Using the style created by Chris Banes and recently implemented in the newest Gmail app, this is the easiest-to-implement Pull-to-Refresh possible.
instructions for use:
1: Add to your own files source files.
2: Add RefreshableListView custom view to your layout file(possibly replacing a regular ListView).
android:layout_height="match_parent" >
3: In the activity's onCreate method set the onListRefreshListener and the onListLoadMoreListener.
4: Treat the RefreshableListView as a regular list and set your adapter.
ListAdapter adapter = new someAdapter<someType>(...);
5: (Optionally) You can adjust the threshold for drag length and the number of items from the bottom before a call to load more items;
6: Make a call to finishRefresh()
or finishLoadMore()
to notify the list that the refresh or load is finished.
7: To interact with this list like the the stock ListView, simply access it.
List.getListView().setAdapter(adapter); //This also sets the adapter
To change the color of the loading bar, manipulate the PNG's Warning: changing the width might lead to some issue
I can safely assume that this works on all versions of android (unlike the original wutwut).
Created by Joe Dailey
This content is released under the MIT License.
Official Sample:
Please feel free to submit pull requests!
Please also feel free to put a link to your project that uses this project at the bottom of this README!