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Support arbitrary indices for interpolation & extrapolation
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Prefiltering currently requires extending A_ldiv_B_md! for non1-array types.
This seems necessary because our linear algebra infrastructure all assumes 1-based indices.
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timholy committed Apr 11, 2017
1 parent 380b80c commit e6c7e4c
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Showing 16 changed files with 222 additions and 41 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/Interpolations.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,7 +37,8 @@ export
using Compat
using WoodburyMatrices, Ratios, AxisAlgorithms

import Base: convert, size, getindex, gradient, promote_rule, ndims, eltype, checkbounds
import Base: convert, size, indices, getindex, gradient, promote_rule,
ndims, eltype, checkbounds

# Julia v0.5 compatibility
if isdefined(:scaling) import Base.scaling end
Expand Down
49 changes: 45 additions & 4 deletions src/b-splines/b-splines.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,17 +38,28 @@ padding(itp::AbstractInterpolation) = padding(typeof(itp))
padextract(pad::Integer, d) = pad
padextract(pad::Tuple{Vararg{Integer}}, d) = pad[d]

lbound{T,N,TCoefs,IT}(itp::BSplineInterpolation{T,N,TCoefs,IT,OnGrid}, d) = 1
ubound{T,N,TCoefs,IT}(itp::BSplineInterpolation{T,N,TCoefs,IT,OnGrid}, d) = size(itp, d)
lbound{T,N,TCoefs,IT}(itp::BSplineInterpolation{T,N,TCoefs,IT,OnCell}, d) = 0.5
ubound{T,N,TCoefs,IT}(itp::BSplineInterpolation{T,N,TCoefs,IT,OnCell}, d) = size(itp, d)+0.5
lbound{T,N,TCoefs,IT}(itp::BSplineInterpolation{T,N,TCoefs,IT,OnGrid}, d) =
first(indices(itp, d))
ubound{T,N,TCoefs,IT}(itp::BSplineInterpolation{T,N,TCoefs,IT,OnGrid}, d) =
last(indices(itp, d))
lbound{T,N,TCoefs,IT}(itp::BSplineInterpolation{T,N,TCoefs,IT,OnCell}, d) =
first(indices(itp, d)) - 0.5
ubound{T,N,TCoefs,IT}(itp::BSplineInterpolation{T,N,TCoefs,IT,OnCell}, d) =
last(indices(itp, d))+0.5

count_interp_dims{T,N,TCoefs,IT<:DimSpec{InterpolationType},GT<:DimSpec{GridType},pad}(::Type{BSplineInterpolation{T,N,TCoefs,IT,GT,pad}}, n) = count_interp_dims(IT, n)

function size{T,N,TCoefs,IT,GT,pad}(itp::BSplineInterpolation{T,N,TCoefs,IT,GT,pad}, d)
d <= N ? size(itp.coefs, d) - 2*padextract(pad, d) : 1

@inline indices{T,N,TCoefs,IT,GT,pad}(itp::BSplineInterpolation{T,N,TCoefs,IT,GT,pad}) =
map_repeat(indices_removepad, indices(itp.coefs), pad)

function indices{T,N,TCoefs,IT,GT,pad}(itp::BSplineInterpolation{T,N,TCoefs,IT,GT,pad}, d)
d <= N ? indices_removepad(indices(itp.coefs, d), padextract(pad, d)) : indices(itp.coefs, d)

function interpolate{TWeights,TC,IT<:DimSpec{BSpline},GT<:DimSpec{GridType}}(::Type{TWeights}, ::Type{TC}, A, it::IT, gt::GT)
Apad, Pad = prefilter(TWeights, TC, A, IT, GT)
BSplineInterpolation(TWeights, Apad, it, gt, Pad)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -78,6 +89,36 @@ offsetsym(off, d) = off == -1 ? Symbol("ixm_", d) :
off == 1 ? Symbol("ixp_", d) :
off == 2 ? Symbol("ixpp_", d) : error("offset $off not recognized")

