The Genomic BLUP as executed in the gblup.r function is performed by the algorithms of the R-package BGLR, it is also possible to do BayesA, BayesB, BayesC BL.
It should install the required packages automatically, when executed the first time
The phenotype csv is 2*n matrix where the first column contains the names of the genotypes and the second column harbors the phenotype values n equals the number of genotypes that were phenotyped
The genotype csv is matrix of size n_genotypes*n_makers +1 coded as 0 and 1 the first row contains the names of the genotypes the second to nth row are the SNP_markers.
It is not necassary to manually read the csv files into your environment the function does that for you, just enter the filenames when executin the function
it will write an output file called gp_results.csv that stores all the relevant information
Rscript ex.gblup.r -x gent_geno.csv -y gent_pheno.csv -label value
type Rscript ex.gblup -h
for help