Towerdefensegame with "CreepyMinions"!
Place your Towers and block the way of the CreepyMinions! Let them walk to your Castle how YOU like it! But be Careful, every Minion takes one Villiger to his Mothership! Don't let them escape!
All assets by Background music by Hadal Music
slow tower
- add sound
- 2 upgrade paths:
- better slow
- stun - but no slow
normal Tower
- 2 paths
- Attackspeed
- Damage
- 2 paths
fire Tower
- 2 paths
- attackspeed
- damage
- add sound
- 2 paths
support Tower (green?)
- sound
- unhide invisible enemys
- increases atkspeed(t1), dmg(t2), money(t3)?, 3x runes(t4)?
- costs:
- t1: 1HR
- t2: 5HR
- t3: 5HR 5DR 5FR 5IR
- t4: 10HR 10DR 10FR 10IR
- costs:
- sound
- massive range
- 2 paths
- damage
- atkspeed
- sound
- dot
- 2 paths
- more dmg
- more time
- death sound?
- walk animation
- Enemy types:
- boss
- fast
- slow immune
- fire immune
- invisible
- menu at start
- lose screen
- background music
- pausemenu
- +damage Button
- +speed Button
- first wave got normal speed, all next waves are slowed