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JonKing93 committed Apr 30, 2019
1 parent 6aa38fc commit 0b3d429
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Showing 12 changed files with 113 additions and 55 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion 1. File IO/Functions/metaGridfile.m
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% ----- Outputs -----
% meta: The metadata structure for the girdded .mat file.
% meta: The metadata structure for the gridded .mat file.
% dimID: The order of the dimensions of the saved gridded data.
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4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions 2. Design State Vector/Functions/addVariable.m
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% file: The name of the gridfile containing data for the variable.
% name: A name for the variable
% couple: A flag that specifies whether to couple the variable by default.'couple','nocouple'
% name: A name for the variable. Must be a string.
% ----- Outputs -----
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion 2. Design State Vector/Functions/copyIndices.m
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% design: A state vector design
% fromVar: The template variable
% fromVar: The template variable. The indices in the template variable will
% be copied into the other variables.
% toVars: The variables into which indices will be copied.
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13 changes: 12 additions & 1 deletion 3. Build Ensemble/Functions/addToEnsemble.m
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@@ -1,7 +1,18 @@
function[] = addToEnsemble( file, nNew )
%% Adds additional ensemble members to a prior model ensemble.
%% Adds additional ensemble members to a previously built ensemble. Will
% only select new ensemble members -- does not allow repeat draws.
% addToEnsemble( file, nNew )
% ----- Inputs -----
% file: The name of the .ens file containing the ensemble that should be
% given additional ensemble members.
% nNew: The number of new ensemble members to add.

% ----- Written By -----
% Jonathan King, University of Arizona, 2019

% Error check the file. Get a matfile object
m = ensFileCheck( file, 'write' );
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12 changes: 7 additions & 5 deletions 3. Build Ensemble/Functions/buildEnsemble.m
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@@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
function[] = buildEnsemble( design, nEns, file )
%% Builds an ensemble from a state vector design
%% Builds an ensemble from a state vector design and writes it to a .ens file.
% buildEnsemble( design, nEns )
% Builds a prior model ensemble.
% buildEnsemble( design, nEns, file )
% Builds a model ensemble. This is the prior for data assimilation.
% ----- Inputs -----
% design: A state vector design
% nEns: The number of ensemble members
% nEns: The number of ensemble members desired
% file: The name of the file into which the model ensemble should be written.
% Must end with a ".ens" extension.
% ----- Outputs -----
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16 changes: 15 additions & 1 deletion 3. Build Ensemble/Functions/loadEnsembleMeta.m
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% ----- Inputs -----
% file: a .ens file (created by "buildEnsemble.m")
% file: a .ens file containing a model ensemble.
% ----- Outputs -----
% ensMeta: Metadata for the ensemble. This is a structure with a field for
% each dimension. Each dimension consists of a (nState x 1) cell
% containing the dimensional metadata for each state element.
% design: The stateDesign object associated with the ensemble.
% ensSize: The size of the ensemble.

% ----- Written By -----
% Jonathan King, University of Arizona, 2019

% Check for .ens file. Get matfile object.
m = ensFileCheck(file, 'load');
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48 changes: 34 additions & 14 deletions 5. Data Assimilation/Functions/covLocalization.m
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@@ -1,16 +1,22 @@
function[weights, yloc] = covLocalization( siteCoord, ensMeta, R, scale)
%% Calculates the weights for covariance localization at a site.
% weights = covLocalization( siteCoord, stateCoord, R )
% Creates a covariance localization with a cutoff radius R. Based on a
% Gaspari-Cohn function.
% weights = covLocalization( siteCoord, stateCoord, R, 'optimal')
% Uses an optimal length scale of sqrt(10/3) for the localization radius
% based on Lorenc, 2003.
% [w, yloc] = covLocalization( siteCoord, ensMeta, R )
% Calculates covariance localization weights based on site coordinates and
% ensemble metadata. Does not localize spatial means.
% [w, yloc] = covLocalization( siteCoord, stateCoord, R )
% Calculates covariance localization weights based on user-defined state
% vector coordinates.
% covLocalization( ..., scale )
% Specifies the length scale to use for the localization weights. This
% adjusts how quickly localization weights decrease as they approach the
% cutoff radius. Must be a scalar on the interval (0, 0.5]. Default is 0.5.
% covLocalization( ..., 'optimal' )
% Uses the optimal length scale of sqrt(10/3) based on Lorenc, 2003.
% weights = covLocalization( siteCoord, stateCoord, R, scale)
% User specified length scale. Scale must be a scalar on the interval (0, 0.5].
% ***** Explanation of length scales and R
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% ----- Inputs -----
% site: The set of site coordinates, latitude x longitude. (nObs x 2)
% siteCoord: The set of observation site coordinates. A two-column matrix. First column
% is latitude, second is longitude. Supports both 0-360 and
% -180 to 180 longitude coordinates. (nObs x 2)
% coords: The ensemble metadata, latitude x longitude.
% Non-localizable state variables (e.g. spatial means) should use NaN
% coordinates to prevent localization. (nState x 2)
% ensMeta: A set of ensemble metadata.
% stateCoord: A set of user defined state coordinates. A two column matrix:
% first column is latitude, second is longitude. Supports both 0-360 and
% 180 to -180 longitude coordinates.
% R: The cutoff radius. All covariance outside of this radius will be
% eliminated.
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% ----- Outputs -----
% weights: The localization weights for each site. (nState x nObs)
% w: The localization weights between each site and each state vector element. (nState x nObs)
% yloc: The localization weights between the observations sites. (Required
% localization with a joint update scheme. (nObs x nObs)

