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Merge pull request #96 from JuliaGNI/remove_unnecessary_image_files
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Removed unnecessary image files (`png`s)
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michakraus authored Dec 12, 2023
2 parents 98083dd + 5507498 commit 0be53b2
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Showing 18 changed files with 278 additions and 6 deletions.
Binary file removed docs/src/images/adam_optimizer.png
Binary file not shown.
Binary file removed docs/src/images/general_optimization.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file removed docs/src/images/general_optimization.png
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file removed docs/src/images/mha.png
Binary file not shown.
Binary file removed docs/src/images/solution_manifold_2.png
Binary file not shown.
Binary file removed docs/src/images/symplectic_autoencoder.png
Binary file not shown.
Binary file removed docs/src/images/sympnet_pendulum_test.png
Binary file not shown.
Binary file removed docs/src/images/transformer_encoder.png
Binary file not shown.
37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ GeometricMachineLearning.jl implements various scientific machine learning model

## Architectures

There are several architectures tailored towards problems in scientific machine learning implemented in `GeometricMachineLearning`.

Pages = [
Expand All @@ -23,9 +25,44 @@ Pages = [

## Manifolds

`GeometricMachineLearning` supports putting neural network weights on manifolds. These include:

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## Special Neural Network Layer

Many layers have been adapted in order to be used for problems in scientific machine learning. Including:

Pages = [

## Tutorials

Tutorials for using `GeometricMachineLearning` are:

Pages = [

## Reduced Order Modeling

A short description of the key concepts in **reduced order modeling** (where `GeometricMachineLearning` can be used) are in:

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/src/layers/
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Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ where $n$ is the dimension of the vectors in $V$, $Q$ and $K$. The softmax activ

The transformer contains a **self-attention mechanism**, i.e. takes an input $X$ and then transforms it linearly to $V$, $Q$ and $K$, i.e. $V = P^VX$, $Q = P^QX$ and $K = P^KX$. What distinguishes the multihead attention layer from the singlehead attention layer, is that there is not just one $P^V$, $P^Q$ and $P^K$, but there are several: one for each **head** of the multihead attention layer. After computing the individual values, queries and vectors, and after applying the softmax, the outputs are then concatenated together in order to obtain again an array that is of the same size as the input array:


Here the various $P$ matrices can be interpreted as being projections onto lower-dimensional subspaces, hence the designation by the letter $P$. Because of this interpretation as projection matrices onto smaller spaces that should **capture features in the input data** it makes sense to constrain these elements to be part of the Stiefel manifold.

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/src/reduced_order_modeling/
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Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ To any parametric PDE we associate a **solution manifold**:
\mathcal{M} = \{z(\mu):F(z(\mu);\mu)=0, \mu\in\mathbb{P}\}.


In the image above a 2-dimensional solution manifold is visualized as a sub-manifold in 3-dimensional space. In general the embedding space is an infinite-dimensional function space.

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/src/reduced_order_modeling/
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Expand Up @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ PSD suffers from the similar shortcomings as regular POD: it is a linear map and

In order to overcome this difficulty we use neural networks, more specifically [SympNets](../architectures/, together with cotangent lift-like matrices. The resulting architecture, symplectic autoencoders, are demonstrated in the following image:


So we alternate between SympNet and PSD layers. Because all the PSD layers are based on matrices $\Phi\in{}St(n,N)$ we have to [optimize on the Stiefel manifold](../

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8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/tikz/Makefile
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Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ pdf:
xelatex -shell-escape sympnet_architecture
xelatex -shell-escape structs_visualization
xelatex -shell-escape logo
xelatex -shell-escape symplectic_autoencoder
xelatex -shell-escape solution_manifold_2
xelatex -shell-escape mha

pdftocairo -png -r 150 -transp -singlefile adam_optimizer.pdf adam_optimizer
Expand All @@ -17,6 +20,9 @@ png:
pdftocairo -png -r 150 -transp -singlefile sympnet_architecture.pdf sympnet_architecture
pdftocairo -png -r 150 -transp -singlefile structs_visualization.pdf structs_visualization
pdftocairo -png -r 150 -transp -singlefile logo.pdf logo
pdftocairo -png -r 150 -transp -singlefile symplectic_autoencoder.pdf symplectic_autoencoder
pdftocairo -png -r 150 -transp -singlefile solution_manifold_2.pdf solution_manifold_2
pdftocairo -png -r 150 -transp -singlefile mha.pdf mha

xelatex -shell-escape logo_with_name
Expand All @@ -25,6 +31,7 @@ logo:
pdftocairo -png -r 500 -transp -singlefile logo_with_name.pdf logo_with_name
pdftocairo -png -r 500 -transp -singlefile logo_with_name_dark.pdf logo_with_name_dark

mkdir -p ../assets
cp logo_with_name.png ../assets/logo.png
cp logo_with_name_dark.png ../assets/logo-dark.png

Expand All @@ -40,5 +47,6 @@ empty: clean
rm -f *.png
rm -f *.svg
rm -f ../assets/*.png
rm -f ../assets

all: pdf png logo clean
45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/tikz/mha.tex
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@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@



\begin{tikzpicture}[module/.style={draw, very thick, rounded corners, minimum width=15ex},
attmodule/.style={module, fill=morange!30},
linear/.style={module, fill=mblue!30},
concat/.style={module, fill=mpurple!30},
arrow/.style={-stealth, thick, rounded corners},
\node (input) {Input};
\node[above of=input, linear, align=center, double copy shadow={opacity=.5, shadow yshift=1.7ex, shadow xshift=1.2ex}] (linear_center) {Linear};
\node[left of=linear_center, linear, align=center, xshift=-1.5cm, double copy shadow={opacity=.5, shadow yshift=1.7ex, shadow xshift=1.2ex}] (linear_left) {Linear};
\node[right of=linear_center, linear, align=center, xshift=1.5cm, double copy shadow={opacity=.5, shadow yshift=1.7ex, shadow xshift=1.2ex}] (linear_right) {Linear};
\node[above of=linear_center, attmodule, align=center, yshift=.5cm, double copy shadow={opacity=.5, shadow yshift=1.7ex, shadow xshift=1.2ex}] (sha) {Attention Mechanism};
\node[above of=sha, concat, yshift=.4cm] (concat) {Concatenate};
\node[above of=concat] (output) {Output};

% to have the shadows displayed in the final pdf
\node[right of=linear_right, xshift=.4cm] (right_of_linear_right) {};

\draw[arrow, double copy shadow={opacity=.5, shadow yshift=1.7ex, shadow xshift=1.2ex}] (input) -- (linear_left);
\draw[arrow, double copy shadow={opacity=.2, shadow yshift=1.7ex, shadow xshift=1.2ex}] (input) -- (linear_center);
\draw[arrow, double copy shadow={opacity=.5, shadow yshift=1.7ex, shadow xshift=1.2ex}] (input) -- (linear_right);
\draw[arrow, double copy shadow={opacity=.2, shadow yshift=1.7ex, shadow xshift=1.2ex}] (linear_left) -- (sha.south west);
\draw[arrow, double copy shadow={opacity=.2, shadow yshift=1.7ex, shadow xshift=1.2ex}] (linear_center) -- (sha.south);
\draw[arrow, double copy shadow={opacity=.5, shadow yshift=1.7ex, shadow xshift=1.2ex}] (linear_right) -- (sha.south east);
\draw[arrow, double copy shadow={opacity=.2, shadow yshift=1.7ex, shadow xshift=1.2ex}] (sha) -- (concat.south);
\draw[arrow] (concat) -- (output);

50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/tikz/solution_manifold_2.tex
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@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
\documentclass[border = .2cm]{standalone}


\pgfplotsset{compat = newest}


colormap={whiteblack}{color=(black) color=(white)},
tick label style={color=white},


view = {-25}{25},
mesh/interior colormap name=cmblue, colormap name=whiteblack,
xmax = +3,
xmin = -3,
ymax = +3,
ymin = -3,
zmax = +10,
zmin = -10,
xtick = {-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3},
ytick = {-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3},
ztick = {-10,-5,0,5,10},
3d box = complete*

\addplot3 [
domain = -3:3,
domain y = -3:3,
samples = 50,
samples y = 50,
shader = flat
] {x^2 - y^2};


128 changes: 128 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/tikz/symplectic_autoencoder.tex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@







\foreach \i in {\xMin,...,\xMax} {
\draw [rectangle, draw, fill=\colIn] (\xin,\xMax/2-\i) rectangle (\xin+1,\xMax/2-\i+1) node [pos=.5] {$x_\i$};

\path [draw,->] (\xin+1.5,0) -- (\xinsym-0.5,0) node [pos=0.5,above,align=left] {$\psi_1$};

\foreach \i in {\xMin,...,\xMax} {
\draw [rectangle, draw, fill=\colSym] (\xinsym,\xMax/2-\i) rectangle (\xinsym+1,\xMax/2-\i+1) node [pos=.5] {};

\path [draw,->] (\xinsym+1.5,0) -- (\xenc-0.5,0) node [pos=0.5,above,align=left] {$A_1$};

\foreach \i in {\xMin,...,\xMaxEnc} {
\draw [rectangle, draw, fill=\colEnc] (\xenc,\xMaxEnc/2-\i) rectangle (\xenc+1,\xMaxEnc/2-\i+1) node {};

\path [draw,->] (\xenc+1.5,0) -- (\xencsym-0.5,0) node [pos=0.5,above,align=left] {$\psi_2$};

\foreach \i in {\xMin,...,\xMaxEnc} {
\draw [rectangle, draw, fill=\colSym] (\xencsym,\xMaxEnc/2-\i) rectangle (\xencsym+1,\xMaxEnc/2-\i+1) node {};

\path [draw,->] (\xencsym+1.5,0) -- (\xintr-0.5,0) node [pos=0.5,above,align=left] {$A_2$};

\foreach \i in {\xMin,...,\xMaxIntr} {
\draw [rectangle, draw, fill=\colIntr] (\xintr,\xMaxIntr/2-\i) rectangle (\xintr+1,\xMaxIntr/2-\i+1) node {};