# Ideally we might want to shift the indices symmetrically, but this
# would introduce an inconsistency, so we just append on the right
@inline indices_removepad(inds::Base.OneTo, pad) = Base.OneTo(length(inds) - 2*pad)
@inline indices_removepad(inds, pad) = oftype(inds, first(inds):last(inds) - 2*pad)
@inline indices_addpad(inds::Base.OneTo, pad) = Base.OneTo(length(inds) + 2*pad)
@inline indices_addpad(inds, pad) = oftype(inds, first(inds):last(inds) + 2*pad)
@inline indices_interior(inds, pad) = first(inds)+pad:last(inds)-pad

map_repeat(f, a, b)
Equivalent to `(f(a[1], b[1]), f(a[2], b[2]), ...)` if `a` and `b` are
tuples of the same lengths, or `(f(a[1], b), f(a[2], b), ...)` if `b`
is a scalar.
@generated function map_repeat{N}(f, a::NTuple{N,Any}, b::NTuple{N,Any})
ex = [:(f(a[$i], b[$i])) for i = 1:N]
$(Expr(:meta, :inline))
@generated function map_repeat{N}(f, a::NTuple{N,Any}, b)
ex = [:(f(a[$i], b)) for i = 1:N]
$(Expr(:meta, :inline))

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/b-splines/constant.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Constant
function define_indices_d(::Type{BSpline{Constant}}, d, pad)
symix, symx = Symbol("ix_",d), Symbol("x_",d)
:($symix = clamp(round(Int, $symx), 1, size(itp, $d)))
:($symix = clamp(round(Int, $symx), first(inds_itp[$d]), last(inds_itp[$d])))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -50,4 +50,4 @@ function index_gen{IT<:DimSpec{BSpline}}(::Type{BSpline{Constant}}, ::Type{IT},
indices = [offsetsym(offsets[d], d) for d = 1:N]
return :(itp.coefs[$(indices...)])
13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions src/b-splines/cubic.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ function define_indices_d{BC}(::Type{BSpline{Cubic{BC}}}, d, pad)
# ensure that all of ix_d, ixm_d, ixp_d, and ixpp_d are in-bounds no
# matter the value of pad
$symix = clamp(floor(Int, $symx), $(2-pad), size(itp,$d)+$(pad-2))
$symix = clamp(floor(Int, $symx), first(inds_itp[$d]) + $(1-pad), last(inds_itp[$d]) + $(pad-2))
$symfx = $symx - $symix
$symix += $pad # padding for oob coefficient
$symixm = $symix - 1
Expand All @@ -56,11 +56,12 @@ function define_indices_d(::Type{BSpline{Cubic{Periodic}}}, d, pad)
symix, symixm, symixp = Symbol("ix_",d), Symbol("ixm_",d), Symbol("ixp_",d)
symixpp, symx, symfx = Symbol("ixpp_",d), Symbol("x_",d), Symbol("fx_",d)
$symix = clamp(floor(Int, $symx), 1, size(itp,$d))
tmp = inds_itp[$d]
$symix = clamp(floor(Int, $symx), first(tmp), last(tmp))
$symfx = $symx - $symix
$symixm = mod1($symix - 1, size(itp,$d))
$symixp = mod1($symix + 1, size(itp,$d))
$symixpp = mod1($symix + 2, size(itp,$d))
$symixm = modrange($symix - 1, tmp)
$symixp = modrange($symix + 1, tmp)
$symixpp = modrange($symix + 2, tmp)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -316,4 +317,4 @@ function prefiltering_system{T,TC,GT<:GridType}(::Type{T}, ::Type{TC}, n::Int,

Woodbury(lufact!(Tridiagonal(dl, d, du), Val{false}), specs...), zeros(TC, n)
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/b-splines/indexing.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ function getindex_impl{T,N,TCoefs,IT<:DimSpec{BSpline},GT<:DimSpec{GridType},Pad
@nexprs $N d->(x_d = xs[d])
inds_itp = indices(itp)

# Calculate the indices of all coefficients that will be used
# and define fx = x - xi in each dimension
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,6 +70,7 @@ function gradient_impl{T,N,TCoefs,IT<:DimSpec{BSpline},GT<:DimSpec{GridType},Pad
length(g) == $n || throw(ArgumentError(string("The length of the provided gradient vector (", length(g), ") did not match the number of interpolating dimensions (", n, ")")))
@nexprs $N d->(x_d = xs[d])
inds_itp = indices(itp)

