See the ESRI Story Maps formatted user guide for instructions on how to use the FOSSFlood application and other documentation.
FOSSFlood is a Free & Open Source, GUI driven application built on a combination of R, Leaflet, and Shiny that removes the barriers of entry and allows anyone to take National Water Model forecasts and transform them into actionable intelligence.
I'm in a rush, TL;DR? FOSSFlood is Free and Open Source, GUI based, accessible, flood impact mapping software. To execute it:
- download this repository
- unzip it
- double click the RunMe.hta,
- specify an area (via zip code or other common flood units), and
- explore the outputs!
Find or encounter an error? Perform the following steps:
- Close the program and delete the contents of the /AOI/ folder. 1A) Ensure you have requested a valid area and entered the zip codes in the correct format.
- Restart the PC at least twice.
- Attempt to run the program on a virtual machine.
- If the error persists, without closing the RunMe.hta dialog, copy the ShinyApp.log file and email it to me and we'll debug it as best we can.
Known bugs/To Do:
Global file:
- NWIS cleaning, validation, error checking
- OpenAddress database cleanup is aggressive
- Add backups for base data download and flood mapping (archived code)
- shut down shiny server on idle fix
- UI flickering
- Title page references featurefile (does not exist with aoi calls)