Apple has an utility called tccutil that only allows you to reset all decisions for the specified service. However, tccutil doesn't offer much functionality, for that reason tccutil2 is created
tccutil2 is an utility made in Go that allows you modify OS X's Accessibility Database from the command line. You will be able to list all the current service registered in the Accessibility Database, as well as disable/enable and add/remove them.
Download from the releases page the latest tccutil2 binary. As it is an out-of-the-box utility it doesn't require of any extra configuration.
Once the binary is download you can just executed it by the command line:
$ sudo tccutil2 --help
tccutil2 requires of super-user priveleges to execute the operations.
$ ./tccutil2 --help
tccutil2 allow you modify OS X's Accessibility Database from the command line (
tccutil2 [flags]
tccutil2 [command]
Available Commands:
add Add new clients to the database
disable Disable the given clients
enable Enable the given clients
list List all the current clients registered.
remove Remove clients from the database
version Print the version number of tccutil2
Use "tccutil2 [command] --help" for more information about a command.
List all the services/clients registered
→ sudo ./tccutil2 list
Enable services/clients
→ sudo ./tccutil2 enable com.divisiblebyzero.Spectacle
Disable services/clients
→ sudo ./tccutil2 disable com.divisiblebyzero.Spectacle
Remove services/clients from the database
→ sudo ./tccutil2 remove com.divisiblebyzero.Spectacle
Add services/clients to the database
→ sudo ./tccutil2 add com.divisiblebyzero.Spectacle
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome.