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mcabbott committed Dec 19, 2021
1 parent 0a15f02 commit 539df7b
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332 changes: 199 additions & 133 deletions base/abstractarray.jl
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stack(iter; [dims])
Concatenates a collection of arrays, all the same size, into one higher-dimensional array.
Combine a collection of arrays (or other iterable objects) of equal size
into one larger array, by arranging them along one or more new dimensions.
The first dimension(s) are those of the individual arrays, followed by those from the
container. Thus the result has size `(size(first(arrays))..., size(arrays)...)`.
By default the axes of the elements are placed first,
giving `size(result) = (size(first(iter))..., size(iter)...)`.
This has the same order of elements as [`Iterators.flatten`](@ref)`(iter)`.
See also [`cat`](@ref), [`eachcol`](@ref).
With keyword `dims::Integer`, instead the `i`th element of `iter` becomes the slice
[`selectdim`](@ref)`(result, dims, i)`, so that `size(result, dims) == length(iter)`.
This reverses the action of [`eachslice`](@ref) with the same `dims`.
Functions [`vcat`](@ref) and [`hvcat`](@ref) also combine arrays, but work
mostly by extending their existing dimensions, rather than placing the arrays
along new dimensions.
!!! compat "Julia 1.8"
This function requires at least Julia 1.8.
# Examples
julia> vecs = [[1,2], [3,4], [5,6]]
3-element Vector{Vector{Int64}}:
[1, 2]
[3, 4]
[5, 6]
julia> stack((1:2, 3:4, 5.0:6.0))
2×3 Matrix{Float64}:
1.0 3.0 5.0
2.0 4.0 6.0
julia> mat = stack(vecs)
2×3 Matrix{Int64}:
1 3 5
2 4 6
julia> A = rand(3, 7, 11); E = eachslice(A, dims=2);
julia> mat == reduce(hcat, vecs) == hcat(vecs...)
julia> (element = size(first(E)), container = size(E))
(element = (3, 11), container = (7,))
julia> mat == stack(eachcol(mat))
julia> stack(E) == cat(E...; dims=3)
julia> vec(mat) == reduce(vcat, vecs) == vcat(vecs...)
julia> stack(E; dims=2) == A # inverse of eachslice
julia> mats = (fill(i/2,3,4) for i in (1, 10, 100) if i>pi);
julia> M = (fill(i,2,3).+rand.() for i in 1:5, j in 1:7);
julia> stack(mats)
3×4×2 Array{Float64, 3}:
[:, :, 1] =
5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
julia> (element = size(first(M)), container = size(M))
(element = (2, 3), container = (5, 7))
[:, :, 2] =
50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0
50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0
50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0
julia> stack(M) |> size # keeps all dimensions
(2, 3, 5, 7)
julia> ans == cat(mats..., dims=3)
julia> stack(M; dims=1) |> size # vec(container) along dims=1
(35, 2, 3)
julia> hvcat(5, M...) |> size # hvcat puts matrices next to each other
(14, 15)
stack(itr) = _stack_iter(IteratorSize(itr), itr)
stack(A::AbstractArray{<:AbstractArray}) = _typed_stack(mapreduce(eltype, promote_type, A), A)
stack(iter; dims=:) = _stack(dims, iter)

stack(f, args)
stack(f, args...; [dims])
Apply `f` to each element of `args`, and `stack` the result.
Apply a function to each element of a collection, and `stack` the result.
Or to several collections, [`zip`](@ref)ped together.
See also [`mapslices`](@ref), [`mapreduce`](@ref).
The function should return arrays (or tuples, or other iterators) all of the same size.
These become slices of the result, each separated along `dims` (if given) or by default
along the last dimensions.
See also [`mapslices`](@ref), [`eachcol`](@ref).
# Examples
julia> stack("julia") do c
(c, c-32)
julia> stack(c -> (c, c-32), "julia")
2×5 Matrix{Char}:
'j' 'u' 'l' 'i' 'a'
'J' 'U' 'L' 'I' 'A'
julia> ans == mapreduce(c -> [c, c-32], hcat, "julia")
julia> stack(x -> x*x', eachcol([1 2; 10 20; 100 200]))
3×3×2 Array{Int64, 3}:
[:, :, 1] =
1 10 100
10 100 1000
100 1000 10000
[:, :, 2] =
4 40 400
40 400 4000
400 4000 40000
julia> ans == cat([1,10,100] * [1,10,100]', [2,20,200] * [2,20,200]'; dims=3)
julia> stack(eachcol([1 2 3; 4 5 6]), eachrow([1 -1; 10 -10; 100 -100]); dims=1) do col, row
vcat(col .* row, 0, col ./ row)
3×5 Matrix{Float64}:
1.0 -4.0 0.0 1.0 -4.0
20.0 -50.0 0.0 0.2 -0.5
300.0 -600.0 0.0 0.03 -0.06
stack(f, itr) = stack(, itr))

