A PHP client for Tickspot API. Currently supports v2 of the API.
>= 5.5.0
- guzzlehttp/guzzle
- mefworks/log
- phpunit/phpunit
##Available endpoints
- Entry
- Task
- Project
###Credentials Get your access token and subscription ID from Tickspot
###API calls
All calls to Tickspot's API are made over HTTPS protocol.
// Make sure you require autoload file somewhere
require_once "../vendor/autoload.php";
use Jobsity\PhpTick\Tick;
// Get instance of Tick client
$tick = Tick::getInstance($subscriptionId, $accessToken, 'CompanyName', '[email protected]');
// Start using the api
// Get entries created after 2015-11-14
// Get entry by its id
// Create entry with required parameters: hours, date, notes and task which entry belongs
$tick->entry->create(5, '2015-11-14', 'notes', '687756');
// Update entry atributes, with entry id as first parameter and hours as parameter for update
$tick->entry->update('56565', 3);
// Delete entry by its id