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Merge pull request #150 from JuliaGNI/linear_symplectic_transformer
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Linear symplectic transformer
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michakraus authored May 16, 2024
2 parents 14a9295 + 8eecb10 commit 8a2f2ef
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Showing 54 changed files with 1,348 additions and 160 deletions.
24 changes: 20 additions & 4 deletions docs/Makefile
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Expand Up @@ -11,11 +11,13 @@ latex: latex_no_pdf
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html: html_images html_no_images

html_no_images: install_brenier_two_fluid test_docs documenter

cd ..; julia --project=docs -e '; \
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -56,7 +58,7 @@ latex_docs_no_pdf:

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lualatex -shell-escape G*.tex;

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Expand All @@ -69,4 +71,18 @@ put_figures_outside_of_minted_environment:
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sed -i'' -e 's/ "/ ``/g' build/G*.tex
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/Project.toml
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56 changes: 50 additions & 6 deletions docs/make.jl
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@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
using GeometricMachineLearning
using Documenter
using DocumenterCitations
using Markdown
# using Weave

# this is necessary to avoid warnings. See
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -33,8 +34,12 @@ const output_type = isempty(ARGS) ? :html : ARGS[1] == "html_output" ? :html : :
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Docs.HTML(light_string, dark_string)

Expand All @@ -53,6 +58,37 @@ function include_graphics(path::String; kwargs...)
Main.output_type == :html ? html_graphics(path; kwargs...) : latex_graphics(path; kwargs...)

function theorem(statement::String, name::Nothing; label::Union{Nothing, String} = nothing)
if Main.output_type == :html
Markdown.parse("__Theorem:__ *" * statement * "*")
theorem_label = isnothing(label) ? "" : raw"\label{th:" * label * raw"}"
Markdown.parse(raw"\begin{thrm}" * statement * theorem_label * raw"\end{thrm}")

function theorem(statement::String, name::String; label::Union{Nothing, String} = nothing)
if Main.output_type == :html
Markdown.parse("__Theorem (" * name * "):__ *" * statement * "*")
theorem_label = isnothing(label) ? "" : raw"\label{th:" * label * raw"}"
Markdown.parse(raw"\begin{thrm}[" * name * "]" * statement * theorem_label * raw"\end{thrm}")

function theorem(statement::String; name::Union{Nothing, String} = nothing, label::Union{Nothing, String} = nothing)
theorem(statement, name; label = label)

function definition(statement::String; label::Union{Nothing, String} = nothing)
if Main.output_type == :html
Markdown.parse("__Definition:__ *" * statement * "*")
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Markdown.parse(raw"\begin{dfntn}" * statement * theorem_label * raw"\end{dfntn}")

plugins = [bib],
modules = [GeometricMachineLearning],
Expand All @@ -62,10 +98,6 @@ makedocs(;
format = format,
"Home" => "",
"Architectures" => [
"SympNet" => "architectures/",
"Symplectic Autoencoders" => "architectures/",
"Manifolds" => [
"Concepts from General Topology" => "manifolds/",
"General Theory on Manifolds" => "manifolds/",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -96,9 +128,20 @@ makedocs(;
"BFGS Optimizer" => "optimizers/",
"Special Neural Network Layers" => [
"Sympnet Gradient Layers" => "layers/",
"Volume-Preserving Layers" => "layers/",
"Attention" => "layers/",
"Multihead Attention" => "layers/",
"Linear Symplectic Attention" => "layers/",
"Architectures" => [
"Symplectic Autoencoders" => "architectures/",
"Neural Network Integrators" => "architectures/",
"SympNet" => "architectures/",
"Volume-Preserving FeedForward" => "architectures/",
"Standard Transformer" => "architectures/",
"Volume-Preserving Transformer" => "architectures/",
"Linear Symplectic Transformer" => "architectures/",
"Data Loader" =>[
"Routines" => "data_loader/",
Expand All @@ -116,6 +159,7 @@ makedocs(;
"MNIST" => "tutorials/",
"Grassmann manifold" => "tutorials/",
"Volume-Preserving Attention" => "tutorials/",
"Linear Symplectic Transformer" => "tutorials/",
"References" => "",
"Library" => "",
Expand Down
72 changes: 72 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/GeometricMachineLearning.bib
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Expand Up @@ -152,6 +152,34 @@ @article{vaswani2017attention