# Calculate the indices of all coefficients that will be used
# and define fx = x - xi in each dimension
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -130,6 +132,7 @@ function hessian_impl{T,N,TCoefs,IT<:DimSpec{BSpline},GT<:DimSpec{GridType},Pad}
size(H) == ($n,$n) || throw(ArgumentError(string("The size of the provided Hessian matrix wasn't a square matrix of size ", size(H))))
@nexprs $N d->(x_d = xs[d])
inds_itp = indices(itp)

$(define_indices(IT, N, Pad))

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/b-splines/linear.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Linear
function define_indices_d(::Type{BSpline{Linear}}, d, pad)
symix, symixp, symfx, symx = Symbol("ix_",d), Symbol("ixp_",d), Symbol("fx_",d), Symbol("x_",d)
$symix = clamp(floor(Int, $symx), 1, size(itp, $d)-1)
$symix = clamp(floor(Int, $symx), first(inds_itp[$d]), last(inds_itp[$d])-1)
$symixp = $symix + 1
$symfx = $symx - $symix
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -100,4 +100,4 @@ function index_gen{IT<:DimSpec{BSpline}}(::Type{BSpline{Linear}}, ::Type{IT}, N:
indices = [offsetsym(offsets[d], d) for d = 1:N]
return :(itp.coefs[$(indices...)])
33 changes: 17 additions & 16 deletions src/b-splines/prefiltering.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,31 +6,32 @@ padding{IT<:BSpline}(::Type{IT}) = Val{0}()

function padded_index{N,pad}(sz::NTuple{N,Int}, ::Val{pad})
szpad = ntuple(i->sz[i]+2padextract(pad,i), N)::NTuple{N,Int}
ind = Array{UnitRange{Int}}(N)
for i in 1:N
p = padextract(pad,i)
ind[i] = 1+p:szpad[i]-p
@noinline function padded_index{N,pad}(indsA::NTuple{N,AbstractUnitRange{Int}}, ::Val{pad})
indspad = ntuple(i->indices_addpad(indsA[i], padextract(pad,i)), Val{N})
indscp = ntuple(i->indices_interior(indspad[i], padextract(pad,i)), Val{N})
indscp, indspad

copy_with_padding{IT}(A, ::Type{IT}) = copy_with_padding(eltype(A), A, IT)
function copy_with_padding{TC,IT<:DimSpec{InterpolationType}}(::Type{TC}, A, ::Type{IT})
Pad = padding(IT)
ind,sz = padded_index(size(A), Pad)
if sz == size(A)
coefs = copy!(Array{TC}(size(A)), A)
indsA = indices(A)
indscp, indspad = padded_index(indsA, Pad)
coefs = similar(dims->Array{TC}(dims), indspad)
if indspad == indsA
coefs = copy!(coefs, A)
coefs = zeros(TC, sz...)
coefs[ind...] = A
fill!(coefs, zero(TC))
copy!(coefs, CartesianRange(indscp), A, CartesianRange(indsA))
coefs, Pad

prefilter!{TWeights, IT<:BSpline, GT<:GridType}(::Type{TWeights}, A, ::Type{IT}, ::Type{GT}) = A
prefilter{TWeights, TC, IT<:BSpline, GT<:GridType}(::Type{TWeights}, ::Type{TC}, A, ::Type{IT}, ::Type{GT}) = prefilter!(TWeights, copy!(Array{TC}(size(A)), A), IT, GT), Val{0}()
function prefilter{TWeights, TC, IT<:BSpline, GT<:GridType}(::Type{TWeights}, ::Type{TC}, A, ::Type{IT}, ::Type{GT})
coefs = similar(dims->Array{TC}(dims), indices(A))
prefilter!(TWeights, copy!(coefs, A), IT, GT), Val{0}()

