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Basic interpreter
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KMahoney committed Jun 18, 2009
1 parent b76c8ec commit 2535b98
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Showing 12 changed files with 812 additions and 50 deletions.
167 changes: 167 additions & 0 deletions Dochi/Core.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
module Core (coreState) where

import IC(IC(..), Value(..))
import Interpreter

import Data.List (intercalate, intersperse)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Control.Monad.State

prettyprint v =
case v of
VString a -> a
VInteger a -> show a
VWord a -> "/" ++ a
VKeyword a -> ":" ++ a
VTrue -> "true"
VQuot _ -> "[QUOT]"
VClosure vals _ -> "[closure over " ++ (intercalate " " $ map prettyprint vals) ++ "]"
VNil -> "nil"
VCons h t -> "L{" ++ pplist h t
VTable t -> "T{" ++ (intercalate " " $ map pptable $ M.toList t) ++ "}"

where pplist h VNil = prettyprint h ++ "}"
pplist h (VCons h2 t2) = prettyprint h ++ " " ++ pplist h2 t2
pplist h t = prettyprint h ++ " . " ++ prettyprint t ++ "}"
pptable (k,v) = (prettyprint k) ++ " " ++ (prettyprint v)

doprettyprint = popstack >>= (liftIO . putStrLn . prettyprint)

checkedString = do
v <- popstack
case v of
VString s -> return s
_ -> chiError "Expecting String"

writestr = checkedString >>= (liftIO . putStr)

checkedInteger = do
v <- popstack
case v of
VInteger i -> return i
_ -> chiError "Expecting Integer"

bin_math fn = do
a <- checkedInteger
b <- checkedInteger
pushstack $ VInteger $ fn b a

bin_bool_math fn = do
a <- checkedInteger
b <- checkedInteger
pushstack $ if (fn b a) then VTrue else VNil

equality = do
a <- popstack
b <- popstack
pushstack $ if (b == a) then VTrue else VNil

ifstmt = do
f <- popstack
t <- popstack
c <- popstack
pushstack $ if (c /= VNil) then t else f

clearstack = modify $ \st -> st { stack = [] }

vcons = do
h <- popstack
t <- popstack
pushstack $ VCons h t

-- lists

checkedCons = do
v <- popstack
case v of
VCons h t -> return (h, t)
_ -> chiError "Expecting list"

makelist = pushstack VNil

vhead = do
(h, _) <- checkedCons
pushstack $ h

vtail = do
(_, t) <- checkedCons
pushstack $ t

-- interpreter state

printstack = do
s <- gets stack
let pp = concat $ intersperse " " $ reverse $ map prettyprint s
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "{" ++ pp ++ "}"

printenv = do
s <- gets env
let pp = (concat . intersperse " " . M.keys) s
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "{" ++ pp ++ "}"

printvars = do
s <- gets vars
let pp = concat $ intersperse " " $ reverse $ map prettyprint s
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "{" ++ pp ++ "}"

-- tables

checkedTable = do
v <- popstack
case v of
VTable t -> return t
_ -> chiError "Expecting table"

maketable = pushstack $ VTable $ M.empty

inserttable = do
k <- popstack
v <- popstack
t <- checkedTable
pushstack $ VTable $ M.insert k v t

gettable = do
k <- popstack
t <- checkedTable
pushstack $ fromMaybe VNil $ M.lookup k t

corelib = M.fromList
[ (".", doprettyprint)
, ("write", writestr)
, ("clear", clearstack)
, (".s", printstack)
, (".e", printenv)
, (".v", printvars)

, ("<table>", maketable)
, ("<<", inserttable)
, (">>", gettable)

, ("if", ifstmt)

, ("<list>", makelist)
, (";", vcons)
, ("head", vhead)
, ("tail", vtail)

, ("+", bin_math (+))
, ("-", bin_math (-))
, ("*", bin_math (*))
, ("/", bin_math (div))

, ("<", bin_bool_math (<))
, (">", bin_bool_math (>))
, ("<=", bin_bool_math (<=))
, (">=", bin_bool_math (>=))

, ("=", equality)

coreState = ChiState [] [] corelib
172 changes: 172 additions & 0 deletions Dochi/IC.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
module IC where

import Parse (AST(..))
import Data.List (elemIndex, (\\))
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map as M

import Control.Monad.Writer
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Error

-- To manipulate Haskell data structures with the interpreter, replace
-- ForeignType with a type of your choosing. There is probably a better,
-- more general way to do this e.g. with existential quantification, but I
-- don't understand the type system well enough.

