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PyCHAS ( Python C/C++ header amalgamation script ) is a tool for compiling C/C++ headers into one; allowing for better organization.


A header starting header file is required. The script goes through all included local headers, and puts external includes at the top of the output header.

The script also utilizes the "#pragma" for settings.

#pragma PYCHAS path . // Current file path
#pragma PYCHAS comments off // On/Off
#pragma PYCHAS noexpand // Don't expand included headers

And for usage

$ pychas -h
usage: pychas [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [--debug] file

Creates single-header libraries from given top-level input

positional arguments:
  file                  top-level file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        output file or directory
  --debug               verbose debug output

If output exists and is a directory, the file is saved
inside with the same name as the input.

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