Flutter project destined to listening music from your Google Drive. Your online music, everywhere.
Run flutter run "lib/main.dart" --web-port=8080
for a web compatible version.
Otherwise, run flutter run "lib/main.dart"
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to implement : adaptive_theme
- appBar buttons
- Examples : Cookbook on Navigation
- Navigator stack
- MaterialPageRoutes(linked w/ navigator)
- basic data fetching
followed for encryption : https://medium.com/@joshua.akers/storing-hive-encryption-keys-in-flutter-47a7c037d637
todo : add keychain support (macOs) https://developer.apple.com/documentation/security/keychain_services/keychain_items/sharing_access_to_keychain_items_among_a_collection_of_apps
todo : https://flutter.dev/desktop#entitlements-and-the-app-sandbox