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code functions
JonathanSteininger edited this page Oct 29, 2019
2 revisions
while (playerName == null || playerName == ""){
playerName = prompt("What is your name?", "Player");
if (playerName === ""){
playerName = "player";
} else if (playerName === null){
playerName = "player";
} else if (playerName == playerName){
playerName = playerName.toLowerCase();
while (difficulty != 'easy' && difficulty != 'medium' && difficulty != 'hard' && difficulty != 'impossible'){
difficulty = prompt( playerName + ", what difficulty do you want? (Easy, Medium, Hard)", "easy");
if (difficulty === ""){
difficulty = "easy";
} else if (difficulty === null){
difficulty = "hard";
} else if (difficulty == difficulty){
difficulty = difficulty.toLowerCase();
function mainloop(){// mainloop where the game runs the instructions
if (restartKeyPressed == true){
onetimer == true
// this starts the game over again
if (restart < 0){
Invincability = 0;
onetimer = true;
gameStop = true;
gamePause = false;
pauseChanger = 1;
restart = 30;
score = 0;
scoreScreen = false;
// this pauses the game
if (gamePause == false){
// this ends the game untill restarted
if (gameStop == false){
// this sets up the game in the begining eg. positioning
if(onetimer == true){
playerXpos = playerStartPos[0];
playerYpos = (playerStartPos[1] - playerSize / 2);
for(i = 0; i < maxBullets; i++){// controlls the amount of shots
onetimer = false;
imgLoad(backgroundImg,0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height);//the background
imgLoad(playerColour,playerXpos,playerYpos,playerSize,playerSize)//draws the player
imgLoad(imgRope,ropePos[0],ropePos[1],ropeSize[0],ropeSize[1]);//the image for the rope
gamePauseBackground = 0;
gameEndBackground = 0;
gameMenuBackground = 0;
// this continuestly draws the players current score and lives
drawText("Lives: "+ lives,10,20,"20px arial" , "black")
drawText("Score: "+ score,canvas.width - 120,20,"20px arial" , "black")
}else if (scoreScreen == true) {
if(gameEndBackground == 0){
colorRect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height,'rgba(0,0,0,0.8)')// draws background
drawText("!You Died!", canvas.width / 2 - 100, canvas.height/4 ,"30px arial", "white");
drawText("Your score was " + score, canvas.width / 3 - 50, canvas.height/2 ,"30px arial", "white");
drawText("Hold R to restart", canvas.width / 4 + 40, canvas.height/2 + 40,"30px arial", "white");
gameEndBackground += 1;
} else {
if (gameMenuBackground == 0){
gameMenuBackground += 1
}// end of gamestop if
}else {
if(gamePauseBackground == 0 && gameStop == false){
gamePauseBackground += 1;
}// end of gamepause if
}// end of mainloop func
//easter egg function E(){ if (playerName == "impossible"){// this can only be activated with the right name for(i = 0; i < 10; i++){ makeBullets(); } } }// end of easter egg
function drawPausescreen(){// draws the pause screen
colorRect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height,'rgba(0,0,0,0.6)')// draws background
// draws the text on the pause screen
drawText("Game is Paused",canvas.width/2 - 160,canvas.height/6,"40px arial","white")
drawText("Game Controls:",canvas.width/2 - 120,canvas.height/6 + 50,"30px arial","white")
drawText("Arrowkeys or WASD to move",canvas.width/2 - 140,canvas.height/6 + 90,"20px arial","white")
drawText("Hold R to restart",canvas.width/2 - 87,canvas.height/6 + 140,"20px arial","white")
// redraws score and lives in white for better visuals
drawText("Lives: "+ lives,10,20,"20px arial" , "white")
drawText("Score: "+ score,canvas.width - 120,20,"20px arial" , "white")
