This project intends to provide an "realtime"-Show/Venue Management, managing the performances and providing informations for visitors, crew and casts.
We are currently in early proof of concept.
An Event is an Event, and has an "import url" (JSON from pretalx) to get the planned programme from, as well as a time offset. Normally, an event will run in realtime (time offset 0), however, it can be useful to provide an "simulated" time for rehearsals etc.
An Venue is a part of an event, and represents an Stage/Room/etc.
An Performance is the Talk, Show, etc. that is shown on the stage, usually by a single (group) of performers. A Performance has a planned start/duration, and if actually running an actual start/duration.
A performance can be started and stopped manually (and automatically in the future).
Delay and prognosed start/stop are calculated at runtime, and regulary refreshed. This can be used to provide backstage dashboards.
Please feel free to help with backend, frontend and documentation (and open an PR). We also need code quality checks, deployment jobs, etc.