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See: <leanprover/lean4#1090> Addresses errors: ```sh-session $ lean Bigop.lean bigop 0 [0, 2, 4] fun i => (i, Add.add, i != 2, i) : Nat bigop 0 (index_iota 10 20) fun i => (i, Add.add, i != 5, i + 1) : Nat bigop 0 (index_iota 10 20) fun i => (i, Add.add, true, i + 1) : Nat bigop 1 [0, 2, 4] fun i => (i, Mul.mul, i != 2, i) : Nat bigop 1 (index_iota 10 20) fun i => (i, Mul.mul, i != 5, i + 1) : Nat bigop 1 (index_iota 10 20) fun i => (i, Mul.mul, true, i + 1) : Nat bigop 0 Enumerable.elems fun i => (i, Add.add, true, i + 1) : Fin 10 bigop 0 Enumerable.elems fun i => (i, Add.add, i != 2, i + 1) : Fin 10 bigop 0 Enumerable.elems fun i => (i, Add.add, myPred i, i + i) : Fin 10 bigop 1 Enumerable.elems fun i => (i, Mul.mul, true, i + 1) : Fin 10 bigop 1 Enumerable.elems fun i => (i, Mul.mul, i != 2, i + 1) : Fin 10 bigop 1 Enumerable.elems fun i => (i, Mul.mul, myPred i, i + i) : Fin 10 bigop 0 (index_iota 10 20) fun i => (i, Add.add, true, i + 1) : Nat Bigop.lean:119:12: error: expected '&', '(', '[', 'atom', 'binary', 'cat', 'ident', 'macroArg', 'nonReserved', 'paren', 'sepBy', 'sepBy(', 'sepBy1', 'sepBy1(', 'str', 'stx', 'unary', identifier or string literal Bigop.lean:121:0: error: elaboration function for 'Bigop.commandDef_bigop___' has not been implemented Bigop.lean:122:14: error: expected ')' $ lean Expander.lean Expander.lean:127:6: error: expected '#check', '#check_failure', '#eval', '#exit', '#print', '#reduce', '#resolve_name', '#synth', '/-!', '`(tactic|', 'abbrev', 'attribute', 'axiom', 'builtin_initialize', 'check', 'check_failure', 'class', 'classInductive', 'classTk', 'command', 'constant', 'declaration', 'declare_syntax_cat', 'def', 'deriving', 'elab', 'elab_rules', 'end', 'eval', 'example', 'exit', 'export', 'genInjectiveTheorems', 'gen_injective_theorems%', 'inductive', 'infix', 'infixl', 'infixr', 'init_quot', 'initialize', 'instance', 'macro', 'macro_rules', 'mixfix', 'moduleDoc', 'mutual', 'namespace', 'noncomputable', 'noncomputableSection', 'notation', 'open', 'postfix', 'prefix', 'print', 'printAxioms', 'quot', 'reduce', 'resolve_name', 'section', 'set_option', 'structure', 'structureTk', 'syntax', 'syntaxAbbrev', 'syntaxCat', 'synth', 'term', 'theorem', 'unif_hint', 'universe', 'variable' or identifier Expander.lean:134:10: error: expected identifier Expander.lean:136:10: error: expected identifier Expander.lean:138:13: error: expected '&', '(', 'sepBy(', 'sepBy1(', identifier or string literal Expander.lean:138:89: error: expected '&', '(', 'sepBy(', 'sepBy1(', identifier or string literal Expander.lean:140:20: error: expected '`(tactic|' Expander.lean:143:20: error: expected '`(tactic|' Expander.lean:198:6: error: expected '#check', '#check_failure', '#eval', '#exit', '#print', '#reduce', '#resolve_name', '#synth', '/-!', '`(tactic|', 'abbrev', 'attribute', 'axiom', 'builtin_initialize', 'check', 'check_failure', 'class', 'classInductive', 'classTk', 'command', 'constant', 'declaration', 'declare_syntax_cat', 'def', 'deriving', 'elab', 'elab_rules', 'end', 'eval', 'example', 'exit', 'export', 'genInjectiveTheorems', 'gen_injective_theorems%', 'inductive', 'infix', 'infixl', 'infixr', 'init_quot', 'initialize', 'instance', 'macro', 'macro_rules', 'mixfix', 'moduleDoc', 'mutual', 'namespace', 'noncomputable', 'noncomputableSection', 'notation', 'open', 'postfix', 'prefix', 'print', 'printAxioms', 'quot', 'reduce', 'resolve_name', 'section', 'set_option', 'structure', 'structureTk', 'syntax', 'syntaxAbbrev', 'syntaxCat', 'synth', 'term', 'theorem', 'unif_hint', 'universe', 'variable' or identifier Expander.lean:201:10: error: expected identifier Expander.lean:202:13: error: expected '&', '(', 'sepBy(', 'sepBy1(', identifier or string literal Expander.lean:203:20: error: expected '`(tactic|' Expander.lean:300:0: error: cannot evaluate code because 'Lean.Expander.expand' uses 'sorry' and/or contains errors Expander.lean:307:0: error: cannot evaluate code because 'Lean.Expander.expand' uses 'sorry' and/or contains errors ```
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