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An application to Track and Modify Todos

The approach that I took (especially with iterative development) is to implement a simple solution and then refactor as necessary later.
This keeps the code as simple as possible, and avoids over-engineering.

Overall Architecture - Since this is a simple application, I used ASP.NET MVC for the web application with an N-Tier Architecture. The main components are : TodoTrackerData - Handles the Todo Repo to connect to the Repository TodoTrackerBiz/Service - Handles Business Logic and future Validation TodoTracker - The UI layer TodoTrackerModels - POCO class to contain data transfer objects


SQLite as the back end database Currently one table to hold tasks, this contains the following columns Requester - The Person making the request of the Todo Assignee - The Person assigned to do the Todo Due Date - The date the Todo is due to be completed Description - A description of the Todo IsCompleted - Is the task completed?

Dapper - ORM Since you mentioned that you use Dapper as part of your ORM, I decided to try that and use that to connect to the database and to run SQL commands against it.


Dependency Injection Unity is used as the DI Module, at this point, it only targets my Service/Biz layer

TodoTracker Angular 1.0 used for my Javascript framework Bootstrap used for CSS styling

TodoTrackerTests The first iteration of tests that I used are MSTest Integration tests, not pure Unit tests. This was to test the functionality of the SQL Statements. I agree that these are not Unit Tests, but I feel that they are still useful to test the functionality of the database integration

			There are some MOQ test implementations as well that use NUnit as their testing framework

Logging NLog is providing the basic logging for the application. It logs to a simple text file with basic settings (INFO, DEBUG, ERROR, etc)

Future Features Add administration section to create users to assign to tasks Change MVC to Web Api to allow for greater routing flexibility Upgrade Angular 1 to Angular 4 TypeScript Add more unit testing around business logic Create a section to see archived Todo