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Prettier tests (#608)
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* iterate over x


* improve tests

* jacobsen, sinpi, cospi

* triple quotes

restore double newline

* test_mtspec, atol=eps

* remove more DSP.

* diric DomainError

* Apply suggestions from code review

- foreach
- move test_quinn
- eps -> atol
  • Loading branch information
wheeheee authored Dec 13, 2024
1 parent f33b262 commit 3e79857
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Showing 12 changed files with 142 additions and 180 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/diric.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ julia> diric(0, 4)
function diric::T, n::Integer) where T <: AbstractFloat
n > 0 || throw(ArgumentError("n=$n not positive"))
n > 0 || throw(DomainError(n, "n not positive"))
sign = one(T)
if isodd(n)
Ω = rem2pi(Ω, RoundNearest) # [-π,π)
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36 changes: 12 additions & 24 deletions test/FilterTestHelpers.jl
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Expand Up @@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ function zpkfilter_eq(f1, f2)
@test map(Float64, f1.k) map(Float64, f2.k)

function zpkfilter_eq(f1, f2, eps)
function zpkfilter_eq(f1, f2, atol)
if !isempty(f1.z) || !isempty(f2.z)
@test (map(ComplexF64, sort(f1.z; lt)), map(ComplexF64, sort(f2.z; lt)); atol=eps)
@test (map(ComplexF64, sort(f1.z; lt)), map(ComplexF64, sort(f2.z; lt)); atol)
@test (map(ComplexF64, sort(f1.p; lt)), map(ComplexF64, sort(f2.p; lt)); atol=eps)
@test (map(Float64, f1.k), map(Float64, f2.k); atol=eps)
@test (map(ComplexF64, sort(f1.p; lt)), map(ComplexF64, sort(f2.p; lt)); atol)
@test (map(Float64, f1.k), map(Float64, f2.k); atol)

loss(x::Real, y::Real) = abs(float(x) - float(y))/eps(float(x))
Expand All @@ -58,33 +58,21 @@ function tffilter_accuracy(f1, f2, accurate_f)
accuracy_check(loss(a1, accurate_a), loss(a2, accurate_a), "a")

function zpkfilter_accuracy(f1, f2, accurate_f; relerr=1, compare_gain_at=nothing, eps=nothing)
function zpkfilter_accuracy(f1, f2, accurate_f; relerr=1, compare_gain_at=nothing, atol=0.0)
z1, p1 = sort(f1.z; lt), sort(f1.p; lt)
z2, p2 = sort(f2.z; lt), sort(f2.p; lt)
accurate_z, accurate_p = sort(accurate_f.z; lt), sort(accurate_f.p; lt)
if !isempty(z1) || !isempty(z2) || !isempty(accurate_z)
if eps !== nothing
@test (z1, accurate_z; atol=eps)
@test (z2, accurate_z; atol=eps)
@test z1 accurate_z
@test z2 accurate_z
@test (z1, accurate_z; atol)
@test (z2, accurate_z; atol)
accuracy_check(loss(z1, accurate_z), loss(z2, accurate_z), "z", relerr)
if eps !== nothing
@test (p1, accurate_p; atol=eps)
@test (p2, accurate_p; atol=eps)
@test (f1.k, accurate_f.k; atol=eps)
@test (f2.k, accurate_f.k; atol=eps)
@test p1 accurate_p
@test p2 accurate_p
@test f1.k accurate_f.k
@test f2.k accurate_f.k
@test (p1, accurate_p; atol)
@test (p2, accurate_p; atol)
@test (f1.k, accurate_f.k; atol)
@test (f2.k, accurate_f.k; atol)
accuracy_check(loss(p1, accurate_p), loss(p2, accurate_p), "p", relerr)
if compare_gain_at === nothing
if isnothing(compare_gain_at)
accuracy_check(loss(f1.k, accurate_f.k), loss(f2.k, accurate_f.k), "k", relerr)
= compare_gain_at*im
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/diric.jl
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# diric.jl Dirichlet kernel tests

@testset "diric" begin
@test_throws ArgumentError diric(0, -2)
@test_throws DomainError diric(0, -2)
@test @inferred(diric(0, 4)) 1
@test @inferred(diric(0 // 1, 5)) == 1
@test @inferred(diric(4π, 4)) 1
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82 changes: 32 additions & 50 deletions test/estimation.jl
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Expand Up @@ -22,77 +22,59 @@ end