function prefilter{TWeights,TC,IT<:Union{Cubic,Quadratic},GT<:GridType}(
::Type{TWeights}, ::Type{TC}, A::AbstractArray, ::Type{BSpline{IT}}, ::Type{GT}
Expand All @@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ function prefilter!{TWeights,TCoefs<:AbstractArray,IT<:Union{Quadratic,Cubic},GT
::Type{TWeights}, ret::TCoefs, ::Type{BSpline{IT}}, ::Type{GT}
local buf, shape, retrs
sz = size(ret)
sz = map(length, indices(ret))
first = true
for dim in 1:ndims(ret)
M, b = prefiltering_system(TWeights, eltype(TCoefs), sz[dim], IT, GT)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -109,4 +110,4 @@ type `IT`.
`dl`, `d`, and `du` are intended to be used e.g. as in `M = Tridiagonal(dl, d, du)`
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions src/b-splines/quadratic.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ function define_indices_d{BC}(::Type{BSpline{Quadratic{BC}}}, d, pad)
# ensure that all three ix_d, ixm_d, and ixp_d are in-bounds no matter
# the value of pad
$symix = clamp(round(Int, $symx), 2-$pad, size(itp,$d)+$pad-1)
$symix = clamp(round(Int, $symx), first(inds_itp[$d])+1-$pad, last(inds_itp[$d])+$pad-1)
$symfx = $symx - $symix
$symix += $pad # padding for oob coefficient
$symixp = $symix + 1
Expand All @@ -45,10 +45,10 @@ function define_indices_d(::Type{BSpline{Quadratic{Periodic}}}, d, pad)
symix, symixm, symixp = Symbol("ix_",d), Symbol("ixm_",d), Symbol("ixp_",d)
symx, symfx = Symbol("x_",d), Symbol("fx_",d)
$symix = clamp(round(Int, $symx), 1, size(itp,$d))
$symix = clamp(round(Int, $symx), first(inds_itp[$d]), last(inds_itp[$d]))
$symfx = $symx - $symix
$symixp = mod1($symix + 1, size(itp,$d))
$symixm = mod1($symix - 1, size(itp,$d))
$symixp = modrange($symix + 1, inds_itp[$d])
$symixm = modrange($symix - 1, inds_itp[$d])
function define_indices_d{BC<:Union{InPlace,InPlaceQ}}(::Type{BSpline{Quadratic{BC}}}, d, pad)
Expand All @@ -58,11 +58,11 @@ function define_indices_d{BC<:Union{InPlace,InPlaceQ}}(::Type{BSpline{Quadratic{
# ensure that all three ix_d, ixm_d, and ixp_d are in-bounds no matter
# the value of pad
$symix = clamp(round(Int, $symx), 1, size(itp,$d))
$symix = clamp(round(Int, $symx), first(inds_itp[$d]), last(inds_itp[$d]))
$symfx = $symx - $symix
$symix += $pad # padding for oob coefficient
$symixp = min(size(itp,$d), $symix + 1)
$symixm = max(1, $symix - 1)
$symixp = min(last(inds_itp[$d]), $symix + 1)
$symixm = max(first(inds_itp[$d]), $symix - 1)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -263,4 +263,4 @@ function prefiltering_system{T,TC,GT<:GridType}(::Type{T}, ::Type{TC}, n::Int, :

Woodbury(lufact!(Tridiagonal(dl, d, du), Val{false}), specs...), zeros(TC, n)
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/extrapolation/extrapolation.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -78,5 +78,7 @@ end
lbound(etp::Extrapolation, d) = lbound(etp.itp, d)
ubound(etp::Extrapolation, d) = ubound(etp.itp, d)
size(etp::Extrapolation, d) = size(etp.itp, d)
indices(etp::AbstractExtrapolation) = indices(etp.itp)
indices(etp::AbstractExtrapolation, d) = indices(etp.itp, d)