}// end of drawPauseScreen
function drawMenuscreen(){//draws the menue screen
colorRect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height,'rgba(0,0,0,0.6)')// draws background
// draws the text on the menu screen
drawText("Difficulty: " + difficulty,canvas.width/2 - 145,canvas.height/6,"40px arial","white")
drawText("Game Controls:",canvas.width/2 - 120,canvas.height/6 + 50,"30px arial","white")
drawText("Arrowkeys or WASD to move",canvas.width/2 - 140,canvas.height/6 + 90,"20px arial","white")
drawText("Press P to Pause",canvas.width/2 - 92,canvas.height/6 + 115,"20px arial","white")
drawText("Hold R to restart",canvas.width/2 - 87,canvas.height/6 + 140,"20px arial","white")
drawText("Press enter to start",canvas.width/2 - 120,canvas.height/6 + 195,"25px arial","white")
drawText("Relode the page to change difficulty",canvas.width/2 - 210,canvas.height/6 + 250,"25px arial","white")
drawText("Lives: "+ lives,10,20,"20px arial" , "white")
}// end of drawMenuScreen func
// changes the difficulty of the game
function difficultySetup(){
if (difficulty == 'hard'){
lives = 2;
maxBullets = 4;
if (difficulty == 'medium'){
lives = 4;
maxBullets = 3;
if (difficulty == 'easy'){
lives = 6;
maxBullets = 2;
}// end of difficultySetup func
function pauseGame(){// a function to toggle between pause screen
if (pauseKeyPressed == true && singlePress == true && gameStop == false){
singlePress = false;
pauseChanger += 1;
//this toggles the pause screen
if ( pauseChanger == 1){
gamePause = false;
if (pauseChanger == 2){
gamePause = true
if (pauseChanger >= 3){
pauseChanger = 1;
}// end of puaseGame func
function addScore(){
//adds the score with time intervals
if (scoreIntervals !=8){
scoreIntervals -= 1;
if (scoreIntervals <= 0){
scoreIntervals = 4;
// this adds more score if the player isent in slowmotion
if (score != -10 && Invincability <=0 && scoreIntervals == 4){
score += 4*maxBullets;
} else {
score += 1*maxBullets;
}//end of addScore func
function gameStartSet(){// sets up all the variables at the start of the game
megaphoneYpos[0] = ((canvas.height / 3) - (megaphoneSize / 2))- canvas.height/ 8;
megaphoneYpos[1] = (((canvas.height / 3) - (megaphoneSize / 2))*2) - canvas.height/ 8;
megaphoneYpos[2] = (((canvas.height / 3) - (megaphoneSize / 2))*3) - canvas.height/ 8;
megaphoneXpos = canvas.width - (canvas.width/10);
ropePos[0] = canvas.width /3.5;
ropeSize[1] = canvas.height;
}// end of gamestartset func
//invincability timer
function drawPlayer(){
if (Invincability >= 0){// countdown
Invincability -= 1;
//colours showing the stages of ivincability
if (Invincability <=0){
playerColour = bloonImg;
if (Invincability < 51 && Invincability > 40){
playerColour = bloonImg3;
} else if(Invincability < 41 && Invincability > 30){
playerColour = bloonImg2;
if (Invincability < 31 && Invincability > 20){
playerColour = bloonImg3;
} else if (Invincability < 21 && Invincability > 10){
playerColour = bloonImg2;
else if (Invincability < 11 && Invincability > 0){
playerColour = bloonImg3;
}// end of drawPlayer func
// function to draw the megaphone images
function drawMegaphone(){
}// end of drawMegaphones
function playerMove(){// this moves the player if the correct keys are pressed
if (upKeyPressed == true && playerYpos > 0){
playerYpos -= playerYspeed;
if (downKeyPressed == true && playerYpos < canvas.height - playerSize){
playerYpos += playerYspeed;
if (leftKeyPressed == true && playerXpos > 0){
playerXpos -= playerXspeed;
if (rightKeyPressed == true && playerXpos < ropePos[0] - playerSize + 3){
playerXpos += playerXspeed;
