This #dataengineering project, commissioned by Hack for LA leadership, entails developing a reusable pipeline for attributing L.A. County cities/parcels to the Native American tribes whose homes they originally were. In doing so, I leverage public resources and semi-unstructured data (in PDFs) to deliver an adaptive #dataproduct that can be used for multiple purposes.
The steps in this pipeline are as follows, and the code (in #R) is below…
- Extract/parse city -> zip code lookup tables from LA County’s official PDF
- Clean up, normalize, and merge extracted lookup tables
- Use Google’s Geocoding API to get the lat/lons per Zip
- Query Native Land Digital’s API to find the Native American peoples (and languages) who originally lived there
- Deliver the data product (currently in CSV format; can easily push to some DB)
For questions, please feel free to contact: Jude Calvillo. Thanks!
## Load libraries
library(tabulizer) # for extracting tables from PDFs
library(jsonlite) # for neatly converting JSON to dataframes
library(stringr) # for string splitting
library(dplyr) # for data transformations/aggregations
library(ggplot2) # for plotting
library(httr) # for raw API calls
library(ggmap) # easy interface to Google Geocode API
Using Tabulizer library to extract tables from a PDF, then previewing the data.
## Parse the Zip code lookup table from LA County's PDF at:
zips <- extract_tables("")
## Preview
## [,1] [,2]
## [1,] "" "County of Los Angeles"
## [2,] "" "ZIP CODE LIST"
## [3,] "" ""
## [4,] "ZIP CODE" "AREA NAME * (See note below)"
## [5,] "90001 Florence/South Central (City of LA)" ""
## [6,] "90002 Watts (City of LA)" ""
## [,3]
## [1,] ""
## [2,] ""
## [3,] "Supervisorial District"
## [4,] "1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th"
## [5,] "X X"
## [6,] "X"
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,] "90047" "South Central (City of LA)" "" "X"
## [2,] "90048" "West Beverly (City of LA)" "" "X"
## [3,] "90049" "Bel Air Estates (City of LA)/Brentwood (City of LA)" "" ""
## [4,] "90050" "Los Angeles" "X" ""
## [5,] "90051" "Los Angeles" "" "X"
## [6,] "90052" "Los Angeles" "" "X"
## [,5] [,6] [,7]
## [1,] "" "" ""
## [2,] "X" "" ""
## [3,] "X" "" ""
## [4,] "" "" ""
## [5,] "" "" ""
## [6,] "" "" ""
## [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,] "91301 Agoura/Oak Park" "X" ""
## [2,] "91302 Calabasas/Hidden Hills" "X" ""
## [3,] "91303 Canoga Park (City of LA)" "X" ""
## [4,] "91304 Canoga Park (City of LA)" "X" "X"
## [5,] "91305 Canoga Park (City of LA)" "X" ""
## [6,] "91306 Winnetka (City of LA)" "X" ""
Header and column detection were a little problematic on a few pages, but the errors fall within a limited range of classes and the data is still usable. Therefore, let’s just trim to what we need. This involves…
- Grabbing only the first two columns per table (given the commonality between the errors)
- Remove all rows that don’t start with a zip code
- For all those rows with zip and area name merged, split the text and replace
- Flag areas that are officially part of the City of LA
## Generally, between the different types of errors we're seeing, the data we need is in the first 2 columns of the listed matrices, so let's row bind the first two columns of all the matrices
zips_df <- data.frame()
for(i in 1:length(zips)){
zip_page <-[i])[,c(1:2)]
zips_df <- rbind(zips_df, zip_page)
## Pretty the names and remove rows that don't start with 5 numbers, then preview
names(zips_df) <- c("zip","area_name")
zips_df <- zips_df[grep("^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].*", as.character(zips_df$zip)),]
## zip area_name
## 5 90001 Florence/South Central (City of LA)
## 6 90002 Watts (City of LA)
## 7 90003 South Central (City of LA)
## 8 90004 Hancock Park (City of LA)
## 9 90005 Koreatown (City of LA)
## 10 90006 Pico Heights (City of LA)
## zip area_name
## 486 93560 Rosamond X
## 487 93563 Valyermo X
## 488 93584 Lancaster X
## 489 93586 Lancaster X
## 490 93590 Palmdale X
## 491 93591 Palmdale/Lake Los Angeles X
## How many rows have zip and area name merged?
zips_df$zip <- as.character(zips_df$zip)
zips_df$area_name <- as.character(zips_df$area_name)
length(zips_df$zip[grep(" [aA-zZ]", zips_df$zip)])
## [1] 175
## For all those rows with zip and area name merged, split the text and replace
zips_df[grep(" [aA-zZ]", zips_df$zip),] <- str_split_fixed(zips_df$zip[grep(" [aA-zZ]", zips_df$zip)], " ", n = 2)
## [1] 487 2
## Flag whether an area is in the "City of LA" (vs in-line text), to clean and lean things out
zips_df$LA_city <- grepl("City of LA", zips_df$area_name, = T)
zips_df$area_name <- gsub("\\(City of LA\\)| \\(City of LA\\)", "", zips_df$area_name, = T)
## Preview final data
## zip area_name LA_city
## 5 90001 Florence/South Central TRUE
## 6 90002 Watts TRUE
## 7 90003 South Central TRUE
## 8 90004 Hancock Park TRUE
## 9 90005 Koreatown TRUE
## 10 90006 Pico Heights TRUE
## zip area_name LA_city
## 486 93560 Rosamond FALSE
## 487 93563 Valyermo FALSE
## 488 93584 Lancaster FALSE
## 489 93586 Lancaster FALSE
## 490 93590 Palmdale FALSE
## 491 93591 Palmdale/Lake Los Angeles FALSE
Unfortunately, this API is rate-limited, so we’ll factor that into our design.
