GtkRadiant is an open-source, cross-platform level editor for id Tech based games. It comes with some map compilers and data authoring tools.
Ready-to-use GtkRadiant packages are available on the Downloads page on GtkRadiant's website. Some installation instruction may be useful.
GtkRadiant provides level editing support for Quake, Quake2, Quake III Arena, QuakeLive, Quetoo, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force, Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, Unvanquished, Urban Terror, Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory.
You can find more complete instructions to build on Windows there and to build on Mac OS there.
# install build dependancies
# Ubuntu 18.04
apt install git scons python-urllib3 libxml2 libxml2-dev libgtk2.0 libgtk2.0-dev libgtkgl2.0-1 libgtkgl2.0-dev libglu1-mesa libglu1-mesa-dev libgtkglext1 libgtkglext1-dev subversion libjpeg8 libjpeg8-dev
# Ubuntu 20.04
apt install git scons libxml2 libxml2-dev libgtkgl2.0-1 libgtkgl2.0-dev libglu1-mesa libglu1-mesa-dev libgtkglext1 libgtkglext1-dev subversion libjpeg8 libjpeg8-dev
# ArchLinux
pacman -S git scons python-urllib3 libxml2 gtk2 freeglut gtkglext subversion libjpeg-turbo
# get the source
git clone ""
# enter the source tree
cd GtkRadiant
# build everything
You can build a specific part like this:
# only build the GtkRadiant level editor
scons target="radiant"
# only build the q3map2 map compiler and the q3data tool
scons target="q3map2,q3data"
Level editor binary (radiant
) and tools (like q3map2
) will be found in install/
The build process automatically fetches gamepacks.
The #radiant channel at QuakeNet is the official GtkRadiant IRC channel. Come and chat about level design, development or bugs, you're welcome. Bugs can be submitted on the GitHub issue tracker.
GtkRadiant source code is copyrighted by id Software, Inc and various contributors and protected by the General Public License v2.