list. |
ReadingListsApi | dataListsIdEntriesBatchPost | POST /data/lists/{id}/entries/batch | Create multiple new list entries. |
ReadingListsApi | dataListsIdEntriesEntryIdDelete | DELETE /data/lists/{id}/entries/{entry_id} | Delete a list entry. |
ReadingListsApi | dataListsIdEntriesPost | POST /data/lists/{id}/entries/ | Create a new list entry. |
ReadingListsApi | dataListsIdPut | PUT /data/lists/{id} | Update a list. |
ReadingListsApi | dataListsPagesProjectTitleGet | GET /data/lists/pages/{project}/{title} | Get lists of the current user which contain a given page. |
ReadingListsApi | dataListsPost | POST /data/lists/ | Create a new list for the current user. |
ReadingListsApi | dataListsSetupPost | POST /data/lists/setup | Opt in to use reading lists. |
ReadingListsApi | dataListsTeardownPost | POST /data/lists/teardown | Opt out from using reading lists. |
ReadingListsApi | getListEntries | GET /data/lists/{id}/entries/ | Get all entries of a given list. |
RecommendationApi | dataRecommendationArticleCreationMorelikeSeedArticleGet | GET /data/recommendation/article/creation/morelike/{seed_article} | Recommend missing articles |
RecommendationApi | dataRecommendationArticleCreationTranslationFromLangGet | GET /data/recommendation/article/creation/translation/{from_lang} | Recommend articles for translation. |
RecommendationApi | dataRecommendationArticleCreationTranslationFromLangSeedArticleGet | GET /data/recommendation/article/creation/translation/{from_lang}/{seed_article} | Recommend articles for translation. |
TalkPagesApi | pageTalkTitleGet | GET /page/talk/{title} | Get structured talk page contents |
TalkPagesApi | pageTalkTitleRevisionGet | GET /page/talk/{title}/{revision} | Get structured talk page contents |
TransformsApi | doDict | GET /transform/word/from/{from}/{word} | Fetch the dictionary meaning of a word |
TransformsApi | doDictProvider | GET /transform/word/from/{from}/{word}/{provider} | Fetch the dictionary meaning of a word |
TransformsApi | doMT | POST /transform/html/from/{from} | Machine-translate content |
TransformsApi | doMTProvider | POST /transform/html/from/{from}/{provider} | Machine-translate content |
TransformsApi | transformHtmlToWikitextPost | POST /transform/html/to/wikitext | Transform HTML to Wikitext |
TransformsApi | transformHtmlToWikitextTitlePost | POST /transform/html/to/wikitext/{title} | Transform HTML to Wikitext |
TransformsApi | transformHtmlToWikitextTitleRevisionPost | POST /transform/html/to/wikitext/{title}/{revision} | Transform HTML to Wikitext |
TransformsApi | transformWikitextToHtmlPost | POST /transform/wikitext/to/html | Transform Wikitext to HTML |
TransformsApi | transformWikitextToHtmlTitlePost | POST /transform/wikitext/to/html/{title} | Transform Wikitext to HTML |
TransformsApi | transformWikitextToHtmlTitleRevisionPost | POST /transform/wikitext/to/html/{title}/{revision} | Transform Wikitext to HTML |
TransformsApi | transformWikitextToLintPost | POST /transform/wikitext/to/lint | Check Wikitext for lint errors |
TransformsApi | transformWikitextToLintTitlePost | POST /transform/wikitext/to/lint/{title} | Check Wikitext for lint errors |
TransformsApi | transformWikitextToLintTitleRevisionPost | POST /transform/wikitext/to/lint/{title}/{revision} | Check Wikitext for lint errors |
TransformsApi | transformWikitextToMobileHtml | POST /transform/wikitext/to/mobile-html/{title} | Transform Wikitext to Mobile HTML |
- Action
- Announcement
- AnnouncementsResponse
- Batch
- CxDict
- CxDictTranslationsInner
- CxMt
- DataListsGet200Response
- DataListsIdEntriesBatchPost200Response
- DataListsIdEntriesBatchPost200ResponseBatchInner
- DataListsIdEntriesBatchPostRequest
- DataListsIdEntriesPost200Response
- DataListsPagesProjectTitleGet200Response
- DataListsPost200Response
- DataParsoid
- Feed
- GetListEntries200Response
- Image
- ImageDescription
- ListCreateBatch
- ListEntryRead
- ListEntryWrite
- ListId
- ListRead
- ListWrite
- Listing
- ListingLinks
- ListingLinksNext
- MediaItem
- MediaItemCaption
- MediaItemOriginal
- MediaList
- MorelikeResultInner
- Mostread
- MostreadArticle
- NewsItem
- OnthisdayInner
- OnthisdayResponse
- Originalimage
- PageSegmentsTitleGet200Response
- Problem
- RecommendationResult
- RecommendationResultItemsInner
- Related
- Result
- Revision
- RevisionIdentifier
- RevisionInfo
- Revisions
- Summary
- SummaryCoordinates
- Thumbnail
- TitlesSet
- TransformWikitextToLintPostRequest
Endpoints do not require authorization.
Kingkor Roy Tirtho