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make faster BigFloats (#55906)
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We can coalesce the two required allocations for the MFPR BigFloat API
design into one allocation, hopefully giving a easy performance boost.
It would have been slightly easier and more efficient if MPFR BigFloat
was already a VLA instead of containing a pointer here, but that does
not prevent the optimization.
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vtjnash authored Oct 1, 2024
1 parent 61802e2 commit 75393f6
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Showing 6 changed files with 138 additions and 102 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion base/Base.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -306,7 +306,6 @@ end
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161 changes: 109 additions & 52 deletions base/mpfr.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,12 +18,10 @@ import
setrounding, maxintfloat, widen, significand, frexp, tryparse, iszero,
isone, big, _string_n, decompose, minmax, _precision_with_base_2,
sinpi, cospi, sincospi, tanpi, sind, cosd, tand, asind, acosd, atand,
uinttype, exponent_max, exponent_min, ieee754_representation, significand_mask,
RawBigIntRoundingIncrementHelper, truncated, RawBigInt

uinttype, exponent_max, exponent_min, ieee754_representation, significand_mask

using .Base.Libc
import ..Rounding:
import ..Rounding: Rounding,
rounding_raw, setrounding_raw, rounds_to_nearest, rounds_away_from_zero,
tie_breaker_is_to_even, correct_rounding_requires_increment

Expand All @@ -39,7 +37,6 @@ else
const libmpfr = ""

version() = VersionNumber(unsafe_string(ccall((:mpfr_get_version,libmpfr), Ptr{Cchar}, ())))
patches() = split(unsafe_string(ccall((:mpfr_get_patches,libmpfr), Ptr{Cchar}, ())),' ')

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -120,69 +117,129 @@ const mpfr_special_exponent_zero = typemin(Clong) + true
const mpfr_special_exponent_nan = mpfr_special_exponent_zero + true
const mpfr_special_exponent_inf = mpfr_special_exponent_nan + true

struct BigFloatLayout
# possible padding
p::Limb # Tuple{Vararg{Limb}}
const offset_prec = fieldoffset(BigFloatLayout, 1) % Int
const offset_sign = fieldoffset(BigFloatLayout, 2) % Int
const offset_exp = fieldoffset(BigFloatLayout, 3) % Int
const offset_d = fieldoffset(BigFloatLayout, 4) % Int
const offset_p_limbs = ((fieldoffset(BigFloatLayout, 5) % Int + sizeof(Limb) - 1) ÷ sizeof(Limb))
const offset_p = offset_p_limbs * sizeof(Limb)

BigFloat <: AbstractFloat
Arbitrary precision floating point number type.
mutable struct BigFloat <: AbstractFloat
# _d::Buffer{Limb} # Julia gc handle for memory @ d
_d::String # Julia gc handle for memory @ d (optimized)
struct BigFloat <: AbstractFloat

# Not recommended for general use:
# used internally by, e.g. deepcopy
global function _BigFloat(prec::Clong, sign::Cint, exp::Clong, d::String)
# ccall-based version, inlined below
#z = new(zero(Clong), zero(Cint), zero(Clong), C_NULL, d)
#ccall((:mpfr_custom_init,libmpfr), Cvoid, (Ptr{Limb}, Clong), d, prec) # currently seems to be a no-op in mpfr
#NAN_KIND = Cint(0)
#ccall((:mpfr_custom_init_set,libmpfr), Cvoid, (Ref{BigFloat}, Cint, Clong, Ptr{Limb}), z, NAN_KIND, prec, d)
#return z
return new(prec, sign, exp, pointer(d), d)
global _BigFloat(d::Memory{Limb}) = new(d)

function BigFloat(; precision::Integer=_precision_with_base_2(BigFloat))
precision < 1 && throw(DomainError(precision, "`precision` cannot be less than 1."))
nb = ccall((:mpfr_custom_get_size,libmpfr), Csize_t, (Clong,), precision)
nb = (nb + Core.sizeof(Limb) - 1) ÷ Core.sizeof(Limb) # align to number of Limb allocations required for this
#d = Vector{Limb}(undef, nb)
d = _string_n(nb * Core.sizeof(Limb))
EXP_NAN = mpfr_special_exponent_nan
return _BigFloat(Clong(precision), one(Cint), EXP_NAN, d) # +NAN
nl = (nb + offset_p + sizeof(Limb) - 1) ÷ Core.sizeof(Limb) # align to number of Limb allocations required for this
d = Memory{Limb}(undef, nl % Int)
# ccall-based version, inlined below
z = _BigFloat(d) # initialize to +NAN
#ccall((:mpfr_custom_init,libmpfr), Cvoid, (Ptr{Limb}, Clong), BigFloatData(d), prec) # currently seems to be a no-op in mpfr
#NAN_KIND = Cint(0)
#ccall((:mpfr_custom_init_set,libmpfr), Cvoid, (Ref{BigFloat}, Cint, Clong, Ptr{Limb}), z, NAN_KIND, prec, BigFloatData(d))
z.prec = Clong(precision)
z.sign = one(Cint)
z.exp = mpfr_special_exponent_nan
return z

