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Use the output of $cc --version to determine the Xcode CLT version
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DilumAluthge committed Oct 16, 2024
1 parent c9a4b52 commit adf5737
Showing 1 changed file with 30 additions and 38 deletions.
68 changes: 30 additions & 38 deletions src/xcode.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,45 +1,39 @@
# Get the compiler command from `get_compiler_cmd()`, and run `cc --version`, and parse the
# output to determine whether or not the compiler is an Xcode Clang.
# The return value is a NamedTuple of the form (; b, ver)
# b = a Bool that is true iff he compiler is an Xcode Clang.
# ver = the version number of the Xcode Clang. If it's not Xcode Clang, ver is nothing.
function _is_xcode_clt()
cmd = `$(get_compiler_cmd()) --version`
@debug "_active_compiler_is_xcode_clt(): Attempting to run command" cmd
# The `ignorestatus` allows us to proceed if the command does not run successfully.
output = "\n" * strip(read(ignorestatus(cmd), String)) * "\n"
is_apple_clang = occursin(r"Apple clang version", output)
installed_dir_m = match(r"\nInstalledDir: ([\w\/]*?)\n", output)
if isnothing(installed_dir_m)
return false
return (; b=false, ver=nothing)
installed_dir_str = strip(installed_dir[1])
is_xcode_app = startswith(installed_dir_str, "/Applications/")
is_xcode_clt = startswith(installed_dir_str, "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/")
res = is_apple_clang && (is_xcode_app || is_xcode_clt)

# Run `pkgutil` to get the version number of the Xcode CLT (Command Line Tools), and return
# the major version number as an integer.
function _xcode_clt_major_version()
cmd = `pkgutil`
@debug "_xcode_clt_major_version(): Attempting to run command" cmd
# The `ignorestatus` allows us to proceed if the command does
# not run successfully.
output = "\n" * strip(read(ignorestatus(cmd), String)) * "\n"
r = r"version: (.*)\n"
m = match(r, output)
if isnothing(m)
major_version_str = nothing
installed_dir_str = strip(installed_dir_m[1])
is_xcode_app = startswith(installed_dir_str, "/Applications/")
is_xcode_clt = startswith(installed_dir_str, "/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools")
if is_xcode_app || is_xcode_clt
m = match(r"\nApple clang version ([0-9\.]*?) ", output)
if isnothing(m)
@warn "Could not determine the version of the Xcode Command Line Tools"
(; b=false, ver=nothing)
ver_str = strip(m[1])
ver = tryparse(VersionNumber, ver_str)
if isnothing(ver)
@warn "Could not determine the version of the Xcode Command Line Tools"
(; b=false, ver=nothing)
b = true
major_version_str = split(m[1], '.')[1]
b = false
ver = nothing
major_version_int = parse(Int, major_version_str)
return major_version_int

# Return true iff the Xcode CLT version is >= 15.
# "gte" = greater than or equal to.
function _is_gte_xcode_15()
major_version_int = _xcode_clt_major_version()
isnothing(major_version_int) && return nothing
return major_version_int >= 15
return (; b, ver)

# Return true iff the compiler is Xcode Clang AND the Xcode CLT version is >= 15.
Expand All @@ -50,13 +44,11 @@ function _is_xcode_clt_and_is_gte_xcode_15()
ver_int = tryparse(Int, str)
(ver_int isa Int) && return ver_int
if _is_xcode_clt()
b = _is_gte_xcode_15()
if isnothing(b)
@warn "Could not determine the version of the Command Line Tools, assuming less than or equal to 14"
return b

(; b, ver) = _is_xcode_clt()
if b
return ver >= v"15"
return false

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