Blog MX | Magento 2 Blog Module by Mirasvit
FREE, fully featured, powerful Blog solution for your online store! Magento 2 Blog MX allows you to open a blog and engage more and more customers to your shop activities using any type of content: images, video, articles etc.
- SEO friendly posts and URLs
- Multi-level categories
- Ability to preview post before publication or before save changes
- RSS Feed
- Tags and Tag Cloud
- Disqus comments
- Featured image for posts
- Ability to pin post at the top
- Sharing buttons
Log in to the Magento server, go to your Magento install dir and run these commands:
composer require mirasvit/module-blog
php -f bin/magento module:enable Mirasvit_Blog
php -f bin/magento setup:upgrade
rm -rf pub/static/*; rm -rf var/view_preprocessed/*;
php -f bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
- Fixed an issue with wrong paging urls
- Fixed an issue with empty posts
- Varnish compatibility
- Blog permissions
- Allow custom sidebar blocks
- Remove obsolete permission update
- Fixed an issue with updating Page Cache after publish post
- Fixed issues related with M2.1 Eav
- Added an ability to related posts with products
- #25 -- Serialization issue Magento 2.1
- #24 -- fatal error on setup:install
- #22 -- issue with varnish cache (related with post breadrumbs)
- #21
- Fixed an issue with setup:di:compile-multi-tenant
- Changed repository structure. Integrated with
- #18 -- integrate Facebook comments
- #16 Split Url suffix for posts and for categories
- #16 -- added ability to set url suffix (.html)
- Ability to enable/disable AddThis sharing buttons in configuration
- Related Products - Backend
- #15 -- fixed an issue with not seo friendly post image
- Fixed an issue with sorting Recent posts
- Removed AddThis fixed toolbar
- Fixed an issue with wrong posts in recent widget
- Fixed few small issues
- #11
- Fixed an issue with syntax errors after .phtml minification
- SeoAutolinks compatibility
- Fixed issue with menu on mobile devices
- Block with related posts at post view page (related by tags)
- Default config
- RSS Feed (whole blog and per category)
- Rearrange sidebar blocks
- Search by blog
- Ability to defined date-time format
- Ability to search by blog posts
- Added Disqus
- BLG2-13
- BLG2-10
- BLG2-8
- BLG2-6
- BLG2-7
- BLG2-3
- BLG2-5