Releases: Jawnnypoo/PhysicsLayout
Releases · Jawnnypoo/PhysicsLayout
Same as 3.0.0 but released to Maven Central
PhysicsLayout is now written in Kotlin! A few things changed with the API, but you should be able to migrate using the sample project or the README as a reference. If you were using PhysicsLayout only using XML, you should be good to go right away!
Allow for hooking into the events of Physics more via OnPhysicsProcessedListener
or OnBodyCreatedListener
This release is a 2.0 even though many APIs have remained relatively the same, it adds support for:
-Parsing the XML properties of children
-Simply PhysicsConfig to work more like their Box2D counterparts
-Process the Physics body that is currently being dragged
First release. Please leave feedback and log issues on here and I will do my best to take care of them.