}// end of playerMove func
// invincability action
function BPCollision(){
// detects if the bullet is touching the player
if (bullet.bulletXpos < playerXpos + playerSize && bullet.bulletXpos + bullet.BULLET_SIZE > playerXpos && bullet.bulletYpos < playerYpos + playerSize && bullet.bulletYpos + bullet.BULLET_SIZE > playerYpos && Invincability <= 0){
Invincability = 150;
playerColour = bloonImg3;
lives -= 1;
scoreScreen = true;
// this ends the game if the players lives are 0
if (lives <= 0){
gameStop = true;
}// end of collisions
function startGame(){// the function to start the game with the enter key
if (enterKeyPressed == true){
gameStop = false;
}// end of startGame func
function playerBoundries(){// this keeps the player from going out of the canvis
if (playerXpos + playerSize > ropePos[0] +5){
playerXpos = ropePos[0] +5 - playerSize;
if(playerXpos < 0 ){
playerXpos = 0;
if(playerYpos < 0){
playerYpos = 0;
if(playerYpos > canvas.height - playerSize){
playerYpos = canvas.height - playerSize;
}// end of playerBoundries func
function restartTimer(){// this counts down for how long you have to hold the restart key
if (restartKeyPressed == true){
restart -= 1;
}//end of restartTimer
// all the keypressed events
function keyPressed(evt){
if(evt.keyCode == PAUSE_KEY){
pauseKeyPressed = true;
if(evt.keyCode == UP_KEY || evt.keyCode == UP_ARROW_KEY){
upKeyPressed = true;
if(evt.keyCode == RESTART_KEY){
restartKeyPressed = true;
if(evt.keyCode == ENTER_KEY){
enterKeyPressed = true;
if(evt.keyCode == DOWN_KEY || evt.keyCode == DOWN_ARROW_KEY){
downKeyPressed = true;
if(evt.keyCode == LEFT_KEY || evt.keyCode == LEFT_ARROW_KEY){
leftKeyPressed = true;
if(evt.keyCode == RIGHT_KEY || evt.keyCode == RIGHT_ARROW_KEY){
rightKeyPressed = true;
}// end of keyPressed func
// all the key released events
function keyReleased(evt){
if(evt.keyCode == PAUSE_KEY){
pauseKeyPressed = false;
singlePress = true;// this makes it so you cant hold the pause key and quickly change between paused and unpaused
if(evt.keyCode == RESTART_KEY){
restartKeyPressed = false;
restart = 30;// makes it so the restart timer resets once you let go of the R key
if(evt.keyCode == ENTER_KEY){
enterKeyPressed = false;
if(evt.keyCode == UP_KEY || evt.keyCode == UP_ARROW_KEY){
upKeyPressed = false;
if(evt.keyCode == DOWN_KEY || evt.keyCode == DOWN_ARROW_KEY){
downKeyPressed = false;
if(evt.keyCode == LEFT_KEY || evt.keyCode == LEFT_ARROW_KEY){
leftKeyPressed = false;
if(evt.keyCode == RIGHT_KEY || evt.keyCode == RIGHT_ARROW_KEY){
rightKeyPressed = false;
}// end of keyReleased func
function newIMG(){// function to load imgs
if(singleLoadImg == true){
new Image();
singleLoadImg = false;
}// end of neIMG func
function imgLoad(src,x,y,w,h){// function to set up how it gets the data
}// end of imgLoad func
function colorRect(x,y,w,h,c){// function used to draw simple blocks with colour
canvasContext.fillStyle = c;
}// end of colorRect func
function drawText(msg,x,y,f,c){// function used to draw text on the canvas
canvasContext.font = f;
canvasContext.fillStyle = c;
canvasContext.fillText(msg, x, y)// ('text' var, xpos, ypos)
}// end of drawText func
function makeBullets(){//function to crate new bullets
// variables to create new bullets
var yspeedChanger = 0;
var xspeedChanger = 0;
var bulletPos = Math.floor(Math.random()*3) + 1;// gives it one of three random positions
var POSorNEG = Math.floor(Math.random()*2)+1;
const BULLET_SIZE = 15;
var bulletXpos = megaphoneXpos + 10;
var bulletYpos = 0;
// determins where the positions are from one of the three outcomes of bulletpos
if(bulletPos == 1){