# The rounding mode here shouldn't matter.
significand_limb_count(x::BigFloat) = div(sizeof(x._d), sizeof(Limb), RoundToZero)
Segment of raw words of bits interpreted as a big integer. Less
significant words come first. Each word is in machine-native bit-order.
struct BigFloatData{Limb}

# BigFloat interface
@inline function Base.getproperty(x::BigFloat, s::Symbol)
d = getfield(x, :d)
p = Base.unsafe_convert(Ptr{Limb}, d)
if s === :prec
return GC.@preserve d unsafe_load(Ptr{Clong}(p) + offset_prec)
elseif s === :sign
return GC.@preserve d unsafe_load(Ptr{Cint}(p) + offset_sign)
elseif s === :exp
return GC.@preserve d unsafe_load(Ptr{Clong}(p) + offset_exp)
elseif s === :d
return BigFloatData(d)
return throw(FieldError(typeof(x), s))

@inline function Base.setproperty!(x::BigFloat, s::Symbol, v)
d = getfield(x, :d)
p = Base.unsafe_convert(Ptr{Limb}, d)
if s === :prec
return GC.@preserve d unsafe_store!(Ptr{Clong}(p) + offset_prec, v)
elseif s === :sign
return GC.@preserve d unsafe_store!(Ptr{Cint}(p) + offset_sign, v)
elseif s === :exp
return GC.@preserve d unsafe_store!(Ptr{Clong}(p) + offset_exp, v)
#elseif s === :d # not mutable
return throw(FieldError(x, s))

# Ref interface: make sure the conversion to C is done properly
Base.unsafe_convert(::Type{Ref{BigFloat}}, x::Ptr{BigFloat}) = error("not compatible with mpfr")
Base.unsafe_convert(::Type{Ref{BigFloat}}, x::Ref{BigFloat}) = error("not compatible with mpfr")
Base.cconvert(::Type{Ref{BigFloat}}, x::BigFloat) = x.d # BigFloatData is the Ref type for BigFloat
function Base.unsafe_convert(::Type{Ref{BigFloat}}, x::BigFloatData)
d = getfield(x, :d)
p = Base.unsafe_convert(Ptr{Limb}, d)
GC.@preserve d unsafe_store!(Ptr{Ptr{Limb}}(p) + offset_d, p + offset_p, :monotonic) # :monotonic ensure that TSAN knows that this isn't a data race
return Ptr{BigFloat}(p)
Base.unsafe_convert(::Type{Ptr{Limb}}, fd::BigFloatData) = Base.unsafe_convert(Ptr{Limb}, getfield(fd, :d)) + offset_p
function Base.setindex!(fd::BigFloatData, v, i)
d = getfield(fd, :d)
@boundscheck 1 <= i <= length(d) - offset_p_limbs || throw(BoundsError(fd, i))
@inbounds d[i + offset_p_limbs] = v
return fd
function Base.getindex(fd::BigFloatData, i)
d = getfield(fd, :d)
@boundscheck 1 <= i <= length(d) - offset_p_limbs || throw(BoundsError(fd, i))
@inbounds d[i + offset_p_limbs]
Base.length(fd::BigFloatData) = length(getfield(fd, :d)) - offset_p_limbs
Base.copyto!(fd::BigFloatData, limbs) = copyto!(getfield(fd, :d), offset_p_limbs + 1, limbs) # for Random


rounding_raw(::Type{BigFloat}) = something(Base.ScopedValues.get(CURRENT_ROUNDING_MODE), ROUNDING_MODE[])
setrounding_raw(::Type{BigFloat}, r::MPFRRoundingMode) = ROUNDING_MODE[]=r
function setrounding_raw(f::Function, ::Type{BigFloat}, r::MPFRRoundingMode)
Base.ScopedValues.@with(CURRENT_ROUNDING_MODE => r, f())

rounding(::Type{BigFloat}) = convert(RoundingMode, rounding_raw(BigFloat))
setrounding(::Type{BigFloat}, r::RoundingMode) = setrounding_raw(BigFloat, convert(MPFRRoundingMode, r))
setrounding(f::Function, ::Type{BigFloat}, r::RoundingMode) =
setrounding_raw(f, BigFloat, convert(MPFRRoundingMode, r))

