Linux/Mac OSX | Windows |
OTL is a Modern C++ Orbital Mechanics library for general Keplerian orbit trajectory computation.
This project is very much a work in progress. Feel free to fork and do with it as you like. The license is very liberal. Some of the design and configuration is inspired by SFML.
- Cross-platform (Windows, Linux, Mac OSX)
- Object-oriented C++11
- Epoch system supporting multiple formats (MJD2000, Gregorian, etc.)
- State Vector & Orbital Elements conversions
- Lambert's Problem solver
- Propagation
- Ephemeris
- Analytical
- SGP4
- Flybys
- Multiple gravity assist trajectories with deep space maneuvers (MGADSM)
- MATLAB interface
- Well documented
- Unit tested
- First, acquire the source code by cloning the git repository (these instructions assume you download the source to C:/OTL):
git clone https::/
- Download CMake (last built using version 3.5.2 using "cmake-3.5.2-win32-x86.msi")
- Note: Recommend adding CMake to system path (not done by default in installer)
- Launch CMake dialog
- Set source directory to root directory e.g. "C:/OTL"
- Create a build directory e.g. "C:/OTL/build"
- Set build directory created in step 5
- Click Configure
- Select compiler when prompted (last built using Visual Studio 14 2015)
- Uncheck the following unless you downloaded the external dependencies (see below)
- Click Generate
- Open the generated Visual Studio solution file "C:/OTL/build/OTL.sln"
- Build solution in Debug
- The built static libraries can be found at "C:/OTL/build/lib".
- Run the unit tests by opening a command prompt at "C:/OTL/build/bin" and typing "otl-unit-test-d"
- First, acquire the source code by cloning the git repository (these instructions assume you download the source to /Users/username/OTL):
git clone https::/
- Download CMake (last built using version 3.5.2 using "cmake-3.5.2-Darwin-x86_64.dmg")
- Launch CMake dialog
- Set source directory to root directory e.g. "/Users/username/OTL"
- Create a build directory e.g. "/Users/username/OTL/build"
- Set build directory created in step 5
- Click Configure
- Select compiler when prompted (last built using XCode 7.3)
- Uncheck the following unless you downloaded the external dependencies (see below)
- Click Generate
- Open the generated XCode project "/Users/username/OTL/build/OTL.xcode"
- Build solution in Debug
- The built static libraries can be found at "/Users/username/OTL/build/lib".
- Run the unit tests by opening a command prompt at "/Users/username/OTL/build/bin" and typing "otl-unit-test-d"
- Eigen (v3.2.8)
- Spdlog
- niek-ephem
- Catch (v1.5.6)
- FakeIt (v2.0.2)
- CSPICE (last tested using "PC, Windows, MS Visual C, 32bit")
- SGP4 (source is located at the bottom of the page)
- Jason Bryan - main developer ([email protected])