@testset "jacobsen" begin
fs = 100
t = range(0, 5, step = 1/fs)
t = range(0, 5; step=1/fs)
function test_complex_jacobsen(fs, fc, f=0, t=t)
sc = cispi.(2 * fc * t .+ f)
f_est_complex = jacobsen(sc, fs)
isapprox(f_est_complex, fc; atol=1e-5)
# test at two arbitrary frequencies
fc = -40.3
sc = cis.(2π*fc*t .+ π/1.4)
f_est_complex = jacobsen(sc, fs)
@test isapprox(f_est_complex, fc, atol = 1e-5)
fc = 14.3
sc = cis.(2π*fc*t .+ π/3)
f_est_complex = jacobsen(sc, fs)
@test isapprox(f_est_complex, fc, atol = 1e-5)
@test test_complex_jacobsen(fs, -40.3, 1 / 1.4)
@test test_complex_jacobsen(fs, 14.3, 1 / 3)
# test near fs/2
fc = 49.90019
sc = cis.(2π*fc*t)
f_est_complex = jacobsen(sc, fs)
@test isapprox(f_est_complex, fc, atol = 1e-5)
@test test_complex_jacobsen(fs, 49.90019)
# test near -fs/2
fc = -49.90019
sc = cis.(2π*fc*t)
f_est_complex = jacobsen(sc, fs)
@test isapprox(f_est_complex, fc, atol = 1e-5)
@test test_complex_jacobsen(fs, -49.90019)
# test near +zero
fc = 0.04
sc = cis.(2π*fc*t)
f_est_complex = jacobsen(sc, fs)
@test isapprox(f_est_complex, fc, atol = 1e-5)
@test test_complex_jacobsen(fs, 0.04)
# test near -zero
fc = -0.1
sc = cis.(2π*fc*t)
f_est_complex = jacobsen(sc, fs)
@test isapprox(f_est_complex, fc, atol = 1e-5)
@test test_complex_jacobsen(fs, -0.1)
# tests for real signals: test only around fs/4, where the
# expected error is small.
fr = 28.3
sr = cos.(2π*fr*t .+ π/4.2)
sr = cospi.(2 * fr * t .+ 1 / 4.2)
f_est_real = jacobsen(sr, fs)
@test isapprox(f_est_real, fr, atol = 1e-5)
@test isapprox(f_est_real, fr; atol=1e-5)
fr = 23.45
sr = sin.(2π*fr*t .+ 3π/2.2)
sr = sinpi.(2 * fr * t .+ 3 / 2.2)
f_est_real = jacobsen(sr, fs)
@test isapprox(f_est_real, fr, atol = 1e-5)
@test isapprox(f_est_real, fr; atol=1e-5)

@testset "quinn" begin
function test_quinn(f, s, args...)
(f_est_real, maxiter) = quinn(s, args...)
@test maxiter == false
@test isapprox(f_est_real, f; atol=1e-3)
return nothing
### real input
fs = 100
t = range(0, 5, step = 1/fs)
t = range(0, 5; step=1/fs)
fr = 28.3
sr = cos.(2π*fr*t .+ π/4.2)
(f_est_real, maxiter) = quinn(sr, 50, fs)
@test maxiter == false
@test isapprox(f_est_real, fr, atol = 1e-3)
sr = cospi.(2 * fr * t .+ 1 / 4.2)
test_quinn(fr, sr, 50, fs)
# use default initial guess
(f_est_real, maxiter) = quinn(sr, fs) # initial guess given by Jacobsen
@test maxiter == false
@test isapprox(f_est_real, fr, atol = 1e-3)
test_quinn(fr, sr, fs) # initial guess given by Jacobsen
# use default fs
(f_est_real, maxiter) = quinn(sr) # fs = 1.0, initial guess given by Jacobsen
@test maxiter == false
@test isapprox(f_est_real, fr/fs, atol = 1e-3)
test_quinn(fr / fs, sr) # fs = 1.0, initial guess given by Jacobsen

### complex input
fc = -40.3
sc = cis.(2π*fc*t .+ π/1.4)
(f_est_real, maxiter) = quinn(sc, -20, fs)
@test maxiter == false
@test isapprox(f_est_real, fc, atol = 1e-3)
sc = cispi.(2 * fc * t .+ 1 / 1.4)
test_quinn(fc, sc, -20, fs)
# use default initial guess
(f_est_real, maxiter) = quinn(sc, fs) # initial guess given by Jacobsen
@test maxiter == false
@test isapprox(f_est_real, fc, atol = 1e-3)
test_quinn(fc, sc, fs) # initial guess given by Jacobsen
# use default fs
(f_est_real, maxiter) = quinn(sc) # fs = 1.0, initial guess by Jacobsen
@test maxiter == false
@test isapprox(f_est_real, fc/fs, atol = 1e-3)
test_quinn(fc / fs, sc) # fs = 1.0, initial guess by Jacobsen
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions test/filt.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -293,13 +293,13 @@ end
@testset "filtfilt SOS" begin
x = readdlm(joinpath(dirname(@__FILE__), "data", "spectrogram_x.txt"),'\t')

f = DSP.digitalfilter(DSP.Lowpass(0.2), DSP.Butterworth(4))
f = digitalfilter(Lowpass(0.2), Butterworth(4))
@test filtfilt(convert(SecondOrderSections, f), x) filtfilt(convert(PolynomialRatio, f), x)

f = DSP.digitalfilter(DSP.Highpass(0.1), DSP.Butterworth(6))
f = digitalfilter(Highpass(0.1), Butterworth(6))
@test filtfilt(convert(SecondOrderSections, f), x) filtfilt(convert(PolynomialRatio, f), x)

f = DSP.digitalfilter(DSP.Bandpass(0.1, 0.3), DSP.Butterworth(2))
f = digitalfilter(Bandpass(0.1, 0.3), Butterworth(2))
@test filtfilt(convert(SecondOrderSections, f), x) filtfilt(convert(PolynomialRatio, f), x)

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