bulletYpos = megaphoneYpos[0] +25;
} else if (bulletPos == 2){
bulletYpos = megaphoneYpos[1] +25;
} else {
bulletYpos = megaphoneYpos[2] +25;
var bulletXspeed = Math.floor(Math.random()*(15 - 5) + 5);
var bulletYspeed = Math.floor(Math.random()*(15 - 5) + 5);
var bullet = {
bulletXpos: bulletXpos,
bulletYpos: bulletYpos,
bulletYspeed: bulletYspeed,
bulletXspeed: bulletXspeed,
bullets.push(bullet);// pushes all the data created into an array as a new bullet
}// end of makeBullets func
function drawBullet(){
bullets.forEach(function(bullet,i){// dose it for each bullet
}//end of drawbullet func
function moveBullet(){
bullets.forEach(function(bullet,i){// dose it for each bullet
if (restart < 0){// clears current bullets if the player restarted
delete bullets[i];
// this if determins what happens when the bullet reaches the edge of the screen
if(bullet.bulletXpos <= 0 - bullet.BULLET_SIZE){
bullet.bulletXpos = megaphoneXpos;// teleports the bullet back to the megaphones
// gives it a random Yspeed and Xspeed
var bulletXspeed2 = Math.floor(Math.random()*(15 - 5) + 5);
var bulletYspeed2 = Math.floor(Math.random()*(15 - 5) + 5);
bullet.bulletXspeed = bulletXspeed2;
bullet.bulletYspeed = bulletYspeed2;
// this determins on which megaphone it will teleport too
var bulletPos = Math.floor(Math.random()*3) + 1;
var bulletPos = Math.floor(Math.random()*3) + 1;
if(bulletPos == 1){
bullet.bulletYpos = megaphoneYpos[0] +25;
} else if (bulletPos == 2){
bullet.bulletYpos = megaphoneYpos[1] +25;
} else {
bullet.bulletYpos = megaphoneYpos[2] +25;
// this gives it a random chance to travle up or down
var POSorNEG = Math.floor(Math.random()*2)+1;
if(POSorNEG == 1){
bullet.bulletYspeed *= 1;
bullet.yspeedChanger *= 1
}else {
bullet.bulletYspeed *= -1;
bullet.yspeedChanger *= -1
}// end of if(bullet.bulletXpos <= 0 - bullet.BULLET_SIZE)
if(bullet.bulletYpos < 0 && bullet.bulletYspeed < 0){// if bullet hits the top edge it will bounce
bullet.bulletYspeed *= -1;
bullet.yspeedChanger *= -1;
if(bullet.bulletYpos > canvas.height - bullet.BULLET_SIZE && bullet.bulletYspeed > 0){// if bullet hits the bottom edge it will bounce
bullet.bulletYspeed *= -1;
bullet.yspeedChanger *= -1;
//this is the bullet movement with slomotion when the player is invincabil
if(bullet.bulletXpos > 0 - bullet.BULLET_SIZE && Invincability > 0){
bullet.bulletXpos -= (bullet.bulletXspeed + bullet.xspeedChanger / 500)/4;
bullet.bulletYpos += (bullet.bulletYspeed + bullet.yspeedChanger/500)/4;
if (bullet.xspeedChanger > -2000 && bullet.xspeedChanger < 2000){
bullet.xspeedChanger += (1*maxBullets)/1.4;// changes the bullet speedchanger over time
// this if tag means that if the bullet is going down then it will go fater down and if its going up that it will go faster up. otherwise the bullet would just cancel itself out
if (bullet.yspeedChanger >= 0){
bullet.yspeedChanger += (1*maxBullets)/1.4;
}else {
bullet.yspeedChanger -= (1*maxBullets)/1.4;
} else {// this is the bullet movement without slomotion
bullet.bulletXpos -= bullet.bulletXspeed + bullet.xspeedChanger / 500;
bullet.bulletYpos += bullet.bulletYspeed + bullet.yspeedChanger/500;
if (bullet.xspeedChanger > -2000 && bullet.xspeedChanger < 2000){
bullet.xspeedChanger += (1*maxBullets)/1.4;// changes the bullet speedchanger over time
// this if tag means that if the bullet is going down then it will go fater down and if its going up that it will go faster up. otherwise the bullet would just cancel itself out
if (bullet.yspeedChanger >= 0){
bullet.yspeedChanger += (1*maxBullets)/1.4 ;
}else {
bullet.yspeedChanger -= (1*maxBullets)/1.4;