function _stack_iter(::HasShape, itr)
w, val = _vstack_plus(itr)
reshape(w, axes(val)..., axes(itr)...)
function _stack_iter(::IteratorSize, itr)
w, val = _vstack_plus(itr)
d = length(w) ÷ length(val)
reshape(w, axes(val)..., OneTo(d))

function _vstack_plus(itr)
z = iterate(itr)
z === nothing && throw(ArgumentError("cannot stack an empty collection"))
val, state = z
val isa Union{AbstractArray, Tuple} || throw(ArgumentError("cannot stack elements of type $(typeof(val))"))

axe = axes(val)
len = length(val)
n = haslength(itr) ? len*length(itr) : nothing

v = if val isa Tuple
T = mapreduce(typeof, promote_type, val)
similar(1:0, T, something(n, len))
similar(val, something(n, len))
stack(f, iter; dims=:) = _stack(dims, f(x) for x in iter)
stack(f, xs, yzs...; dims=:) = _stack(dims, f(xy...) for xy in zip(xs, yzs...))

_stack(dims::Union{Integer, Colon}, iter) = _stack(dims, IteratorSize(iter), iter)

# Iterating over an unknown length via append! is slower than collecting:
_stack(dims, ::IteratorSize, iter) = _stack(dims, collect(iter))

function _stack(dims, ::Union{HasShape, HasLength}, iter)
S = @default_eltype iter
T = S != Union{} ? eltype(S) : Any # Union{} occurs for e.g. stack(1,2), postpone the error
if isconcretetype(T)
_typed_stack(dims, T, S, iter)
else # Need to look inside, but shouldn't run an expensive iterator twice:
array = iter isa Union{Tuple, AbstractArray} ? iter : collect(iter)
isempty(array) && return _empty_stack(dims, T, S, iter)
T2 = mapreduce(eltype, promote_type, array)
# stack(Any[[1,2], [3,4]]) is fine, but stack([Any[1,2], [3,4]]) isa Matrix{Any}
_typed_stack(dims, T2, eltype(array), array)

function _typed_stack(::Colon, ::Type{T}, ::Type{S}, A, Aax=_axes(A)) where {T, S}
xit = iterate(A)
nothing === xit && return _empty_stack(:, T, S, A)
x1, _ = xit
ax1 = _axes(x1)
B = similar(_prototype(x1, A), T, ax1..., Aax...)
off = 1
if S <: NTuple{<:Any,T} && isbitstype(T) && isbitstype(S)
C = reinterpret(reshape, S, B)
while xit !== nothing
x, state = xit
@inbounds C[off] = x
off += 1
xit = iterate(A, state)
else # This is like typed_hcat's path for dense arrays
len = length(x1)
while xit !== nothing
x, state = xit
_stack_size_check(x, ax1)
copyto!(B, off, x) #, 1, len)
off += len
xit = iterate(A, state)
copyto!(v, 1, val, firstindex(val), len)

w = _stack_rest!(v, 0, n, axe, itr, state)
w, val

function _stack_rest!(v::AbstractVector, i, n, axe, itr, state)
len = prod(length, axe; init=1)
while true
z = iterate(itr, state)
z === nothing && return v
val, state = z
axes(val) == axe || throw(DimensionMismatch(
"expected a consistent size, got axes $(UnitRange.(axes(val))) compared to $(UnitRange.(axe)) for the first"))
i += 1
T′ = if val isa Tuple
promote_type(eltype(v), mapreduce(typeof, promote_type, val))
promote_type(eltype(v), eltype(val))
if T′ <: eltype(v)
if n isa Integer
copyto!(v, i*len+1, val, firstindex(val), len)
# Things like NamedTuples which are HasLength and can be iterated don't neccesarily
# define axes (as they don't participate in broadcasting?), but we need that here:
_axes(x) = _axes(x, IteratorSize(x))
_axes(x, ::HasShape) = axes(x)
_axes(x, ::HasLength) = (OneTo(length(x)),)
_axes(x, ::IteratorSize) = axes(x)
# throw(ArgumentError("cannot stack iterators of unknown or infinite length"))

# For some dims values, stack(A; dims) == stack(vec(A)), and the : path will be faster
_typed_stack(dims::Integer, ::Type{T}, ::Type{S}, A) where {T,S} =
_typed_stack(dims, T, S, IteratorSize(S), A)
_typed_stack(dims::Integer, ::Type{T}, ::Type{S}, ::HasLength, A) where {T,S} =
_typed_stack(dims, T, S, HasShape{1}(), A)
function _typed_stack(dims::Integer, ::Type{T}, ::Type{S}, ::HasShape{N}, A) where {T,S,N}
if dims == N+1
_typed_stack(:, T, S, A, (_vec_axis(A),))
_dim_stack(dims, T, S, A)
_typed_stack(dims::Integer, ::Type{T}, ::Type{S}, ::IteratorSize, A) where {T,S} =
_dim_stack(dims, T, S, A)