# overload the definition of unsafe_convert to ensure that `x.d` is assigned
# it may have been dropped in the event that the BigFloat was serialized
Base.unsafe_convert(::Type{Ref{BigFloat}}, x::Ptr{BigFloat}) = x
@inline function Base.unsafe_convert(::Type{Ref{BigFloat}}, x::Ref{BigFloat})
x = x[]
if x.d == C_NULL
x.d = pointer(x._d)
return convert(Ptr{BigFloat}, Base.pointer_from_objref(x))

BigFloat(x::Union{Real, AbstractString} [, rounding::RoundingMode=rounding(BigFloat)]; [precision::Integer=precision(BigFloat)])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -283,17 +340,18 @@ function BigFloat(x::Float64, r::MPFRRoundingMode=rounding_raw(BigFloat); precis
nlimbs = (precision + 8*Core.sizeof(Limb) - 1) ÷ (8*Core.sizeof(Limb))

# Limb is a CLong which is a UInt32 on windows (thank M$) which makes this more complicated and slower.
zd = z.d
if Limb === UInt64
for i in 1:nlimbs-1
unsafe_store!(z.d, 0x0, i)
@inbounds setindex!(zd, 0x0, i)
unsafe_store!(z.d, val, nlimbs)
@inbounds setindex!(zd, val, nlimbs)
for i in 1:nlimbs-2
unsafe_store!(z.d, 0x0, i)
@inbounds setindex!(zd, 0x0, i)
unsafe_store!(z.d, val % UInt32, nlimbs-1)
unsafe_store!(z.d, (val >> 32) % UInt32, nlimbs)
@inbounds setindex!(zd, val % UInt32, nlimbs-1)
@inbounds setindex!(zd, (val >> 32) % UInt32, nlimbs)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -440,12 +498,12 @@ function to_ieee754(::Type{T}, x::BigFloat, rm) where {T<:AbstractFloat}
ret_u = if is_regular & !rounds_to_inf & !rounds_to_zero
if !exp_is_huge_p
# significand
v = RawBigInt{Limb}(x._d, significand_limb_count(x))
v = x.d::BigFloatData
len = max(ieee_precision + min(exp_diff, 0), 0)::Int
signif = truncated(U, v, len) & significand_mask(T)

# round up if necessary
rh = RawBigIntRoundingIncrementHelper(v, len)
rh = BigFloatDataRoundingIncrementHelper(v, len)
incr = correct_rounding_requires_increment(rh, rm, sb)

# exponent
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1193,10 +1251,8 @@ set_emin!(x) = check_exponent_err(ccall((:mpfr_set_emin, libmpfr), Cint, (Clong,

function Base.deepcopy_internal(x::BigFloat, stackdict::IdDict)
get!(stackdict, x) do
# d = copy(x._d)
d = x._d
d′ = GC.@preserve d unsafe_string(pointer(d), sizeof(d)) # creates a definitely-new String
y = _BigFloat(x.prec, x.sign, x.exp, d′)
d′ = copy(getfield(x, :d))
y = _BigFloat(d′)
#ccall((:mpfr_custom_move,libmpfr), Cvoid, (Ref{BigFloat}, Ptr{Limb}), y, d) # unnecessary
return y
Expand All @@ -1210,7 +1266,8 @@ function decompose(x::BigFloat)::Tuple{BigInt, Int, Int}
s.size = cld(x.prec, 8*sizeof(Limb)) # limbs
b = s.size * sizeof(Limb) # bytes
ccall((:__gmpz_realloc2, libgmp), Cvoid, (Ref{BigInt}, Culong), s, 8b) # bits
memcpy(s.d, x.d, b)
xd = x.d
GC.@preserve xd memcpy(s.d, Base.unsafe_convert(Ptr{Limb}, xd), b)
s, x.exp - 8b, x.sign

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