Bomber 31-12-21
Detailed list of changes made up to 31-12-21:
- The game migrated to the Unreal Engine 5.
- Added sounds (background music, UI, in-game sounds) and sliders to tweak volumes in Settings Audio tab (Master, Music and SFX).
- Added Controls tab in Settings to allow player remap input keys.
- New bomb explosion VFX.
- UI animations on switching levels in the Main Menu.
- Gamepad and keyboard are now fully functional for all user interfaces (except Settings), so it's possible to play the game without touching the mouse.
- Added the game icon.
- Complex bomb collisions by channels to allow a bomb blocks each player individually.
- Clear the amount of items on the avatar after death.
- Fixed affecting level lights on preview meshes in Main Menu and HUD.
- Fixed the nickname can't have numbers, non-English lang and lowercase.
- Fixed the 'Uncapped' Framerate Lock can't be chosen.
- Fixed Left\Right menu buttons can't be pressed when mouse cursor collides with the dancing mesh.
- Fixed the map generates unaccessible boxes.
- FIxed player can select by mouse the Lose, Win, Draw words.
- Fixed levels in build are named as numeric(First, Second etc) instead names (Maya,City etc).
- Fixed the game window size is not locked and player is able to change its resolution outside the game settings.
- Fixed the 'Player Name' setting does not have the max limit of characters.
- Fixed the menu PIE button can't be highlighted on opening the packaged game.
- Fixed the 'Custom' Overal quality does not disappear if all qualities are the same.
- Fixed the mouse cursor widget has wrong pivot.
- Fixed the 'Alt + Enter' does not update the «FullScreen» option and changes the «Screen Resolutions» option in settings.
- Fixed the resolution is extreamly low and scaled on low quality settings.
- Fixed the players counter shows the wrong amount of players for Win and Draw.
- Fixed the in-game timer starts together with countdown timer after restarting the game.