CMP1903M Object Oriented Programming (Assessment 1)
This is the first assessment for the Object Oriented Programming module. Our task is to implement the D'Hondt method of proportional representaion using C#. Parties participating in this voting system list their top candidates in order so if the party wins a seat their first choice will be given the seat. The party with the most votes wins a seat and then their vote is divided by one plus the number of seats they have. So if a party has one seat their total vote is divided by two. After the votes have been updated, the party with highest votes tally now gets a seat and the same process applies to them. This continues until all the seats in the region have been allocated.
For a more detailed description visit the following sites:
The names of our group members:
Arvaidas Semeniuk
Joshua Parker
Cameron Mooney
Paul Smith
Jakub Paradowski