_vec_axis(A, ax=_axes(A)) = length(ax) == 1 ? only(ax) : OneTo(prod(length, ax; init=1))

function _dim_stack(dims::Integer, ::Type{T}, ::Type{S}, A) where {T,S}
xit = iterate(A)
nothing === xit && return _empty_stack(dims, T, S, A)
x1, _ = xit
ax1 = _axes(x1)
N1 = length(ax1)+1
dims in 1:N1 || throw(ArgumentError("cannot stack slices ndims(x) = $(N1-1) along dims = $dims"))

newaxis = _vec_axis(A)
outax = ntuple(d -> d==dims ? newaxis : _axes(x1)[d - (d>dims)], N1)
B = similar(_prototype(x1, A), T, outax...)

iit = iterate(newaxis)
while xit !== nothing
x, state = xit
i, istate = iit
_stack_size_check(x, ax1)
@inbounds if dims==1
inds1 = ntuple(d -> d==1 ? i : Colon(), N1)
if x isa AbstractArray
B[inds1...] = x
append!(v, val)
copyto!(view(B, inds1...), x)
elseif dims==2
inds2 = ntuple(d -> d==2 ? i : Colon(), N1)
if x isa AbstractArray
B[inds2...] = x
copyto!(view(B, inds2...), x)
v′ = similar(v, T′)
copyto!(v′, v)
if n isa Integer
copyto!(v′, i*len+1, val, firstindex(val), len)
inds = ntuple(d -> d==dims ? i : Colon(), N1)
if x isa AbstractArray
B[inds...] = x
append!(v′, val)
# This is where the type-instability of inds hurts, but it is pretty exotic:
copyto!(view(B, inds...), x)
return _stack_rest!(v′, i, n, axe, itr, state)
xit = iterate(A, state)
iit = iterate(newaxis, istate)

# this implementation is largely copied from typed_hcat
function _typed_stack(::Type{T}, A::AbstractArray{<:AbstractArray}) where {T}
axe = axes(first(A))
dense = true
for (j, a) in enumerate(A)
axes(a) == axe || throw(DimensionMismatch(
"expected a consistent size, got axes $(UnitRange.(axes(a))) for element $j, compared to $(UnitRange.(axe)) for the first"))
dense &= isa(a, DenseArray)
B = similar(first(A), T, axe..., axes(A)...)
if dense
off = 1
for a in A
copyto!(B, off, a, 1, length(a))
off += length(a)
colons = map(Returns(:), axe)
for J in CartesianIndices(A)
@inbounds B[colons..., Tuple(J)...] = A[J]
@inline function _stack_size_check(x, ax1::Tuple)
if _axes(x) != ax1
uax1 = UnitRange.(ax1)
uaxN = UnitRange.(axes(x))
"stack expects uniform slices, got axes(x) = $uaxN while first had $uax1"))

# For `similar`, the goal is to stack an Array of CuArrays to a CuArray:
_prototype(x::AbstractArray, A::AbstractArray) = x
_prototype(x::AbstractArray, A) = x
_prototype(x, A::AbstractArray) = A
_prototype(x, A) = 1:0

# With tuple elements, we can make the empty array the right size:
function _empty_stack(::Colon, ::Type{T}, ::Type{S}, A) where {T, S<:Tuple}
similar(_prototype(nothing, A), T, OneTo(length(fieldtypes(S))), axes(A)...)
function _empty_stack(dims::Integer, ::Type{T}, ::Type{S}, A) where {T, S<:Tuple}
ax1 = OneTo(length(fieldtypes(S)))
dims in 1:2 || throw(ArgumentError("cannot stack tuples along dims = $dims"))
similar(_prototype(nothing, A), T, ntuple(d -> d==dims ? OneTo(0) : ax1, 2))
# but with arrays of arrays, we must settle for the right ndims:
_empty_stack(dims, ::Type{T}, ::Type{S}, A) where {T,S} = _empty_stack(dims, T, IteratorSize(S), A)
_empty_stack(dims, ::Type{T}, ::HasLength, A) where {T} = _empty_stack(dims, T, HasShape{1}(), A)
_empty_stack(dims, ::Type{T}, ::IteratorSize, A) where {T} = _empty_stack(dims, T, HasShape{0}(), A)

function _empty_stack(::Colon, ::Type{T}, ::HasShape{N}, A) where {T,N}
similar(_prototype(nothing, A), T, ntuple(_->OneTo(1), N)..., _axes(A)...)
function _empty_stack(dims::Integer, ::Type{T}, ::HasShape{N}, A) where {T,N}
# Not sure we should check dims here, e.g. stack(Vector[]; dims=2) is an error
dims in 1:N+1 || throw(ArgumentError("cannot stack slices ndims(x) = $N along dims = $dims"))
ax = ntuple(d -> d==dims ? _vec_axis(A) : OneTo(1), N+1)
similar(_prototype(nothing, A), T, ax...)

# These make stack(()) work like stack([])
_empty_stack(::Colon, ::Type{T}, ::Type{Union{}}, A) where {T} = _empty_stack(:, T, Array{T,0}, A)
_empty_stack(dims::Integer, ::Type{T}, ::Type{Union{}}, A) where {T} = _empty_stack(dims, T, Array{T,0}, A)

## Reductions and accumulates ##

function isequal(A::AbstractArray, B::AbstractArray)
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