% ----- Sources -----
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% Arizona, 08 Nov 2018.
% Modified to included variable/optimal length scales by Jonathan King.
% Y localization weights by Jonathan King

% Check that the site coordinates are a 2 column matirx
if ~ismatrix(siteCoord) || size(siteCoord,2) ~= 2
error('Site coordinates must be a two column matrix.');

% If ensemble metadata, get the lat-lon metadata
if isstruct( ensMeta )
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34 changes: 20 additions & 14 deletions 5. Data Assimilation/Functions/dash.m
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% w: Model-estimate covariance localization weights. Applied to the Kalman
% numerator. Required for localization in both serial and joint update
% schemes. (nState x nObs)
% schemes. See the covLocalization.m function. (nState x nObs)
% yloc: Estimate-estimate covariance localization weights. Applied to the
% Kalman denominator. Only required for localization with a joint
% update scheme. (nObs x nObs)
% update scheme. See the covLocalization.m function. (nObs x nObs)
% ----- Outputs -----
% Amean: Update analysis mean. (nState x nTime).
% Amean: Updated ensemble mean. (nState x nTime).
% Avar: Update analysis variance (nState x nTime).
% Avar: Update ensemble variance (nState x nTime).
% Ye: Model estimates.
% serial DA: (nObs x nEns x nTime)
% joint DA: (nObs x nEns)
% Yi: The initial model estimate for the appended Ye method. (nObs x nEns)
% serial DA: (nObs x nEns x nTime)
% *** Note that serial appended DA returns the Ye values actually
% used to update the ensemble, which will differ from the initial and
% final Ye estimates. ***
% Yu: The model estimate used to update each time step for the appended Ye
% method. (nObs x nEns x nTime)
% R: The R values used to update the ensemble. Includes R values
% dynamically generated by PSMs. (nObs x nTime)
% Yf: The final model estimate for each time step. (nObs x nEns x nTime)
% update: A boolean array indicating which observations were used to update
% each time step. (nObs x nTime)

% ----- Written By -----
% Jonathan King, University of Arizona, 2019
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[serial, append, inflate, localize, meanOnly] = parseInputs( varargin, {'serial','append','inflate','localize','meanOnly'}, ...
{false, false, 1, [], []}, {[],[],[],[],[]} );

% Error check. Get w and yloc if unspecified.
[w, yloc] = setup( M, D, R, F, inflate, localize, serial, append, meanOnly );
% Error check. Get default inflation and covariance localization if
% unspecified
[inflate, w, yloc] = setup( M, D, R, F, inflate, localize, serial, append, meanOnly );

% Apply the inflation factor
M = inflateEnsemble( inflate, M );
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function[w, yloc] = setup( M, D, R, F, inflate, localize, serial, append, meanOnly )
%% Error checking and default values
function[inflate, w, yloc] = setup( M, D, R, F, inflate, localize, serial, append, meanOnly )

% Check that M is a matrix of real, numeric value without NaN or Inf
if ~ismatrix(M) || ~isreal(M) || ~isnumeric(M) || any(isinf(M(:))) || any(isnan(M(:)))
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%% Inflation