title={Transformers in the real world: A survey on nlp applications},
author={Patwardhan, Narendra and Marrone, Stefano and Sansone, Carlo},

title={Reduced-order modeling of fluid flows with transformers},
author={Hemmasian, AmirPouya and Barati Farimani, Amir},
journal={Physics of Fluids},
publisher={AIP Publishing}

title={$\beta$-Variational autoencoders and transformers for reduced-order modelling of fluid flows},
author={Solera-Rico, Alberto and Vila, Carlos Sanmiguel and G{\'o}mez, MA and Wang, Yuning and Almashjary, Abdulrahman and Dawson, Scott and Vinuesa, Ricardo},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.03571},

title={Symplectic autoencoders for Model Reduction of Hamiltonian Systems},
author={Brantner, Benedikt and Kraus, Michael},
Expand All @@ -166,6 +194,13 @@ @article{brantner2023structure
year = {2023}

author = {Brantner, Benedikt and de Romemont, Guillaume and Kraus, Michael and Li, Zeyuan},
title = {Volume-Preserving Transformers for Learning Time Series Data with Structure},
journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2312:11166v2},
year = {2024}

title={Riemannian manifold learning},
author={Lin, Tong and Zha, Hongbin},
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -273,4 +308,41 @@ @article{feng1998step

title={The symplectic methods for the computation of Hamiltonian equations},
author={Feng, Kang and Qin, Meng-zhao},
booktitle={Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations: Proceedings of a Conference held in Shanghai, PR China, March 25--29, 1987},

title={On the approximation of linear Hamiltonian systems},
author={Ge, Zhong and Feng, Kang},
journal={Journal of Computational Mathematics},

title={GeometricIntegrators.jl: Geometric Numerical Integration in Julia},
author={Kraus, Michael},

title={Long short-term memory},
author={Hochreiter, Sepp and Schmidhuber, J{\"u}rgen},
journal={Neural computation},
publisher={MIT press}
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/architectures/
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# Linear Symplectic Transformer

The linear symplectic transformer consists of a combination of [linear symplectic attention](@ref "Linear Symplectic Attention") and [gradient](@ref "SympNet Gradient Layer") layers and is visualized below:

Main.include_graphics("../tikz/linear_symplectic_transformer"; caption = raw"Visualization of the linear symplectic transformer architecutre. \texttt{n\_sympnet} refers to the number of SympNet layers (\texttt{n\_sympnet=2} in this figure) and \texttt{L} refers to the number of transformer blocks (\texttt{L=1} in this figure).", width = .3) # hide

## Library Functions

```@docs; canonical=false
66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/architectures/
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@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
# Neural Network Integrators

In `GeometricMachineLearning` we can divide most neural network architectures (that are used for applications to physical systems) into two categories: autoencoders and integrators. *Integrator* in its most general form refers to an approximation of the flow of an ODE (see [the section on the existence and uniqueness theorem](@ref "The Existence-And-Uniqueness Theorem")) by a numerical scheme. Traditionally these numerical schemes were constructed by defining certain relationships between a known time step ``z^{(t)}`` and a future unknown one ``z^{(t+1)}`` [hairer2006geometric, leimkuhler2004simulating](@cite):

f(z^{(t)}, z^{(t+1)}) = 0.

One usually refers to such a relationship as an "integration scheme". If this relationship can be reformulated as

z^{(t+1)} = g(z^{(t)}),

then we refer to the scheme as *explicit*, if it cannot be reformulated in such a way then we refer to it as *implicit*. Implicit schemes are typically more expensive to solve than explicit ones. The `Julia` library `GeometricIntegrators` [Kraus:2020:GeometricIntegrators](@cite) offers a wide variety of integration schemes both implicit and explicit.

The neural network integrators in `GeometricMachineLearning` (the corresponding type is [`NeuralNetworkIntegrator`](@ref)) are all explicit integration schemes where the function ``g`` above is modeled with a neural network.

Neural networks, as an alternative to traditional methods, are employed because of (i) potentially superior performance and (ii) an ability to learn unknown dynamics from data.

## Multi-step methods

*Multi-step method* [feng1987symplectic, ge1988approximation](@cite) refers to schemes that are of the form[^1]:

[^1]: We again assume that all the steps up to and including ``t`` are known.

f(z^{(t - \mathtt{sl} + 1)}, z^{(t - \mathtt{sl} + 2)}, \ldots, z^{(t)}, z^{(t + 1)}, \ldots, z^{(\mathtt{pw} + 1)}) = 0,
where `sl` is short for *sequence length* and `pw` is short for *prediction window*. In contrast to traditional single-step methods, `sl` and `pw` can be greater than 1. An explicit multi-step method has the following form:

[z^{(t+1)}, \ldots, z^{(t+\mathtt{pw})}] = g(z^{(t - \mathtt{sl} + 1)}, \ldots, z^{(t)}).

There are essentially two ways to construct multi-step methods with neural networks: the older one is using recurrent neural networks such as long short-term memory cells (LSTMs, [hochreiter1997long](@cite)) and the newer one is using transformer neural networks [vaswani2017attention](@cite). Both of these approaches have been successfully employed to learn multi-step methods (see [fresca2021comprehensive, lee2020model](@cite) for the former and [hemmasian2023reduced, solera2023beta, brantner2024volume](@cite) for the latter), but because the transformer architecture exhibits superior performance on modern hardware and can be imbued with geometric properties it is recommended to always use a transformer-derived architecture when dealing with time series[^2].

[^2]: `GeometricMachineLearning` also has an LSTM implementation, but this may be deprecated in the future.

Explicit multi-step methods derived from he transformer are always subtypes of the type [`TransformerIntegrator`](@ref) in `GeometricMachineLearning`. In `GeometricMachineLearning` the [standard transformer](@ref "Standard Transformer"), the [volume-preserving transformer](@ref "Volume-Preserving Transformer") and the [linear symplectic transformer](@ref "Linear Symplectic Transformer") are implemented.

## Library Functions

```@docs; canonical=false

## References

Pages = []
Canonical = false
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/src/architectures/
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# SympNet
# SympNet Architecture

This document discusses the SympNet architecture and its implementation in `GeometricMachineLearning.jl`.

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22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/architectures/
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# Standard Transformer

The transformer is a relatively modern neural network architecture [vaswani2017attention](@cite) that has come to dominate the field of natural language processing (NLP, [patwardhan2023transformers](@cite)) and replaced the previously dominant long-short term memory cells (LSTM, [hochreiter1997long](@cite)). Its success is due to a variety of factors:
- unlike LSTMs it consists of very simple building blocks and hence is easier to interpret mathematically,
- it is very flexible in its application and the data it is fed with do not have to conform to a rigid pattern,
- transformers utilize modern hardware (especially GPUs) very effectively.

The transformer architecture is sketched below:

Main.include_graphics("../tikz/transformer_encoder") # hide

It is nothing more than a combination of a [multihead attention layer](@ref "Multihead Attention") and a residual neural network[^1] (ResNet).

[^1]: A ResNet is nothing more than a neural network to whose output we again add the input, i.e. every ResNet is of the form ``\mathrm{ResNet}(x) = x + \mathcal{NN}(x)``.

## Library Functions

```@docs; canonical=false
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/architectures/
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# Volume-Preserving Feedforward Neural Network

## Neural network architecture

The constructor produces the following architecture[^1]:

[^1]: Based on the input arguments `n_linear` and `n_blocks`. In this example `init_upper` is set to false, which means that the first layer is of type *lower* followed by a layer of type *upper*.

Main.include_graphics("../tikz/vp_feedforward") # hide

Here *LinearLowerLayer* performs ``x \mapsto x + Lx`` and *NonLinearLowerLayer* performs ``x \mapsto x + \sigma(Lx + b)``. The activation function ``\sigma`` is the forth input argument to the constructor and `tanh` by default.

## Note on Sympnets

As [SympNets](@ref "SympNet Architecture") are symplectic maps, they also conserve phase space volume and therefore form a subcategory of volume-preserving feedforward layers.

## Library Functions

```@docs; canonical=false

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