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Merge pull request #101 from JuliaGNI/increase_data_loader_test_coverage
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Increase data loader test coverage
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michakraus authored Dec 20, 2023
2 parents 8696833 + d071839 commit 9b56781
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Showing 12 changed files with 196 additions and 130 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/architectures/sympnet.jl
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Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ TODO:
abstract type SympNet{AT} <: Architecture end

@doc raw"""
`LASympNet` is called with **a single input argument**, the **system dimension**. Optional input arguments are:
`LASympNet` is called with **a single input argument**, the **system dimension**, or with an instance of `DataLoader`. Optional input arguments are:
- `depth::Int`: The number of linear layers that are applied. The default is 5.
- `nhidden::Int`: The number of hidden layers (i.e. layers that are **not** input or output layers). The default is 2.
- `activation`: The activation function that is applied. By default this is `tanh`.
Expand All @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ end
@inline AbstractNeuralNetworks.dim(arch::SympNet) = arch.dim

@doc raw"""
`GSympNet` is called with **a single input argument**, the **system dimension**. Optional input arguments are:
`GSympNet` is called with **a single input argument**, the **system dimension**, or with an instance of `DataLoader`. Optional input arguments are:
- `upscaling_dimension::Int`: The *upscaling dimension* of the gradient layer. See the documentation for `GradientLayerQ` and `GradientLayerP` for further explanation. The default is `2*dim`.
- `nhidden::Int`: The number of hidden layers (i.e. layers that are **not** input or output layers). The default is 2.
- `activation`: The activation function that is applied. By default this is `tanh`.
Expand All @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ struct GSympNet{AT, InitUpper} <: SympNet{AT} where {InitUpper}

function GSympNet(dl::DataLoader; upscaling_dimension=2*dim, nhidden=2, activation=tanh, init_upper=true)
function GSympNet(dl::DataLoader; upscaling_dimension=2*dl.input_dim, nhidden=2, activation=tanh, init_upper=true)
new{typeof(activation), init_upper}(dl.input_dim, upscaling_dimension, nhidden, activation)
Expand Down
80 changes: 24 additions & 56 deletions src/arrays/symplectic.jl
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@@ -1,75 +1,43 @@

@doc raw"""
Returns a symplectic matrix of size 2n x 2n
0 & & & 1 & & & \\
& \ddots & & & \ddots & & \\
& & 0 & & & 1 \\
-1 & & & 0 & & & \\
& \ddots & & & \ddots & & \\
& & -1 & & 0 & \\
\mathbb{O} & \mathbb{I} \\
\mathbb{O} & -\mathbb{I} \\
Returns the symplectic projection matrix E of the Stiefel manifold, i.e. π: Sp(2N) → Sp(2n,2N), A ↦ AE
function SymplecticMatrix(n::Int, T::DataType=Float64)
BandedMatrix((n => ones(T,n), -n => -ones(T,n)), (2n,2n))
SymplecticMatrix(T::DataType, n::Int) = SymplecticMatrix(n, T)
@doc raw"""
I & 0 \\
0 & 0 \\
0 & I \\
0 & 0 \\

function SymplecticPotential(n::Int, T::DataType=Float64)
J = zeros(T, 2*n, 2*n)
J[1:n, (n+1):2*n] = one(ones(T, n, n))
J[(n+1):2*n, 1:n] = -one(ones(T, n, n))
function SymplecticPotential(backend, n2::Int, T::DataType=Float64)
@assert iseven(n2)
n = n2÷2
J = KernelAbstractions.zeros(backend, T, 2*n, 2*n)
assign_ones_for_symplectic_potential! = assign_ones_for_symplectic_potential_kernel!(backend)
assign_ones_for_symplectic_potential!(J, n, ndrange=n)

SymplecticPotential(n::Int, T::DataType=Float64) = SymplecticPotential(CPU(), n, T)
SymplecticPotential(bakend, T::DataType, n::Int) = SymplecticPotential(backend, n, T)

SymplecticPotential(T::DataType, n::Int) = SymplecticPotential(n, T)

struct SymplecticProjection{T} <: AbstractMatrix{T}
SymplecticProjection(N, n, T = Float64) = new{T}(N,n)
@kernel function assign_ones_for_symplectic_potential_kernel!(J::AbstractMatrix{T}, n::Int) where T
i = @index(Global)
J[map_index_for_symplectic_potential(i, n)...] = i n ? one(T) : -one(T)

function Base.getindex(E::SymplecticProjection,i,j)
if i E.n
if j == i
return 1.
return 0.
if j > E.n
if (j-E.n) == (i-E.N)
return 1.
return 0.
This assigns the right index for the symplectic potential. To be used with `assign_ones_for_symplectic_potential_kernel!`.
function map_index_for_symplectic_potential(i::Int, n::Int)
if i n
return (i, i+n)
return (i, i-n)
return 0.

