- Operating System: Win10
- Programming Languages: C
- IDE: CLion 2021.3 Community Edition
- All codes are related to labs and assignments and all codes were uploaded after the assignment deadline, all personal information is taken from the University's public website.
All the problems the title come from this site https://student.csc.liv.ac.uk/JudgeOnline/problemset.php
My aim is to get first in every problem's status on this website,to achieve this, I try to keep the size of my code as small as possible, which means I use a lot of single-character variable names and meaningless function names (Never use meaningless variable names and meaningless function names, unless it's just a robot check your code), which will take you extra time to understand my code, and that's how you learn!
- Year: Session 2021-22
- Semester: Second Semester
- Lectuer: Mr P Jimmieson (One of my favorite lecturers)
- Assignment 1: 94
- Assignment 2: 98