High-dimensional image reading, compression, and preprocessing workflow as part of the MIAAIM framework.
All steps can be run using YAML files in conjunction with the function 'RunHDIprepYAML' from yaml_hdi_prep.py. YAML inputs can be run from command line, or can be called in Python. The easiest way to use hdi-prep
in the Python environment is through the pip installable miaaim-python package. An API reference for Python usage is available at https://joshuahess12.github.io/miaaim-python.
- HDF5
- NIfTI-1
- imzML
All image processing can be run with dependecies installed via Docker, the command_hdi_prep.py code, and entering the path to a .yaml file that contains processing steps as follows:
- Install Docker on your machine.
- Check that Docker is installed with
docker images
- Pull the hdi-prep docker container
docker pull joshuahess/hdi-prep:latest
where latest is the version number. - Mount your data in the Docker container and enter shell with
docker run -it -v /path/to/data:/data joshuahess/hdi-prep:latest bash
- Run the pipeline with your new data using the following command:
python app/command_hdi_prep.py --path_to_yaml /data/yourfile.yaml --out_dir /data
If you are unable to install Docker on your machine, you can clone the hdi-prep
repo and use it from the command line:
- Clone the
repo and install requirements in theHDIprep.yml
git clone https://github.com/JoshuaHess12/hdi-prep.git
cd hdi-prep
python command_hdi_prep.py --path_to_yaml path/to/your.yaml --out_dir path/to/output-directory
Steps for image processing are passed sequentially in a YAML file. Two input headers must be included in the file:
- ImportOptions and
- ProcessingSteps
These two steps are set as main headers in YAML format as follows:
#-----arguments for importing images-----
# input path to images
- "path/to/input-image.ext"
# flatten the array? (True for dimension reduction, False for histology images)
flatten: True
# subsample the image?
subsample: True
# method of subsampling
method: grid
# grid spacing for subsampling
grid_spacing: (5,5)
# use a mask for only processing a subset of image? If yes, put path
# save memory for very large images? (e.g. for whole tissue images)
save_mem: True
#-----arguments for processing images-----
# set processing steps (in order) and arguments for each
# steady state UMAP compression
- RunOptimalUMAP:
# neighbors to use for UMAP
n_neighbors: 15
# spectral landmarks
landmarks: 3000
# metric to use for UMAP
metric: 'euclidean'
# reproducible results
random_state: 1221
# dimension range for steady state compression
dim_range: (1,11)
# export diagnostics for steady state compression
export_diagnostics: True
# output directory
output_dir: "path/to/output-directory"
# spatial reconstruction of UMAP embedding
- SpatiallyMapUMAP
# export NIfTI file for registering with Elastix
- ExportNifti1:
output_dir: "path/to/output-directory"
Note: lists are indicated in YAML files by the '-' character. HDIprep will run the steps listed sequentially
Options for importing data and processing are listed below. Detailed descriptions of each function can be found within source code.
YAML Step | Options |
1. ImportOptions | |
--list_of_paths |
paths to input images (Ex. ./example.ome.tiff ) |
--flatten |
flatten pixels to array Options: True if compressing images False if histology processing |
--subsample |
subsample image for compression Options: True if compressing images False if histology processing |
--method |
subsampling method Options: grid for uniform grid sampling random for random coordinate sampling pseudo_random for random sampling initalized by uniform grids |
--grid_spacing |
tuple representing x and y spacing for grid sampling (Ex. (5,5) ) |
--n |
fraction indicating sampling number (between 0-1) for random or pseudo_random sampling (Ex. (5,5) ) |
--masks |
paths to TIF masks if compressing only a portion of image (Ex. ./mymask.tif ) |
--save_mem |
option to reduce memory footprint Options: True if compressing very large images False if running for interactive Python session |
2. ProcessingSteps | |
RunOptimalUMAP |
run steady-state image compression with UMAP Options: n_neighbors nearest neighbors (Ex. n_neighbors: 15 ) landmarks number of spectral centroids (Ex. landmarks: 3000 ) metric metric to use for UMAP (Ex. metric: "euclidean" ) random_state for reproducible results (Ex. random_state: 0 ) dim_range tuple indicating range of dimensionalities for iterative embedding (Ex. dim_range: "(1,10)" ) export_diagnostics exports csv and image of steady state compression results (Ex. export_diagnostics: True ) output_dir directory for export diagnostic expoting (Ex. output_dir: "./outdirectory") **kwargs keyword arguments to be passed to UMAP |
run UMAP compression Options: **kwargs to be passed to UMAP (link above) |
RunOptimalParametricUMAP |
run steady-state image compression with neural network UMAP Options: same input options as RunOptimalUMAP |
SpatiallyMapUMAP |
reconstruct image from pixel positions and UMAP embedding coordinates Options: method reconstruction method to use (rectangular for large images with no mask, 'coordinate' for masked images and all data in imzML format (Ex. method: "rectangular" )) save_mem for large images (Ex. save_mem: True )) |
ApplyManualMask |
apply manual mask for histology processing Options: mask is accessed from ImportOptions |
MedianFilter |
remove salt and pepper noise for histology processing Options: filter_size size for disk used in filtering (Ex. filter_size: 15 ) parallel parallel processing option (Ex. parallel: True ) |
Threshold |
create mask for processing with thresholding Options: type thresholding type -- can be "manual" or automatic thresholding with "otsu" (Ex. type: "otsu" ) thresh_value to use if manual thresholding (Ex. thresh_value: 1.0 ) correction factor to multiply threshold with for more stringent thresholding (Ex. correction: 1.2 ) |
Open |
morphological opening on mask Options: disk_size disk size for opening (Ex. disk_size: 10 ) parallel parallel processing option (Ex. parallel: True ) |
Close |
morphological closing on mask Options: disk_size disk size for closing (Ex. disk_size: 10 ) parallel parallel processing option (Ex. parallel: True ) |
Fill |
morphological filling on mask (fill holes) |
ApplyMask |
apply processed mask to image for final processing step |
ExportNifti1 |
export processed image or compressed image in the NIfTI-1 format for image registration with HDIreg workflow in MIAAIM Options: output_dir output directory (Ex. output_dir: "./outdirectory" ) padding border padding to add to image (useful for registration) (Ex. padding: (50,50) ) target_size resulting resize shape after padding to match with corresponding image (Ex. target_size: (1000,1500) ) |
If you are interested in contributing to hdi-prep, access the contents to see the software organization. Code structure is documented for each module.