Base.parent(E::SymplecticProjection) = (E.N,E.n)
Base.size(E::SymplecticProjection) = (2*E.N,2*E.n)
21 changes: 18 additions & 3 deletions src/data_loader/batch.jl
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Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ end
hasseqlength(::Batch{<:Integer}) = true
hasseqlength(::Batch{<:Nothing}) = false

@doc raw"""
The functor for batch is called with an instance on `DataLoader`. It then returns a tuple of batch indices: ``(\mathcal{I}_1, \ldots, \mathcal{I}_{\lceil\mathtt{dl.n\_params/batch\_size}\rceil})``, where the index runs from 1 to the number of batches, which is the number of parameters divided by the batch size (rounded up).
function (batch::Batch{<:Nothing})(dl::DataLoader{T, AT}) where {T, AT<:AbstractArray{T, 3}}
indices = shuffle(1:dl.n_params)
n_batches = Int(ceil(dl.n_params/batch.batch_size))
Expand All @@ -28,6 +31,9 @@ function (batch::Batch{<:Nothing})(dl::DataLoader{T, AT}) where {T, AT<:Abstract

@doc raw"""
The functor for batch is called with an instance on `DataLoader`. It then returns a tuple of batch indices: ``(\mathcal{I}_1, \ldots, \mathcal{I}_{\lceil\mathtt{(dl.input\_time\_steps-1)/batch\_size}\rceil})``, where the index runs from 1 to the number of batches, which is the number of input time steps (minus one) divided by the batch size (and rounded up).
function (batch::Batch{<:Nothing})(dl::DataLoader{T, AT}) where {T, BT<:AbstractMatrix{T}, AT<:Union{BT, NamedTuple{(:q, :p), Tuple{BT, BT}}}}
indices = shuffle(1:dl.input_time_steps)
n_batches = Int(ceil((dl.input_time_steps-1)/batch.batch_size))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -88,7 +94,7 @@ function optimize_for_one_epoch!(opt::Optimizer, nn::NeuralNetwork, dl::DataLoad

TODO: Add ProgressMeter!!!
This routine is called if a `DataLoader` storing *symplectic data* (i.e. a `NamedTuple`) is supplied.
function optimize_for_one_epoch!(opt::Optimizer, model, ps::Union{Tuple, NamedTuple}, dl::DataLoader{T, AT}, batch::Batch, loss) where {T, AT<:NamedTuple}
count = 0
Expand All @@ -107,7 +113,16 @@ function optimize_for_one_epoch!(opt::Optimizer, model, ps::Union{Tuple, NamedTu

@doc raw"""
A functor for `Optimizer`. It is called with:
- `nn::NeuralNetwork`
- `dl::DataLoader`
- `batch::Batch`
- `n_epochs::Int`
- `loss`
The last argument is a function through which `Zygote` differentiates. This argument is optional; if it is not supplied `GeometricMachineLearning` defaults to an appropriate loss for the `DataLoader`.
function (o::Optimizer)(nn::NeuralNetwork, dl::DataLoader, batch::Batch, n_epochs::Int, loss)
progress_object = ProgressMeter.Progress(n_epochs; enabled=true)
loss_array = zeros(n_epochs)
Expand All @@ -118,6 +133,6 @@ function (o::Optimizer)(nn::NeuralNetwork, dl::DataLoader, batch::Batch, n_epoch

function (o::Optimizer)(nn::NeuralNetwork, dl::DataLoader, batch::Batch, n_epochs::Int)
function (o::Optimizer)(nn::NeuralNetwork, dl::DataLoader, batch::Batch, n_epochs::Int=1)
o(nn, dl, batch, n_epochs, loss)
35 changes: 26 additions & 9 deletions src/data_loader/data_loader.jl
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Expand Up @@ -93,25 +93,35 @@ It takes as input:
function loss(model::Union{Chain, AbstractExplicitLayer}, ps::Union{Tuple, NamedTuple}, input::AT, output::BT) where {T, T1, AT<:AbstractArray{T, 3}, BT<:AbstractArray{T1, 3}}
output_estimate = model(input, ps)
norm(output - output_estimate)/norm(output) # /T(sqrt(size(output, 2)*size(output, 3)))
norm(output - output_estimate) / norm(output) # /T(sqrt(size(output, 2)*size(output, 3)))

function loss(model::Chain, ps::Tuple, input::BT) where {T, BT<:AbstractArray{T, 3}}
@doc raw"""
The *autoencoder loss*.
function loss(model::Chain, ps::Tuple, input::BT) where {T, BT<:AbstractArray{T}}
output_estimate = model(input, ps)
norm(output_estimate - input)/norm(input) # /T(sqrt(size(input, 2)*size(input, 3)))
norm(output_estimate - input) / norm(input) # /T(sqrt(size(input, 2)*size(input, 3)))

