Last added into [BetterExplorer] ( 9.2.2012 (9 Feb)
Contact JaykeBird by clicking on his name at the top of the page and click on the e-mail link. He will create the translation file for you and add it here for you to edit.
Log in to GitHub (if you do not have an account, see "I do not have a GitHub account" below) and click on the file you wish to edit.
Then click on "Edit this file" and edit the translations.
When you're done, scroll to the bottom of the page and add a message and then click "Commit changes".
That's all!
JaykeBird highly recommends you make your own account by clicking on Register at the top of the page. Then contact JaykeBird and he will add your name to the project.
If you do not wish to create a new account, download all of the files by clicking on "ZIP" at the top of this page. Open the file you want to edit in Notepad, and when you're done, send it to JaykeBird's email.
Create an issue about it on the Issues page, and both should explain your reasons for why you want to use your own translation. If you guys solve the problem by yourself, that's great! If you need me though, add the "jaykebird" label and I will look when I can.
You are always free to contact me by clicking on my name in the top-left corner and clicking on my e-mail address.