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/scaling/scaling.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -241,6 +241,7 @@ function next_gen{CR,SITPT,X1,Deg,T}(::Type{ScaledIterator{CR,SITPT,X1,Deg,T}})
sitp = iter.sitp
itp = sitp.itp
inds_itp = indices(itp)
if iter.nremaining > 0
iter.nremaining -= 1
iter.fx_1 += iter.dx_1
Expand Down
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/utils.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
@inline sqr(x) = x*x
@inline cub(x) = x*x*x
@inline cub(x) = x*x*x

modrange(x, r::AbstractUnitRange) = mod(x-first(r), length(r)) + first(r)
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/REQUIRE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
93 changes: 93 additions & 0 deletions test/b-splines/non1.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
module Non1Tests

using Interpolations, OffsetArrays, AxisAlgorithms, Base.Test

# At present, for a particular type of non-1 array you need to specialize this function
function AxisAlgorithms.A_ldiv_B_md!(dest::OffsetArray, F, src::OffsetArray, dim::Integer, b::AbstractVector)
indsdim = indices(parent(src), dim)
indsF = indices(F)[2]
if indsF == indsdim
return A_ldiv_B_md!(parent(dest), F, parent(src), dim, b)
throw(DimensionMismatch("indices $(indices(parent(src))) do not match $(indices(F))"))

for (constructor, copier) in ((interpolate, x->x), (interpolate!, copy))
f1(x) = sin((x-3)*2pi/9 - 1)
inds = -3:6
A1 = OffsetArray(Float64[f1(x) for x in inds], inds)

f2(x,y) = sin(x/10)*cos(y/6) + 0.1
xinds, yinds = -2:28,0:9
A2 = OffsetArray(Float64[f2(x,y) for x in xinds, y in yinds], xinds, yinds)

for GT in (OnGrid, OnCell), O in (Constant, Linear)
itp1 = @inferred(constructor(copier(A1), BSpline(O()), GT()))
@test @inferred(indices(itp1)) === indices(A1)

# test that we reproduce the values at on-grid points
for x = inds
@test itp1[x] f1(x)

itp2 = @inferred(constructor(copier(A2), BSpline(O()), GT()))
@test @inferred(indices(itp2)) === indices(A2)
for j = yinds, i = xinds
@test itp2[i,j] A2[i,j]

for BC in (Flat,Line,Free,Periodic,Reflect,Natural), GT in (OnGrid, OnCell)
itp1 = @inferred(constructor(copier(A1), BSpline(Quadratic(BC())), GT()))
@test @inferred(indices(itp1)) === indices(A1)

# test that we reproduce the values at on-grid points
inset = constructor == interpolate!
for x = first(inds)+inset:last(inds)-inset
@test itp1[x] f1(x)

itp2 = @inferred(constructor(copier(A2), BSpline(Quadratic(BC())), GT()))
@test @inferred(indices(itp2)) === indices(A2)
for j = first(yinds)+inset:last(yinds)-inset, i = first(xinds)+inset:last(xinds)-inset
@test itp2[i,j] A2[i,j]

for BC in (Flat,Line,Free,Periodic), GT in (OnGrid, OnCell)
itp1 = @inferred(constructor(copier(A1), BSpline(Cubic(BC())), GT()))
@test @inferred(indices(itp1)) === indices(A1)

# test that we reproduce the values at on-grid points
inset = constructor == interpolate!
for x = first(inds)+inset:last(inds)-inset
@test itp1[x] f1(x)

itp2 = @inferred(constructor(copier(A2), BSpline(Cubic(BC())), GT()))
@test @inferred(indices(itp2)) === indices(A2)
for j = first(yinds)+inset:last(yinds)-inset, i = first(xinds)+inset:last(xinds)-inset
@test itp2[i,j] A2[i,j]

f(x) = sin((x-3)*2pi/9 - 1)
inds = -7:2
A = OffsetArray(Float64[f(x) for x in inds], inds)
itp1 = interpolate!(copy(A), BSpline(Quadratic(InPlace())), OnCell())
for i in inds
@test itp1[i] A[i]

f(x,y) = sin(x/10)*cos(y/6) + 0.1
xinds, yinds = -2:28,0:9
A2 = OffsetArray(Float64[f(x,y) for x in xinds, y in yinds], xinds, yinds)
itp2 = interpolate!(copy(A2), BSpline(Quadratic(InPlace())), OnCell())
for j = yinds, i = xinds
@test itp2[i,j] A2[i,j]


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