- [Compass] ( compass library
- [Sass] ( precompiled css
- [Modular Scale] ( modular scale for typography
- [Angular] ( thick-client framework
- [Node and NPM] ( server-side JS environment and package manager
- [Bower] ( package manager for client-side libraries and frameworks
- [Grunt] ( JS task runner / asset pipeline
Project uses Grunt for the development and build toolchain, Sass for preprocessed CSS features and modularity, and Angular for the MV* thick client
system requirements ** [ruby-1.9.3] ( On Windows, use Rubyinstaller ** node/npm - Installer for your OS from the site, also installs npm ** git - Installer for your OS from [Git] ( ** bower - npm install -g bower (global) ** grunt - npm install -g grunt-cli
even if ruby is already installed this tutorial walks through installation of DevKit
other information regarding DevKit, installation, troubleshooting here
options for upgrading ruby [here] ( and [here] (
Update your RubyGems to avoid SSH error issues:
[Rubygems] (
[Instructions] (
All installations should be done in a way that gets the necessary pieces on your path (Git, Ruby, Node/NPM), so that you can issue all commands from the shell of your choice
- cd into your sites directory, then, in bash (will create a new directory for the project):
git clone |this project|
- cd into the build directory (submodule) and then:
git checkout master
- you may want a local branch, in which case, in both the root and build directories:
git checkout -b |your new branch|
go to the root of your project
install the bundler gem
gem install bundler
- get all required gems/dependencies installed:
bundle install
- finally, again at the root of your project
bower install && npm install
- to run your project locally
grunt serve
(You will need to change the IP from to localhost,, your IPV4, or your machine name, and keep port 9000)
All code changes should be made within the "app" folder
on making code changes, the browser should refresh (and if it doesn't, save a root html or js file again, no changes necessary; plus you may need to wait a bit)
- to rebuild the build directory, from the root directory:
grunt build
See Gemfile and config.rb for various required gems, which should be handled by bundle install
most things come down to bower install, npm install, or bundle install (if something's changed an is missing in the dev environment)