\path [draw,->] (\xintr+1.5,0) -- (\xdecsym-0.5,0) node [pos=0.5,above,align=left] {$A_3^+$};

\foreach \i in {\xMin,...,\xMaxEnc} {
\draw [rectangle, draw, fill=\colSym] (\xdecsym,\xMaxEnc/2-\i) rectangle (\xdecsym+1,\xMaxEnc/2-\i+1) node {};

\path [draw,->] (\xdecsym+1.5,0) -- (\xdec-0.5,0) node [pos=0.5,above,align=left] {$\psi_3$};

\foreach \i in {\xMin,...,\xMaxDec} {
\draw [rectangle, draw, fill=\colDec] (\xdec,\xMaxDec/2-\i) rectangle (\xdec+1,\xMaxDec/2-\i+1) node {};

\path [draw,->] (\xdec+1.5,0) -- (\xoutsym-0.5,0) node [pos=0.5,above,align=left] {$A_4^+$};

\foreach \i in {\xMin,...,\xMax} {
\draw [rectangle, draw, fill=\colSym] (\xoutsym,\xMax/2-\i) rectangle (\xoutsym+1,\xMax/2-\i+1) node [pos=.5] {};

\path [draw,->] (\xoutsym+1.5,0) -- (\xout-0.5,0) node [pos=0.5,above,align=left] {$\psi_4$};

\foreach \i in {\xMin,...,\xMax} {
\draw [rectangle, draw, fill=\colOut] (\xout,\xMax/2-\i) rectangle (\xout+1,\xMax/2-\i+1) node [pos=.5] {$\tilde{x}_\i$};

% \node[rectangle,draw,fill=teal!,text width=.3cm] (11) at (0,0) {$x_1$ \\ $x_2$ \\ $x_3$ \\ $x_4$ \\ $x_5$ \\ $x_6$ \\ $x_7$ \\ $x_8$};
% \node[rectangle,draw,fill=teal!,text width=.3cm] (12) at (1,0) {$x_1$ \\ $x_2$ \\ $x_3$ \\ $x_4$ \\ $x_5$ \\ $x_6$ \\ $x_7$ \\ $x_8$};
% \node[rectangle,draw,fill=olive!,text width=.3cm] (21) at (2,0) {$x_1$ \\ $x_2$ \\ $x_3$ \\ $x_4$ };
% \node[rectangle,draw,fill=olive!,text width=.3cm] (22) at (3,0) {$x_1$ \\ $x_2$ \\ $x_3$ \\ $x_4$ };
% \node[rectangle,draw,fill=lightgray!,text width=.3cm] (3) at (4,0) {$x_1$ \\ $x_2$ };
% \node[rectangle,draw,fill=olive!,text width=.3cm] (41) at (5,0) {$x_1$ \\ $x_2$ \\ $x_3$ \\ $x_4$ };
% \node[rectangle,draw,fill=olive!,text width=.3cm] (42) at (6,0) {$x_1$ \\ $x_2$ \\ $x_3$ \\ $x_4$ };
% \node[rectangle,draw,fill=teal!,text width=.3cm] (51) at (7,0) {$x_1$ \\ $x_2$ \\ $x_3$ \\ $x_4$ \\ $x_5$ \\ $x_6$ \\ $x_7$ \\ $x_8$};
% \node[rectangle,draw,fill=teal!,text width=.3cm] (52) at (8,0) {$x_1$ \\ $x_2$ \\ $x_3$ \\ $x_4$ \\ $x_5$ \\ $x_6$ \\ $x_7$ \\ $x_8$};
% \path[draw,->] (11.east) -- (12.west) node[pos=0.5,above,align=left] {$\psi_1$};
% \path[draw,->] (21.east) -- (22.west) node[pos=0.5,above,align=left] {$\psi_2$};
% \path[draw,->] (41.east) -- (42.west) node[pos=0.5,above,align=left] {$\psi_3$};
% \path[draw,->] (51.east) -- (52.west) node[pos=0.5,above,align=left] {$\psi_4$};
% \path[draw,->] (12.east) -- (21.west) node[pos=0.5,above,align=left] {$A_1$};
% \path[draw,->] (22.east) -- (3.west) node[pos=0.5,above,align=left] {$A_2$};
% \path[draw,->] (3.east) -- (41.west) node[pos=0.5,above,align=left] {$A_3^+$};
% \path[draw,->] (42.east) -- (51.west) node[pos=0.5,above,align=left] {$A_4^+$};

10 changes: 7 additions & 3 deletions docs/src/tikz/transformer_encoder.tex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,14 +15,18 @@

\tikzset{set/.style={draw,circle,inner sep=0pt,align=center}}


\begin{tikzpicture}[module/.style={draw, very thick, rounded corners, minimum width=15ex},
attmodule/.style={module, fill=orange!20},
ffnnmodule/.style={module, fill=cyan!20},
addmodule/.style={module, fill=yellow!20},
attmodule/.style={module, fill=morange!30},
ffnnmodule/.style={module, fill=mblue!30},
addmodule/.style={module, fill=mpurple!30},
arrow/.style={-stealth, thick, rounded corners},
\node (input) {Input};
Expand Down

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