% Inflation factor
if ~isscalar(inflate) || inflate<=0 || isinf(inflate) || isnan(inflate) || ~isnumeric(inflate)
if isempty(inflate)
inflate = 1;
elseif ~isscalar(inflate) || inflate<=0 || isinf(inflate) || isnan(inflate) || ~isnumeric(inflate)
error('The inflation factor must be a scalar greater than 0. It must be real, numeric, finite and not NaN.');

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11 changes: 7 additions & 4 deletions 5. Data Assimilation/Functions/regridAnalysis.m
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% ----- Inputs -----
% A: The mean or variance state vector from a particular time step of an
% udpate analysis. (nState x 1)
% A: A state vector. Typically, the updated ensemble mean or variance (nState x 1).
% var: The name of a variable. Must be a string.
% ensMeta: Ensemble metadata
% ensMeta: The ensemble metadata
% design: A state vector design.
% ----- Outputs -----
% rA: A regridded analysis for one variable.
% dimID: The dimensional ordering of the regridded variable.
% dimID: The order of the dimensions for the regridded variable.

% ----- Written By -----
% Jonathan King, University of Arizona, 2019

% Check for nosqueeze
nosqueeze = parseInputs( varargin, {'nosqueeze'}, {false}, {'b'} );
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11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions 5. Data Assimilation/Functions/regridTripolar.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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% ----- Inputs -----
% A: The mean or variance state vector from a particular time step of an
% udpate analysis. (nState x 1)
% A: A state vector. Typically the updated ensemble mean or variance. (nState x 1)
% var: The name of a variable. Must be a string.
% ensMeta: Ensemble metadata
% design: A state vector design.
% design: The state vector design for this analysis.
% ocnDex: A set of logical indices that point to non-nan indices on a
% tripolar grid. (nTripole x 1)
% tripolar grid. Typically, the indices of ocean grid nodes. (nTripole x 1)
% gridSize: size of the original tripolar grid. (2 x 1)
% ----- Outputs -----
% rA: A regridded analysis for one variable.
% dimID: The dimensional ordering of the regridded variable.
% dimID: The dimensional ordering of the regridded variable. Tri1 and tri2
% are the first and second dimensions associated with the original
% tripolar grid.

% ----- Written by -----
% Jonathan King, University of Arizona, 2019
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions 5. Data Assimilation/Utilities/Ensrf/jointENSRF.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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Knum = jointKalman( 'Knum', Mdev, Ydev, w );

% For each time step
for t = 1:nTime
parfor t = 1:nTime

% Update using obs that are not NaN
update(:,t) = update(:,t) & ~isnan( D(:,t) );
obs = update(:,t);

% Get the full kalman gain and kalman denominator
[K, Kdenom] = jointKalman( 'K', Knum(:,obs), Ydev(obs,:), yloc(obs,obs), R(obs,t) );
[K, Kdenom] = jointKalman( 'K', Knum(:,obs), Ydev(obs,:), yloc(obs,obs), R(obs,t) ); %#ok<PFBNS>

% Update the mean
Amean(:,t) = Mmean + K * ( D(obs,t) - Ymean(obs) );
Amean(:,t) = Mmean + K * ( D(obs,t) - Ymean(obs) ); %#ok<PFBNS>
K = []; %#ok<NASGU> (Free up memory)

% If returning variance
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Ka = jointKalman( 'Ka', Knum(:,obs), Kdenom, R(obs,t) );

% Update the deviations and get the variance
Avar(:,t) = var( Mdev - Ka * Ydev(obs,:), 0, 2 ); %#ok<AGROW>
Avar(:,t) = var( Mdev - Ka * Ydev(obs,:), 0, 2 );

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6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions 5. Data Assimilation/Utilities/Ensrf/serialENSRF.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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% ----- Outputs -----
% A: The mean and variance of the analysis ensemble. (nState x nTime x 2)
% Amean: Updated ensemble mean (nState x nTime)
% Y: The model estimates used for each update. (nObs x nEns x nTime)
% Avar: Updated ensemble variance (nState x nTime)
% Ye: Proxy estimates. (nObs x nEns x nTime)

% ----- Written By -----
% Jonathan King, University of Arizona, 2019
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