This project is a plugin for the nukkit server software environment. This plugin adds player heads to the server.
You can find the downloads on the releases section of this github page. There you can find the LATEST jar file of this plugin.
1. Open the chat in your client.
2. Ensure you have the operator status on the server or have the permission "heads.command.head",
otherwise you will not be able to use this command.
3. Type /head followed by the name of the skull owner.
(This can be any player which has joined the server once
or a java editiopn player)
4. You will see a head appear in your inventory if the player was found.
If the player was not found, you will see a message in the chat.
import cn.nukkit.Player;
import de.kcodeyt.heads.api.HeadAPI;
public class YourPlugin {
public static void giveHeadByName(Player player, String name) {
HeadAPI.giveHead(player, name).whenComplete((result, error) -> {
if(result == null || error != null) {
// something went wrong
if(!result.isSuccess()) {
// use result.getCause() to find out why the head was not given
// head was given.