## Grab my Google Geocode API key and register it with GGmaps, my easy interface to Google Maps family of APIs
geo_key <- readRDS("geo_key.RDS")
## Run zips through Geocode API call and keep lat/lon as new column values per zip
zips_df[, c("lon", "lat")] <- geocode(zips_df$zip, output = "latlon")
## Save table for later use
write.csv(zips_df, "dat/los-angeles_county_zip-codes_lat-lon.csv", row.names = F)
} else {
## Let user know we've already got the data and therefore don't need to call the API
print("Zip to Lat/Lon lookup table already exists. Skipping API call, then previewing data...")
## Get existing data, if it's there
zips_df <- read.csv("dat/los-angeles-county_zip-codes_lat-lon.csv", stringsAsFactors = F)
## [1] "Zip to Lat/Lon lookup table already exists. Skipping API call, then previewing data..."
## Preview the data
## zip area_name LA_city lon lat
## 1 90001 Florence/South Central TRUE -118.2468 33.96979
## 2 90002 Watts TRUE -118.2497 33.95111
## 3 90003 South Central TRUE -118.2731 33.96580
## 4 90004 Hancock Park TRUE -118.3082 34.07489
## 5 90005 Koreatown TRUE -118.3097 34.05788
## 6 90006 Pico Heights TRUE -118.2965 34.04708
## zip area_name LA_city lon lat
## 482 93560 Rosamond FALSE -118.3228 34.884301
## 483 93563 Valyermo FALSE -117.7491 34.405338
## 484 93584 Lancaster FALSE -118.1400 34.700000
## 485 93586 Lancaster FALSE 110.3391 1.542587
## 486 93590 Palmdale FALSE -118.0600 34.500000
## 487 93591 Palmdale/Lake Los Angeles FALSE -117.8194 34.592562
## Any NAs?
print("Possible problem zips, for inspection:")
## [1] "Possible problem zips, for inspection:"
## zip area_name LA_city lon lat
## 79 90080 Airport Worldway TRUE NA NA
Step 4. Send lat, lons to API to get Native American lands and languages each area covers
For each lat, lon combo, we ping’s API to get the Native American lands that once
## Add empty territories and languages fields for now
zips_df$native_territories <- NA
zips_df$native_languages <- NA
## For each lat, lon combo, call the API
for(i in 1:length(zips_df$zip)){
api_resp <- GET("",
query = list(maps = "languages,territories", position = paste0(zips_df$lat[i], ",", zips_df$lon[i])),
add_headers('User-Agent' = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.116 Safari/537.36'))
api_content <- fromJSON(rawToChar(api_resp$content))$properties
zips_df$native_territories[i] <- paste0(api_content$Name[grep("territories", api_content$description)], collapse = ",")
zips_df$native_languages[i] <- paste0(api_content$Name[grep("languages", api_content$description)], collapse = ",")
} else {
print(paste0("Not a valid set of coordinate values for area: ", zips_df$area_name[i], " (", zips_df$zip[i], ").", " Skipping."))
} else {
## Let user know we've already got the data and therefore don't need to call the API
print("Table already exists. Skipping API call, then previewing data...")
## Get existing data, if it's there
zips_df <- read.csv("dat/los-angeles-county_native-american-lands.csv", stringsAsFactors = F)
## [1] "Table already exists. Skipping API call, then previewing data..."
## Preview data
## zip area_name LA_city lon lat native_territories
## 1 90001 Florence/South Central TRUE -118.2468 33.96979 Chumash,Tongva,Kizh
## 2 90002 Watts TRUE -118.2497 33.95111 Chumash,Tongva,Kizh
## 3 90003 South Central TRUE -118.2731 33.96580 Chumash,Tongva,Kizh
## 4 90004 Hancock Park TRUE -118.3082 34.07489 Chumash,Tongva,Kizh
## 5 90005 Koreatown TRUE -118.3097 34.05788 Chumash,Tongva,Kizh
## 6 90006 Pico Heights TRUE -118.2965 34.04708 Chumash,Tongva,Kizh
## native_languages
## 1 Tongva
## 2 Tongva
## 3 Tongva
## 4 Tongva
## 5 Tongva
## 6 Tongva
## Save to file
write.csv(zips_df, "dat/los-angeles-county_native-american-lands.csv", row.names = F)
## List the unique tribes across LA county
print("Unique Native American territories across LA County:")
## [1] "Unique Native American territories across LA County:"
unique(na.omit(unlist(strsplit(zips_df$native_territories, ","))))
## [1] "Chumash" "Tongva"
## [3] "Kizh" "Micqanaqa’n"
## [5] "Fernandeño Tataviam" "Acjachemen (Juaneño)"
## [7] "Payómkawichum (Luiseño)" "Yuhaviatam/Maarenga’yam (Serrano)"
## [9] "Kitanemuk"
-Jude C.