function loss(model::Chain, ps::Tuple, input::BT) where {T, BT<:AbstractArray{T, 2}}
nt_diff(A, B) = (q = A.q - B.q, p = A.p - B.p)
nt_norm(A) = norm(A.q) + norm(A.p)

function loss(model::Chain, ps::Tuple, input::NT) where {T, AT<:AbstractArray{T}, NT<:NamedTuple{(:q, :p,), Tuple{AT, AT}}}
output_estimate = model(input, ps)
norm(output_estimate - input)/norm(input) # /T(sqrt(size(input, 2)))
nt_norm(nt_diff(output_estimate, input)) / nt_norm(input)

nt_diff(A, B) = (q = A.q - B.q, p = A.p - B.p)
nt_norm(A) = norm(A.q) + norm(A.p)
@doc raw"""
Loss function that takes a `NamedTuple` as input. This should be used with a SympNet (or other neural network-based integrator). It computes:
\mathtt{loss}(\mathcal{NN}, \mathtt{ps}, \begin{pmatrix} q \\ p \end{pmatrix}, \begin{pmatrix} q' \\ p' \end{pmatrix}) \mapsto \left|| \mathcal{NN}(\begin{pmatrix} q \\ p \end{pmatrix}) - \begin{pmatrix} q' \\ p' \end{pmatrix} \right|| / \left|| \begin{pmatrix} q \\ p \end{pmatrix} \right||
function loss(model::Chain, ps::Tuple, input::NamedTuple, output::NamedTuple)
output_estimate = model(input, ps)
nt_norm(nt_diff(output_estimate, output))/nt_norm(input)
nt_norm(nt_diff(output_estimate, output)) / nt_norm(input)

@doc raw"""
Expand All @@ -133,7 +143,14 @@ function loss(model::Chain, ps::Tuple, dl::DataLoader{T, BT, Nothing}) where {T,

function loss(model::Chain, ps::Tuple, dl::DataLoader{T, BT}) where {T, BT<:NamedTuple}
loss(model, ps,
loss(model, ps, dl.input)

@doc raw"""
Wrapper if we deal with a neural network.
function loss(nn::NeuralNetwork, dl::DataLoader)
loss(nn.model, nn.params, dl)

@doc raw"""
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/data_loader/tensor_assign.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ function assign_output_estimate(full_output::AbstractArray{T, 3}, prediction_win

This function draws random time steps and parameters and based on these assign the batch and the output.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -101,6 +102,7 @@ function draw_batch!(batch::AT, output::BT, data::AT, target::BT) where {T, T2,
assign_batch!(batch, data, params, time_steps, ndrange=size(batch))
assign_batch!(output, target, params, time_steps, ndrange=size(output))

Used for differentiating assign_output_estimate (this appears in the loss).
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/optimizers/optimizer.jl
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Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ function Optimizer(m::OptimizerMethod, nn::NeuralNetwork)
Optimizer(m, nn.params)

Optimizer(nn::NeuralNetwork, m::OptimizerMethod) = Optimizer(m, nn)

# optimization step function

Expand Down
33 changes: 0 additions & 33 deletions test/data_loader/batch.jl

This file was deleted.

34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions test/data_loader/batch_data_loader_qp_test.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
using GeometricMachineLearning
using Test

function dummy_qp_data_matrix(dim=2, number_data_points=200, T=Float32)
(q = rand(T, dim, number_data_points), p = (rand(T, dim, number_data_points)))

function dummy_qp_data_tensor(dim=2, number_of_time_steps=100, number_of_parameters=20, T=Float32)
(q = rand(T, dim, number_of_time_steps, number_of_parameters), p = (rand(T, dim, number_of_time_steps, number_of_parameters)))

function test_data_loader(dim=2, number_of_time_steps=100, number_of_parameters=20, batch_size=10, T=Float32)

dl1 = DataLoader(dummy_qp_data_matrix(dim, number_of_time_steps, T))
dl2 = DataLoader(dummy_qp_data_tensor(dim, number_of_time_steps, number_of_parameters))

arch1 = GSympNet(dl1)
arch2 = GSympNet(dl2)

nn1 = NeuralNetwork(arch1, CPU(), T)
nn2 = NeuralNetwork(arch2, CPU(), T)

loss1 = GeometricMachineLearning.loss(nn1, dl1)
loss2 = GeometricMachineLearning.loss(nn2, dl2)

batch = Batch(batch_size)
o₁ = Optimizer(GradientOptimizer(), nn1)
# o₂ = Optimizer(GradientOptimizer(), nn2)

o₁(nn1, dl1, batch)
# o₂(nn2, dl2, batch)

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
using GeometricMachineLearning, Test, Zygote

@doc raw"""
This tests the gradient optimizer called together with the `DataLoader` (applied to a tensor).
function test_data_loader(sys_dim, n_time_steps, n_params, T=Float32)
data = randn(T, sys_dim, n_time_steps, n_params)
dl = DataLoader(data)
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