-- A parametrised Value type would work, but the parameter cascades down
-- through IC etc. making it a lot of work.

type ForeignType = ()

data Value = VWord String
| VKeyword String
| VInteger Integer
| VString String
| VQuot [IC]
| VClosure [Value] [IC]
| VTrue
| VNil
| VCons Value Value
| VTable (M.Map Value Value)
| ForeignValue ForeignType
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- Intermediate Code

-- Captured values are pushed to a separate stack with VarPush
-- and referenced with VarIndex. At the end of the scope they are
-- pushed off the stack with EndScope. The rest are fairly
-- self-explanatory.

data IC = CallWord String
| FnCall
| PushValue Value
| PopValue
| VarPush String
| EndScope Integer
| VarIndex Integer
| MakeClosure [Int] [IC]
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

type VarState = [String]

-- uses a Writer monad to output IC

type Compiler a = WriterT [IC] (StateT VarState (Either String)) a

freevars :: [AST] -> S.Set String
freevars [] = S.empty
freevars (h:t) =
case h of
Word s -> S.insert s (freevars t)
CodeBlock a -> S.union (freevars a) (freevars t)
CallBlock a -> S.union (freevars [a]) (freevars t)
Capture a -> (freevars t) S.\\ (S.fromList a)
LList a -> S.union (freevars a) (freevars t)
LTable a -> S.union (freevars a) (freevars t)
_ -> freevars t

compileClosure :: [AST] -> Compiler ()
compileClosure ast =
do st <- get
if null (captured st)
then case compileScoped [] ast of
Left err -> throwError err
Right quot -> tell [PushValue $ VQuot quot]
else case compileScoped (captured st) ast of
Left err -> throwError err
Right quot -> tell [MakeClosure (indexes st) quot]

where captured st = S.toList $ S.intersection (freevars ast) (S.fromList st)
indexes st = reverse $ catMaybes $ map (flip elemIndex st) (captured st)

-- Literal list and table constructs

literalValue :: AST -> Compiler Value
literalValue v =
case v of
Word "nil" -> return VNil
Word name -> return $ VWord name
LInteger value -> return $ VInteger value
LString value -> return $ VString value
LKeyword value -> return $ VKeyword value
LList value -> literalList value
LTable value -> literalTable value

CodeBlock ast -> do vs <- get
case compile vs ast of
Left err -> throwError err
Right quot -> return $ VQuot quot

-- errors
Capture ids -> throwError "Capture in literal list"
CallBlock value -> throwError "@ Call in literal list"

literalList :: [AST] -> Compiler Value
literalList ast = mapM literalValue ast >>= (return . foldr VCons VNil)

literalTable :: [AST] -> Compiler Value
literalTable ast = do t <- mapM literalValue ast
m <- makeMap t
return $ VTable m

where makeMap :: [Value] -> Compiler (M.Map Value Value)
makeMap [] = return M.empty
makeMap (_:[]) = throwError "Odd number of values for literal table"
makeMap (k:v:tail) = makeMap tail >>= (return . M.insert k v)

compileAST :: AST -> Compiler ()
compileAST ast =

case ast of
Word name -> callword name
LInteger value -> tell [PushValue $ VInteger value]
LString value -> tell [PushValue $ VString value]
LKeyword value -> tell [PushValue $ VKeyword value]
Capture ids -> do tell $ map VarPush (reverse ids)
modify $ \st -> ids ++ st
CodeBlock ast -> compileClosure ast
CallBlock value -> do compileAST value
tell [FnCall]
LList value -> do l <- literalList value
tell [PushValue l]
LTable value -> do t <- literalTable value
tell [PushValue t]

callword "drop" = tell [PopValue]
callword "nil" = tell [PushValue VNil]
callword "call" = tell [FnCall]
callword "true" = tell [PushValue VTrue]
callword "false" = tell [PushValue VNil]
callword name = do st <- get
case (elemIndex name st) of
Just i -> tell [VarIndex (toInteger i)]
Nothing -> tell [CallWord name]

runCompiler st action = evalStateT (execWriterT $ action) st

compile :: VarState -> [AST] -> Either String [IC]
compile st ast = runCompiler st $ mapM_ compileAST ast

-- Compile the AST and pop the captured values from the value stack.

compileScoped :: VarState -> [AST] -> Either String [IC]
compileScoped st ast = runCompiler st $ do mapM_ compileAST ast
st <- get
let c = length st
when (c > 0) $ tell [EndScope $ toInteger c]

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