This project is born from a IoT school work. We needed to connect the Adafruit NeoPixel rings (16 leds and 12 leds) to a Raspberry Py but we haven't anthing exepect the leds and the wires. After seeking on the web I found this tutorial which help me a lot. In order to simply a little more the process, I decided to create in Docker container which will contained all the stuff needed in order to be able to make the leds works just with a docker pull
and a docker run
. Futhermore to make the led utilisation really user friedly and compliant with IoT pusrpose, I wanted to add Node-RED to the container.
This projet is born thanks to:
- Jeremy Garff rpi_ws281x library (BSD-2-Clause license):
- Frederick Vandenbosch tutorial:
The docker file is pretty simple, from the official Node-RED image it install the needed package and clone the rpi_ws281x library and initialise the evirnomment. I add some personnal scripts to use basic feature of the leds.
$> docker pull johanncoste/rpi_ws281x_nodered:latest
$> git clone .
$> cd docker-nodered-rpi_ws281x
$> docker build -t rpi_ws281x_nodered .
Beacause of GPIO access, you have to run the container in privileged mode:
docker run -p 1880:1880 --privileged johanncoste/rpi_ws281x_nodered
It's first a Node-RED container so to access it you have to connect to:
by the IP adress of your device
There is some default python scripts that will be move inside the container at the root. You case use them directly with Node-RED:
/ r v b blink
will light up the led with ther
color and the led will blink with a frequency ofblink
will just display some colors on the leds, you can use it to test if all is correctly wired.
You may have to edit the # LED strip configuration
section of them in order to change the number of leds of you device etc.
There is also a Json flow color_flow.json
that will show you an exemple of the script usage via Node-RED. You have to import it manually via the Import
option in Node-RED.
You will find Fritzing file in the fritzing
directory (you can download fritzing here).